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a janitor would've been a better object, those fuckers know their wet surfaces, well he wouldnt be slipping when he woke up from the coma

Why was this ebin tweest even necessary?

to include you, the player, in the story as thanks for sticking with metal gear for twenty years

That's stupid, I don't play MGS for gayass shit like that

To make you mad, faggot.

Yes because
was 90% of the pre-launch discussion.

no one does, that's why no one likes the tweest

>why aren't they pandering to me, and me only!

I fucking love how campy this shit is

But that tweest IS pandering to me, that's why I hate it.

>when le you do something and le shit happends xD.jpg

This reminds me of that "reveal" in The Hunt For The Red October, when Alec Baldwin discovers the sabotager on the russki sub has been posing as the chef all this time and he goes like "the fucking cook?"

He survive worse state than Big Boss, i dont think he is just a normal medic

I liked the twist.
I saw it coming but I liked how it mirrored MGS2's ending and wasn't just a story-twist but sort of a fourth wall breaking acknowledgement of the player.

It felt good to basically be addressed by the game itself.

what if i'm a Big Boss? or you?

no you don't

oh your right i didn't
i got confused for a second sorry user.


Fucking Kojimadrones

The never cared about, like, or loved Quiet.

You joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.

Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """save""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back to his home, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.

Quiet was less than nothing. She didn't belong anywhere, she wasn't a diamond dog and Snake never cared about her, he certainly never loved her. No one did.

She was less than friendzoned by Venom.

you were the demons all along, user.

Post yfw STARRING:
>Big Boss
>Punished "Venom" Snake


Venom is a better character than Big Boss
Fuck Big Boss

Reminder that Big Boss did nothing wrong.

Which one?


Big Boss and Huey turned out to be assholes with absolutely no buildup or foreshadowing from precious games

>hey haha remember Huey the nerd weapons guy let's make him evil for no reason lol
>oh hey BiBo is evil right in MG so let's make him an asshole too with no explanation lmao

'He was the best of our men'


Big Boss was already disillusioned with world governments and hated what the U.S. made him to to The Boss.

He had child soldiers in PW
He had his Mother Base and livelihood taken away from him by some douche in a cowboy hat.

Dude became bitter. I can totally see him becoming MG2 Big Boss between GZ and MG2

Big Boss is not special

>mgsv is almost 1 year old

>starring the skulls
>starring sahelanthropus
>starring skull face
Why the fuck did Kojima do that

Huey's 180 is partly because PW just made him 60's Otacon, instead of making him out to be the selfish cunt he is

You can just tell that excuse was slapped together in five seconds.

maybe so but he wasn't someone who would just do what he did in TPP

Big Boss was already built up as a total asshole, I really don't understand why people are so surprised about this.

>"Fan the flames, save the victims and feed them back onto the battlefield" - Big Boss aka the man who did nothing wrong.

What did he do?
Screw over The Medic?
Ocelot and Zero did that and Big Boss was just like "yeah why not i've done worse things"

I like both characters but I do kinda think Venom is more badass, dude survived far worse shit than Big Boss, was absolutely unstoppable in combat (He died in his 60s against Solid Snake). It may be because his character was written for a game that is generally far more sensible and very different to the often laughable writing in previous games, but Big Boss was also amazing in Ground Zeroes, so I do think it's because of the tone difference in these games. I wish we could see more of Big Boss in the Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain interpretation, where he's charming and charismatic but still badass.

Also based Kiefer

we see the end product but we don't see the process that made him what he is

he just kind of became the douche

that's the thing, it feels out of character for him to just agree with the plan

and then in MGS4 he's like, "dude I have no idea what zero wants from me, I think he's afraid of me haha"

Literally to explain a plot hole in the first two metal gear games that everyone accepted as fact and that no one demanded an explanation for.

Holy fuck it still hurts my dudes.
>tfw mgsv's SUPAH CUHRAZY PLOT TWIST was made SOLELY to explain why you fight big boss in mg and then fight him again in mg2

Bravo Kojima. Bravo

What far worse shit did Venom survive?

i hope you all know Joosten is pronounced like toastin'. The Joost

Is toast

>>click here to die

>TFW people on Sup Forums called this shit way before when GZ was released and TPP images were shown

Kojima is too predictable

>We actually left KONAMI
>Death Stranding isn't a MGS game (just like TPP made by Moby dick, lol)
>Ludens isn't Norman, he's an altered version of my face I swear

If you fall for this shit you deserve to get rused

it's been almost one year and it still makes me feel like shit

>you fight big boss in mg and then fight him again in mg2
Wait, does anyone actually remember the details of these two fights? The real Big Boss was roasted by Solid Snake in MG1 by using a gas tank and a lighter while Venom masquerading as Big Boss was chunked when Solid Snake initiated the base self destruct sequence in MG2, correct?

