Quakecon 2016


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hope we finally see some gameplay

Confirmed they not gonna show shit, attendee only.

kids dunno what Quake is

it ain't the same without carmack


they're doing what they did with NuDoom, show attendees first

Maybe the following days will have public showings?

only want to see the doom/QL tournaments and QW 2v2
everything else can go straight in the trash

oh my spartie you better make this close

Why? Isn't it better to release a video with decent production quality than an inevitable blurrycam?

Is Doom worth $30? I would be buying it on console because I can't warrant upgrading my PC for one game.

wait for the GOTY version with all the season pass shit in it

Have they even confirmed single player DLC? I wouldn't be playing it for the multiplayer.

What PC do you have? It ran like a dream on my old gtx680 on ultra

Aren't all DLC so far multiplayer only?

The NuDoom showing never got leaked. They take your cellphone at the entrance and if you're recording they kick you out. Most people attending are already id software turbonerds so they're willing to comply and actually get to see it

I tried the demo and had to lower all of the settings to the absolute minimum just to get a framerate that hovered around 40-60.

No surprise really with that hardware. The console versions run at stable 60 and according to the interview with id guys I've read at Eurogamer the difference isn't that great compared to an average PC. Go for it.

>$40 MP only DLC

That's stupid

Bethesda is stupid

Maybe someone will leak it?

Anyone got a schedule?
Can't find it.

spartie looked so old in that interview ((

>tfw quake champions

Fucking assholes.

Just like nudoom, just like kh3 in D21 last year.

If they arent showing anything im not gonna buy, as its gonna be different from the final product and we will miss it.

Fucking elitism like that should be boycotted as hell.

I still want to see the D21 kh3 trailer, dammit.

More info on Quake Champions next year at E3 2017!

the whole concept of champions is just garbage
nobody gives a shit about it

Does anyone even give a shit about quakecon this year? NuDoom is shit, NuQuake will be shit. id is a dead company.

I give a shit about it and played Q3 for more than 10 years. It's not Quake V Arena (a game that would flop hard today) but I'm not against change.

And thats why we want to see.

NOBODY knows whats the actual concept of the game! You only say that because your hate boner for Moba's and overwatch. having said that i hate blizzard and overwatch cuz Sjw pandering

it's not gonna be moba shit or overwatch but instead regular quake but with each player having different attributes and a stupid gimmick power
that is if they don't manage to shit up the core mechanics of the game like they did with doom
>but le halo devs
champions is contracted to saber interactive, go look them up

>each player having different attributes and a stupid gimmick power
>not overwatch and ASSFAGGOTS
>anything like quake

So is anything actually going to happen and get announced on this, or is it just some autist convention?

they're gonna play quake

assfaggots is a completely different genre and overwatch is team based
both are shit but they also aren't quake
bethesda will have some kind of press conference and show some trailers

>he doesn't watch the duals

But they wont show quake in anyway because elitism.

The console versions dynamically change resolution. On PC you just set render scale and it stays at that level the entire time. That's the secret to the stable 60 FPS on consoles, the resolution drops to like 540p when some intense shit is happening. So consoles will have better FPS than an equal specced PC.

Is there any schedule for when that conference is going to happen? Don't really care about Quake, but they teased Wolfenstein on E3, maybe there's a chance for some more info about it, though I assume they might want to wait til their next big title (Dishonored 2) is out before hyping up new stuff.


In Overwatch your abilities are just as important as your shooting ability. I'm guessing in Quake it will lean more towards the shooting part, with abilities being complimentary. Sounds more like Lawbreakers than Overwatch.

>Don't really care about Quake

Arena shooters are dead and the new Quake is going to be an Overwatch clone. Accept it and move on.

Shooting ability is downplayed in Overwatch due to the massive hitboxes, low tickrate, and broken abilities.

>no Carmack rambling for 3 hours about prefiltered LOD biases to combat screen dooring before having to be taken off the stage by security

Why even watch?

>just stop playing games that are actually good and eat shit like everybody else
no thanks
that is done on purpose

Oh yeah, forgot about how casual Overwatch's tech was, I guess Quake's 120 tickrate seems promising.

>taken off the stage by security

I'm guessing you don't know about John "A Grave for Every Slave" Carmack's jujitsu abilities

There are more channels at

Quakecon-2 is streaming some QL

>zoot and ddk casting
>coverage by face"we used quake to launch our brand but dropped it as soon as we got like 4 players"it
Just kill me senpai. Should have gotten Jehar.

