So how crazy is South Korean getting with the censorship, regulations, and so on?
So how crazy is South Korean getting with the censorship, regulations, and so on?
They ban porn. No joke
google megalia
south korea is literally the most cucked country on this planet
there are clinically insane feminists who torture and kill male babies, and half the country supports them.
this isn't only about video games for them, they're destroying their entire society.
they also spread north korean propaganda.
So does the other half just bite their tongues then? I mean hell, the sex appeal in their shitty games is all they have, and if they lose that, they what the fuck is the point?
And how long has this shit been going on?
Another country to feel superior to
this started around may when a dude with schizophrenia stabbed and killed a young woman in gangnam. feminazis went batshit insane after that incident, and screem muhsoggyknees at anyone who disagrees with them.
in july nexon fired a voice actress for openly supporting these extremist feminists, but they got a huge backlash by most vidya devs who support them as well. cue massive censoring. this is super high priority for them.
just as an example, the OP image shows a censored outfit from blade & soul, the censoring update was released worldwide 2 weeks after announcing coming censorship. actually important updates like class balancing and game optimization on the other hand are lagging behind MONTHS in the west.
Where can I read more? This is fascinating, and I used to know people who thought SK was great and the next Japan
Shit, man.That can't be real.
most of the stuff online is in korean, the west hardly covers this shit at all
i couldn't believe it either at first, thought it was Sup Forums shitposting, but it's actually real
these women get abortions when they become pregnant with boys, the post pictures online of babies with cut off dicks etc.
literally fucking insane
>SK was great and the next Japan
Every person I knew that told me this only ever talked about K-Pop.
Dont forget the deep Kdramas
Were they korean? Korea is more xenophobic than Japan. South Korea's pledge of alleigance used to not even pledge to the nation, but the Korean race. Similarly, their military swore alleigance to the Korean race too. They literally considered being biracial a disability and a bar to service.
Only Koreans think Koreans are great. That or people who haven't dealt with the culture.
How beta are SK males? If they are on average as beta as any other asian they are completely screwed.
Like all entertainment industries, they push the limits.
Foreigners with lewd games? Banned.
Our people making lewd games? Acceptable.
Actually, if this is all going on, then how do they handle how some of the K-pop artists dance around on stage, trusting their hips and not wearing a lot of clothing? Did they stop all them from continuing that, or is this a pretty double standard movement?
Nah I dont know any asians, they were normalfags.
Korea was all the rage among them a few years back
Did it happen to coincide with Psy's overseas popularity?
>Our people making lewd games? Acceptable.
But they're not censoring the lewd games they've made.
Men get arrested for watching porn there
not = now
Thats what happens when you raise a generation of girls telling them that they can do no wrong and that because they have a vagina they are entitled to everything
We are creating psychopaths
Men of the world stop being pussy whipped and learn to tell women NO
Hardcore porn is banned, so all of their movies are basically softcore porn.
Dont forget they also have compulsory military service, most cucked men on earth probably
I'd believe once dated a girl who came over to visit from SK. Everything was good for awhile but eventually she went fucking insane, telling me that I should be sad everyday that I'm not born as a woman. Told her I was just happy in being myself, next thing I know she flips shit and says I'm a racist and being insensitive to her culture. last time I talked to her was when she wanted me to hop on a plane with her an elope to SK.
No wonder nips hate these retards.
>there are clinically insane feminists who torture and kill male babies, and half the country supports them.
Source for this?
google megalia, first result, scroll down a little
>I'm a racist and being insensitive to her culture
Fuck this, most god damned people don't even have one. Did you ever ask her what exactly her culture is? Getting upset at nudity and acting the victim is not a culture.
I've lived in K-Land for several years. It has its benefits but it's also annoying as fuck. It's like listening to a 5 year old tell a bunch of adults how great his fucking macaroni picture is.
Their arrogance is astounding especially considering they've only survived because other nicer countries tolerated or assisted them.
They're xenophobic and ignorant as fuck, and cowardly too. I've had several Korean guys in front of their friends or GFs try to get in my face in an effort to put the foreigner in his place, but after two seconds of glaring or just walking towards them, they look away, stutter, and run off.
The country is a joke and every Korean person who has lived abroad desperately wants out. I only tolerate because they pay me well, give me loads of time off, and as a foreigner, I exist outside of their culture and am not beholden to as much shit as the locals.