But no one cared about that shit


You think him leaving Konami and going to Sony was another ruse?

Because if that's true, it's actually a pretty good ruse.

it's not true though

He took the explosion from Paz directly in an attempt to save Big Boss, then survived the same helicopter crash. Then he went back to the battlefield despite lacking an arm and being mind-fucked beyond his own comprehension, he beat the most advanced unit of soldiers in the world at his time (Skulls) and solo'd the most threatening Metal Gear yet, also saving the world from Skull Face's parasite nonsense. He took all of Solid's arsenal to kill, while Big Boss was beaten by a spray can.

One of the biggest retcons of all time but we gotta live with it

>Before TPP came out people posted Medic's datamined face and said it was the same as Big Boss'
>Now TPP is out people are posting Medic's face to prove it's a different person

Did this game just make people into crazy mental patients?

Do you feel ashamed of your words and deeds yet user?

Somebody called me?

I always feel ashamed of my words and deeds

>"Come on user, chapter 3 is never going to happen, just put that controller down and come for a swim"

You got them backwards, the grillout is in MG2 and the selfdestruct is in MG1


We're already demons

is it joos???

Definitive Edition will save V

Can somebody explain the plot to this game for me please?

two dudes disagree about a woman's religious experience's meaning and they almost destroy the world over it over 70ish years

>KONAMI renewed their trademark for Kojima Productions as well as their logo

Because they own the IP and probably won't relinquish it ever. Japs are butthurt like that.



anyone can see the top thing is a cuddly doggo

A wolfdog!

Go back to the fucking boat huey

Anyone who says it's a wolf is a Huey sympathising cuck.

>he didn't follow the cool light steps at the E3
>another hint to show how he was ahead of everything since the start

sasuga kojima

you drones are pathetic, he sinked the licence because he was more busy buying david bowie's song, taking selfies and working on the self insert of his mistress


A Big Boss cosplayer runs around Afghanistan harvesting plants and kidnapping soldiers & wild animals while two people yell at him over the radio.

I never feel shame.

Just because he's called D Dog doesn't mean he's actually a Dog! You're all called after animals, you aren't really Ocelots and Snakes, are you? This is insane! You HAVE to believe me!

but it's not just a medic OP it's actually ~*~*(YOU)*~*~ you the player were Big Boss all along. Thanks for playing :^))))

>Death Stranding IS Silent Hills
>Silent Hill: Death Stranding

Huey got cucked by his own son so he drowned himself.

It's sorta sad when you find out in MGS2 but when V comes around it becomes the funniest shit in the world.

He killed my waifu he deserved it

>load up MGSV for the first time in months
>get FOB invaded
>suit up to defend
>appear in base
>everyone's stunned or dead
>the invader is a russian hacker godmoding and punching everything
>get instakilled
>exit game

Don't know why I bothered.

Kojima doesn't walk with the light, he paves the way for it.

The twist would had been good if you end up actually being Solidus

>Drowned himself
>Believing Otacon didn't throw him in the pool before he stole all his research

>being enough of a man to drown anyone
Nah. Even Huey was only man enough to lock a door and never open it.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the most disappointing thing since my son. youtube.com/watch?v=ORyqZuok-4g

We didn't even get to see Big Boss being a dad with Liquid fuuuck you Kojima thats all i wanted

The Things I want, by user:
A smoke
A cold pint of beer on a hot day handed by Joosten
A smile on her face
To play chapter three

If you could chose one of those things what would it be?


the joos



The only thing that really stuck with me was the quarantine mission. Also, the jeep scene but that's due to how awkward it was.

The Quarantine mission did really well at making me feel bad for killing people. Even though they were basically characterless.


"The orginal vision of Kojima for Snake in MGS was the one we can see now in Twin Snakes[...]"

A true Hoax man, never change.

>have to kill your own soldiers
>it's a heavy moment
>Huey bursts in and starts memeing on you
>no one tells him to shut the fuck up
Fuck that.

>Not give you the choise of just let it sink the platform under the water


mhu forced emotional corridor phase

The jeep scene was great because Skullface clearly planned it all ahead but Venom doesn't give a shit

He was annoying as fuck but it was obvious later that he was trying to shift the blame since he caused that shit.

Why was the mission that the twist was revealed in EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME as the first mission is what I don't get

And even then, at the end of MG1, he didn't die, he clearly says ''I won't die yet, lets finish this someday, someday, see you again!'' Making the venom twist entirely irrelevant, ''venom'' never died

>tfw you bought it for 360

dont you aggggggrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

All they added was the scene of Big Boss on his motorcycle.

>shit is he just not going to say anything?
>god damn big boss is weird
>he was listening to music the whole time shit