That logo looks gay as a fucking.

>Lip Sync Deathmatch

evil vs rapha, who wins?

after that opening frag? evil

Rapha doesn't play anywhere near as much as evil does anymore. At least I'm pretty sure, I don't follow quake as much as I used to. So probably evil.

Not an Overwatch Clone since everyone can pickup every weapon and do movement tricks.

It's not like thoses characters are "classes" made to be played together only in team-based modes. The abilities seems very selfish too, I don't see those Quake characters protecting and healing each other.


>rapha getting fucked
I guess this is what happens when you have a character in overwatch based on you.

evil is all over him

rapha, ezpz

Evil such a qt

Jesus christ
I haven't seen play this one sided since the last time I watched LocKtar play QW

I wonder what game ID are going to release so they can bundle in the Quake Champions beta.

just gave away that first frag like nothing
not even once

You must not watch very much quake. :^)

evil flies in and gets FUCKED


Do you think they'll announce a Doom 4 SP expansion? On the campaign it has an ominous "got to doom.com for updates" thing.

>streaming anything at the same time as the dota2 tournament

Why bother?
The Civilization VI gameplay stream barely got 2k viewers because of it.

god damn

>watching boring ass dota when you could watch quake
Honestly if this is the choice you make you don't deserve to watch quake.

I hope they announce the un-fuckening of the multiplayer

>superiority complex

I ain't watching either, but I can tell you that the viewership will be less than half of its potential, because DOTA2 is more relevant.

>Evil Russian brutally raped by pious American - Pornhub Live

Not really
I don't watch streams often, and when I do, it's usually QW or Overwatch or Reflex
If only I could find a decent CPMA or Reflex stream

Whos' the qtpi?

I don't understand why people watch LoL or DOTA, it's boring as fuck. At least Starcraft 2 is somewhat fast paced.


there is nothing they can do to unfuck the multiplayer, it's flawed at a fundamental level

CPM is too dead. We barely even have pickups anymore. Picked up a bit recently because of xero but it's still pretty dead.

Reflex was DOA and is shit anyway.

This is it boys. This one's for all the marbles.

All I want is quicksave support on PC. I didn't mind checkpoints on HMP or Ultraviolence, but I'm playing Nightmare now and the flaws of the checkpoints are really coming out now.

Why the fuck aren't they showing Quake Champions? Surely a game like this in a dead genre needs all the hype it can get.

It's not yet done.

Fuck you I still believe in Reflex, I need to
I really don't like vanilla quake 3/live movement

They are showing progress today but attendees only.

But ok, if they dont want our money, its their problem, im not gonna justify retarded stunts like that by buying their game.

get fucked evil

So? That never held back Steam Early Access.

They're hoping to pull the same shit they did with DOOM where Bethesda was constantly trying to torpedo the game and make it look worse than it was so people would be pleasantly released when it came out and wasn't complete shit. The only problem with Quake is that it's probably actually going to be complete shit.


I like cpm-style movement more as well. The rare times I still play quake now its almost always cpm, but reflex is dead user. I believed at first, I backed the failed kickstarter and bought on release day, but it's just shit user.

bethesda's marketers are completely incompetent. remember that what they showed off from doom was a) the garbage multiplayer and b) the QTE kills

pleasantly surprised*


>reflex is shit
it's pretty great imo, only one iv'e enjpyed since warsow years ago
never played cpma when it was popular though so maybe i missed out on something

items are more important than shooting in quake

Reflex is just a worse cpm with shinier graphics. It's also completely dead, so at this point you might as well just play cpm.

>no carmack
>no other carmack
>no romero
>nobody from original id team
>just bethescucks and neo-ID jobbers

literally whats the point of this shitfest anymore

>shinier graphics

Lol no. The concept art looked great but the game looks like ass.

Open network, filesharing all over, tons of people to play with, helpful staff. Free BAWLZ
Network locked down. Any mention of DC++ gets you booted. Only approved servers and games hosted, custom very rare. Ton of Lol/DOTA
Network is now a fiber connection via ATT. Can't even see other people on the network outside your 20 person tables. No chance for file sharing. Staff is all ATT suits, "don't touch anything/we are aware of the downtime". Everyone playing LoL and minecraft, or watching twitch.

the LAN.


So you say they plan to show something bad or that will leave heads scratching on purpose today?