Fuck Blizzard
Fuck this game
I've got like 11k healing points, 8 resurrections, I was saving my teammates from death whenever I could, I was like 90% of time on fire, but we have lost, and a FUCKING ROADHOG got more honours than me, when only thing he had done was stopping the payload and getting people on hook. And I gained like fucking half of exp which I could get if I was playing like soldier or reinhardt.
Seriously, go fuck yourself blizzard, fix it or I'll never play support again
Fuck you
Fuck Blizzard
>Another Overwatch bitch thread
Just let this get to the trash where it belongs, don't bother replying
>11k healing
Lucio is laughing at you.
kys loser
>mercy fags
>He didn't realize after the first day
That's why I switched to 76, 5 medals
Fuck this whiny shit, post Mei!
If you're only playing for personal gain, you shouldn't be playing support. Support is about supporting your team and helping everyone do better together. That Roadhog would've sucked if you weren't there helping out. Don't bitch, just play soldier or mccree if you want to run around and be the hero, but don't expect people to feel sorry for you.
The problem is hes playing a game that revolves around the illusion that what you do matters.
>And I gained like fucking half of exp which I could get if I was playing like soldier or reinhardt
That's false though. XP is mostly based on time played, then with bonuses from earning a medal (doesn't stack), winning, and first win of the day, then modifiers for group or leaver penalty. Person performance, besides the small medal bonus, doesn't effect xp gain
>mei is fat meme
>play support
>not used to being thankless winner behind the scenes
You're no healslut.
It does. You can't singlehandedly carry your team, but your actions as a group completely matter. The problem is that a load of people on PC don't ever use mics, and just play as a team of 6 solo players doing their own thing. If you talk and plan your approach then everything that everyone does is important and hugely affects the overall match.
>that face
what an insufferable pussy you must be
>gets mad at blizzard
>for what the fans do
>not lucio
mercy sucks ass and zenyatta is better in every way now, you deserve the worst you passive scrub
Fucking gay little autistic nerd.
I really don't get why they made Mercy the worst Healer in the game. She literally cannot do anything other than Heal or Damage boosr while every other Healer than passively heal while doing other shit and Mercy's healing is a poultry 20 points higher per second.
On top of zero mobility and shit damage.
>since the beginning Lucio has had a near 100% pick rate or close to it
>still hasn't been nerfed
Because she can literally bring the whole team back to life, you dummy. Her ult is one of the best abilities in the game.
>Playing Mercy when Lucio exists
You're literally holding your team back. Be glad you're just earning less good boy points instead of outright being banned.
if her healing wasnt compete trash she wouldnt need to revive teammates.
Git gud
>zero mobility
>can fucking fly
Mercy isn't too great as a solo healer (even though she's the purest healer in the game in terms of playstyle) but alongside a Lucio she's a beast. She can hold up the whole team and focus on an almost constant damage boost to the strongest heroes instead of having to shift focus and play keep-up with everyone's healthbars over small damage. Lucio is the best general healer but even then he's pretty bad at saving individual heroes who drop to critical, and Zen's healing is too slow to save someone quickly enough.
Don't need to revive if you can keep them alive
On the one hand I like playing Mercy. She's comfy, can bounce back and forth and heals really well on single targets. I like using her pistol more than Lucios dumb gun. On the other hand I realize the other healers are usually better, especially Zenyatta with his buff. But man, playing Mercy always calms me down.
>can fly
provided a team mate is close enough, if she's not in that range she's a sitting duck. literally the most defenseless character in the game
And yet no one uses her, her Ult got nerfed too hard while giving her nothing at all to compensate. They should buff her individual healing to 60 or even 70, Mercy needs to commit to heal.
That's why your team protects your healer. Healers are traditionally squishy and not amazing at direct combat. Play with a better team.
>Lucio can't save individual heroes at critical
Stop wasting amp it up when the gate opens
Genji spawns on enemy team Lucioball and kills us w sword ult.
Teammate spawns as Widowmaker and misses a thousand times and has useless ult. Down 1-4. Starts using automatic bullets mowing down Lucios. Get 3-4. 5 seconds left I hail marry the ball and widow right next to the goal punches it in at .07 seconds remaining. Win in overtime.
Happening to anyone else?
My point is that you end up using your healing boost when someone is on critical, and that's it for the next few seconds. If someone else gets critical within that timeframe, you have to rely on your passive healing to sort them out. Realistically in a firefight with multiple characters per side you're going to need to top people up more than once every 7-8 seconds.
>Get a summer box
>It has a fucking Mei victory pose
>Fuck Mei
I've realized that people who play healers don't even play it because they like it, they play it for the little bit of vanity they get from cards.
Kind of a sad bunch.