Also they're refusing to release Pokemon Go and I can't play Path of Exile over there for some reason.
I told you fuckers these pieces of shit won't go away and we must wage war on them. They are not people.
You should have told her that being a man is way better than being a woman.
We have 10% more brain tissue, we age better, and we dont let feelings control our actions as easily
Being born a woman is a disgrace, no wonder they are so angry, they are like midgets
I'd argue that's the only good thing about their society.
There should be something similar in the West, but make it optional but completing it is required to get certain rights such as the right to vote.
This. Being a gay man is objectively the best existence possible.
What all games have they started censoring?
Is it that bad in Korea?
I now live in Japan and it's pretty good here.
it's like living in hell i bet
better start repenting before you actually end up there
Be sure to have 10+ babies
>Did you ever ask her what exactly her culture is?
Damned if I know, I was still trying to figure out how someone who was dating some of another race could be racist. But she was really strict when it came to clothing, for instance I would go to the gym with a friend of mine who was a girl, and she eventually told me I needed to stop going to the gym with her because her workout gear showed her mid-drift. She later sent a voicemail to my friend threatening her and saying she looked like a total slut.
Who the fuck has babies nowadays?
North Korea needs to nuke that place already. The US should nuke both NK and China.
and that was when you fucked her in the butt for talking too much shit.... right?
Not virgins?
The only thing I know about Korea is that its technically better than China.
Have some anger.
Exactly we need more nips so they can write the LNs that will be made into animays in the future
sounds like id be put on a black list if i googled that
Clearly wrong considering the hook-up culture among young people.
I always confused both. Which Korea is best korea? I know one of them has tons of idols and girl groups and the other one is super poor and shitty.
Why is every country so awful except for america?
I mean we have problems but this shit sounds dystopian as fuck
no she never let me do anal sadly
Sup Forums is responsible for making Anita take off. Hourly fucking threads when it was barely anything.
>implying the feminist movement in the US isn't ruining things for everyone around the world
If BnS starts censoring things then what games stand a chance against censorship?
That new outfit is an atrocity.
Like I said, it's annoying but it ain't that bad as long as you got foreigner buddies or chilled out, non-traditional Korean pals to hang out with.
Sometimes the level of ignorance here is actually pretty kek-worthy.
As for women and the SJW types, women are treated as little else but baby makers and expected to sit down, shut up, and pump out babies to bring up the declining birth rate. Hell, up until 2011 it was still legal for a man to beat and rape his wife.
Women get treated like shit over there, so I dunno where all this dick-cutting and female entitlement in Korea is coming from.
There were a lot of protests in Gangman a month or two ago, and more protestors dipped their maxi-pads in red paint and stuck them to the side of Seoul Station, but that was hilarious. All these old stuck up Korean politicians lost their minds.
>Why is every country so awful except for america?
Judging by both of the bumblefucks running for President, we're fucked either way.
The president doesnt make the country
Its people do
They already shrunk her breasts before this change, so expect more of it to happen. BD, Archeage, and others are all starting to go through their outfits as well now. NCSoft mainly at the moment is doing it.
America is the reason Feminism is so shitty and it helped spread it to rest of the world.
heh i can see and understand why they make movies like I Saw the Devil now
>Its people do
Oh, then we've been fucked for years now.
Eh I would argue that the area in which the Feminist movement holds most of its power would be within England not the US.
Your country is the reason why feminism turned into this clusterfuck.
Nah. Never meet a Korean?
Chinese is fucking shit but Koreans are dogshit. They're like Chinese with inferiority complex but acting like fucking feminists
So the extreme feminists its a reactionary movement?
I can see why N.Korea wants to destroy them. They should hurry up.
>Korean ''males''
Feminist try that shit here in Latin America and they get beheaded.
God that movie made my dick hard.
This, koreans are really annoying. Seriously, they think they're the one who invented asian and the world
So we all agree Japan and China are the best asians right?
enjoy your favela
Go anywhere to see horror stories about chinks.
Better than feminism. At least I can get shot in head and keep my manliness and dignity.
