No webm thread

>no webm thread


>webm thread
>always the same webm from reddit or tumblr


>knowing this
go back

Do those sites even support webm?


I mean, okay

Jesus Christ

That's some gangsta shit right there.

Maybe you should watch the entire webm?


the stealth is shit in that game. but at least play it on hardest. they wouldve spotted you right away

That was the second hardest difficulty.
Only reason I didn't do it on hardest isn't because it disables all the focus shit and I thought it would be useful at some point.
It wasn't

I wouldn't say it's shit. It's one of my fav games on ps4 since you can create your own difficulty essentially.

good for you user




Cool thing to do is close your eyes before the car hits the camera.


thank you



>fps but shows body
>good graphics
>some of the best flying mechanics in a non-simulator game.

Why do people dislike Far Cry again?

Is this like the
at smash bros clip?




>that satire image when all we had to go on was the name

IIRC, if you play without the slow mo shit, the rooftop escape near the beginning becomes almost impossible somehow. Never bothered playing it till that point so I never found out.

It's incredibly formulaic and rests on the laurels of what you described whilst innovating little else.


Because it was turned into a generic Ubisoft brand sandbox



far cry three was the best

I like how the rest of her body is completely stiff

Where is this fluid druid from

>dying to the necromancer



Americans everyone

what the fuck is wrong with her elbow

Far Cry 2 was the best, followed by Blood Dragon
The rest are shit

Jesus the AI is shit in GTA


That's pretty damn realistic, actually

I swear, I think people who like 2 more than 3, are intentionally trying to be contrarian. 2 was fun, but 3 is just it, with more polished gameplay, no annoying gun jamming/breaking, a more colorful environment, and a good story.

It only shows the body when you're doing certain things like climbing or in a gyro.

Graphics are great, I admit.

What the fuck are you even talking about? The gyro's mechanics are serviceable and good arcade fun but nothing about it is intricate at all.


>Blood Dragon
oh you mean the re-skinned far cry 3? you fucking dipshits have no idea what your talking about

I remember video that showed a cop car whit lights on just riding in small circles around a town.

Contrarian coming through
FC1>Blood Dragon>FC4>FC3>FC2

I like FC3 but the story is fucking terrible

reminds me of a part of my body

How so? I thought Jason's arc was great, and Vaas was a great villain(Despite being killed 3/4 of the way through and replaced with some random businessman)

Pseudodogs can lick my left nut.

In Misery Mod, as soon as I heard those cunts I fucking booked it.

re-skinned and with a whole different story and new gameplay elements, user.

This is the part where you find crashed heli in a factory, right?
I remember that telepatic cunt who hide. Scared the shit out of me.

Had great character progression for Jason and Vaas (and Pagan Min) was interesting and engaging, but the plot of FC3 itself was terribly paced.


cop was just trying to impress a chick obviously

Your neck? You should take a break, user.


Yeah, I suppose a better way to phrase it would have been "Had good characters" not "Had a good story". I just tend to really focus on the characters, and that's what makes or breaks a story for me.


Jesus I'm getting PTSD just remembering that fight.

>not using the fucking knife
shamefur dispray

2 has a better setting and is comfier in general
I greatly prefer it to the more CAWADOODY 3

The knife is fucking garbage in everything that isn't SoC.

>that first moment when you're completely clueless about what the fuck is happening

They're pretty ease after you learn how to fight them.

Same here, actually. Which was what kept me going in FC3 and 4. Although 4 didn't much put stock in the plot anyway and was more about tearing shit up in fun activities with good guns.

Still, I like good/well-made character arcs in stories.

The Knife is the best weapon against every mutant besides Bloodcykas and Pseudogiants

I don't see how 3 is any more "CAWADOODY", than 2. Hell, in 2 you're a generic mercenary, but in 3 you're some rich kid faggot.

I personally prefer the tropical environment of 3, but I can't begrudge you for preferring something different when it's just a matter of opinion. Still don't see how anyone could call 3 shit though, while liking 2.

>Knifing pseudo dogs

No thank you, I'll stick with the shotgun please

True. Though on Master difficulty and replaying with Misery mod I just got annihilated even as a sniper.

I don't think 3 is shit, 3 is just kinda mediocre in comparison
Playing 2 as the most operator motherfucker ever is super fun, especially if you install the mod that makes everything including you die in two or three bullets

>That panic shooting

I remember this game well.

Ah, fair enough. I thought you were the original user who I was replying to, who said 2 and BD were good, but the rest were shit.

they can't turn properly, so chase their ass with the knife and you'll be invincible. That only works on single targets, though, so attempt to isolate them

So the begging thing actually was in the game?

If we're posting STALKER webms




do it I'm itching to know how other people play


God that first fucking controller encounter made me shit myself

I fucking love farcry, but you have to admit. Far Cry 3/4 and Primal are just heavy copies with some new models and stuff. Nothing really new.

That's all I have. It's OC and I haven't got very far in the game yet./spoiler]


well you'd better get on that




>guy hammering wood
>it aint me starts playing

>when the kush kicks in

>It's ain't wood

Maybe I'm getting to old for Sup Forums maybe its summer but like fuck does everything need memes injected into them? is it the only way you can talk now?

It's you getting too old for Sup Forums.
Get out while you can.