Chinese girls are bretty good.
they have a bit of a smell though
If that's what's going on, yeah. Again, aside from some pretty normal protests, I haven't seen or heard much about extreme feminism in Kirea. No dick cutting, no aborting of male fetuses (abortion is illegal here and a massive taboo what with the low birth rate. ANY baby is treasured (but only if it has pure Korean blood, other babies are trash))
Women aren't treated quite as bad as women in the Middle East but it's shitty for them here. Some Canadian gal got raped in her own apartment and the cctv got the guy breaking in. Cops arrested him, but then let him go, no charges. Then he turned around and sued the woman for slander.
Korean women actually get it way worse. Shit sucks
Unrelated, I gotta use a proxy to watch porn. Korean porn is hilariously bad. Missionary style is like the most advanced thing. Maybe oral. Maybe.
Thailand has nice traps tho.
An egg roll smell? I love egg rolls.
The fan death thing always gets me the most. I lived with a dude in undergrad that honestly believed that shit.
Is Sup Forums blocked?
did she died?
The only thing that squigs me out about Korea is the measures that they're women take to look good. Pic related.
Not egg roll, it was more like when you leave your wet laundry in the wash for way too long.
Only Japan and Hong Kong, the koreas are shit.
Oh yeah, people are superstitious as hell and its a riot.
-The number 4 is lethal
-Writing a name in red ink will curse/kill that person. I've had grown adults panic and rip a red pen out of my hand.
-electric fans in closed rooms either chop up air particles or create a vortex that sucks up oxygen and makes you suffocate. Fans you get from the store have warnings printed on the box telling you to never operate a fan in an enclosed space.
-Dog meat makes you strong and keeps you cool in summer (beating the dog to death with a steel pipe or toasting it alive are supposed to make the dog meat taste better)
-sharing a public bath with foreigners can give you HIV
-and basically anything they say about their own history. To hear them tell it. They invented sushi, ramen, and basically everything else.
And again loads of people of all ages 100% buy into all of this
Here let me post a better one
Sometimes yes sometimes no. It's weird.
I'm guessing it's because of how quickly they've modernized. Superstition is universal to impoverished countries, and SK is just a few generations out of that hole now.
She looks worse now honestly
I'm a gook, and yes SK is as bad as you would think.
>mandatory military service
A 2 year sentence to the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no internet and wasting your precious youth. Believe it or not, it was even worse in the past(like getting beat up and abused by seniors worse). And since women are exempt from service they basically get a two year head start in life.
>internet censorship
No porn, no vidya past 10, no nork propaganda, etc. At least it it's better than china.
Those radical feminists definitely stir up alot of shit here. People actually get arrested because of it. I believe there was a similar incident a few years back with another radical feminist site that caused a shitstorm too.
Everyone is an ignorant retard with no independent thoughts whatsoever so it isn't surprising that the majority are conformist bigots. Competition is crazy high here so everyone tries their hardest to one-up everyone without even knowing what they're actually doing.
>sharing a public bath with foreigners can give you HIV
This one is the one that makes me sad. Wanted to take a bath with my gf once and I feel like it was because of this that she didn't.
I have to ask, what do you do for fun? I asked a Korean woman this one time and all she mentioned was her work. When I mentioned what else, she look confused.
Isn't it something like this: It's easy to look good when you got Best Korea right next to you. But isn't South Korea sort of the same? I mean, i've understood that they had their first actually free election in the 80's which is of course, hella late.
I mean, isn't it quite similar like japan that basically it looks like a western democracy with voting and such, but of course there's a loot of shady background dealing which means the same party stays in power always.
Korea is a fucking shithole and their awful video games reflect that. it's not surprising it's falling down the shitter really
I'm not sure what normal people do here but I just jack off to chinese cartoons.
It was blocked yesterday, but now it's up.
>date a Korean
>Shes fucking insane
Never again, SEAs are my favorite
You're part of the problem.
3DPD no exceptions
She let me put it in her butt though
Looks like they need Mark Wahlberg over there
Oh user how could you say that? I mean she spent all that money to have doctors take a hammer to her face smashing her forehead and cheekbones. Then afterwards a cast is put around that mangled skull that forces it to never heal properly allowing the desired shape to take place. While this process is occurring tubes are sent down her nose and mouth in order to drain out blood, because as I'm sure you can guess she is suffering from internal bleeding. So again I ask how can she possibly be worse off.