Pick three of these to absolutely suck so the rest can be great
Pick three of these to absolutely suck so the rest can be great
fractured but whole, watchdogs 2, kingdom hearts3 so the rest can be great
Bottom three, is there any doubt?
i'll pick the three that i know are going to suck already.
battlefield 1
mass effect
and watch dogs 2
My exact picks, my exact reasoning.
battlfield, ghost recon and 5 personas
>No titanfall 2
Good to see the best game of the year not even on your suck list.
I think that this is not an opinion... It's a fucking fact.
>5 personas
Good bait.
Do you have anything to back that up?
Bf 1 Because negro
Mass effect because gay
Watch dog 2 Because sjw
I think it'll be gr8 too but I assumed 90% of you guys would pick it
Well that's easy, the most generic trash out of the bunch: Battlefield, Watch dags and Ghost recon. I don't much care about anything there except South Park and Dishonored, but this shit is just unnecesarry.
i just don't know what it's called
fuck off summer fag.
my suck o metre is south park, mass effect and persona 5
I have a write in for no man's sky bc I can't wait to run across the same thing twice
easy: bf1, wd2, and ghost recon
Simple. Ghost Recon, RE 7, and Kingdom Hearts
they're all going to suck though
Swap BF1 with Ghost Recon and it's gucci
>5 personas
I want to kill you with my own thumbs
Battlefield I
Ghost Recon
Watch Dogs 2
ghost recon won't be good, the last one was boring and this one barely even looks like ghost recon anymore
Resident Evil 7 and South Park 2 are the only games in that image that won't be shit
Top 3.
Nah m8, Fractured But Whole is going to be good.
Battlefield 1
Persona 5 as im not a fan of the series.
Watch Dogs 2
Watchdogs 2
Battlefield 1
Ghost Recon Wildlands
If you choose anything else you're objectively wrong and need better taste.
> Kingdom hearts, watch dogs, ghost recon, that raccoon thing from South park.
Easy, I sacrifice 4
I'll do you better, you can shitcan Battlefield, Resident Evil, Mass Effect, Ghost Recon, Weeb, Weeb, and Watch Dogs 2 all for the greater glory of Dishonored and South Park.
I'd sacrifice all of them for a mass effect game thats good.
If I have to - scrap entirely everything on the list but RE7 and Dishonored 2.
Easy there.
You really think Ubisoft, Dice and Bioware aren't able to make good games anymore?
The only thing that's guaranteed to happen is that EA is going to mess things up somehow. You're going to have to convince me on the rest.
>South Park shit
>jrpg 7,438
>Blunder doge 2 : Locked graphics
ghost recon
resident evil
persona 5
Watch_Dogs 2, Mass Effect and Ghost Recon
What's with the hate boner for bf1. With all the flaws their games are still among the best multiplayer shooters ever made
>shoehorned nigger
>ebin rebbit humor
>5 personas
guess what I'm picking
You're a little bitch fag, so probably kingdom hearts
>mad because people doesn't like his weeaboo shit game
kys yourself, faggot
The Fractured But Whole, Andromeda and Watch Dogs 2
Massive Fecked, Dishonored 2, and Watch Dogs 2.
Jokes on you I already know Mass Effect, Ghost Recon, and Watchdogs 2 are going to be awful.
I would pick P5, RE, and the South Park game. Been waiting over 10 years for Kingdom Hearts 3 so it better be amazing.
Watch Dogs 2, Persona and Kingdom Hearts.
>Ghost Recon
That shit will be lit
>South Park shit
>implying that stick of truth wasn't GOAT
>implying fractured but whole wasn't the best game shown at e3
I always knew Sup Forums had shit taste
>among the best multiplayer shooters
So its the best of garbage?
ghost recon over mass effect andromeda
at least andromeda has a very slim chance of being good, wildlands is just another generic ubishit open world
Watchdogs 2
Ghost Recon: Whatever
Battlefield 1
In that order.
>no Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5
South Park
Resident Evil
Ghost Recon, BF1, Watch underscore Dogs 2
>leave out the two biggest combatants in WWI
>shoehorn in niggers on all sides
>gameplay is Modern WWIIfare
Number 1: That's terror
Aw shit I read that wrongI thought OP meant the opposite
I'll sacrifice Battlefield 1, Ghost Recon, and Watch Dogs 2.
I'll just make it easier, the only good games off that list will be P5, and maybe Dishonored 2 and Battlefield 1.
Fuck all 9 of these. Maybe except Dishonored 2.
Resident Evil 7, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Mass Effect Andromeda. I just wanna see the fanboys get buttblasted and off themselves
Best answer
battlefield 1
ghost recon
watch dogs 2
Persona 5 BF 1 and the new mass effect are going to be shit.
Good thread, OP.
Battlefield 1
Mass Effect Andromeda
Kingdom Hearts
>Wanting Resident Evil to be bad
Honestly should be punishable by death.
Easy. South park, kingdom hearts & Dishonored.
>mass effect
>resident evil
>kingdom hearts
>resident evil
I just wanna see the weeaboo butthurt
Mass Deffect
Call of duty wildlands
Dogs 4: Watchedoges 2
Why did you put ghost recon there? We already know it sucks. Resident evil is gonna be VR so it'll probably suck. And then I guess I'll pick fractured but whole to suck since we already got a good south park game.
Resident Evil
Ghost Recon
BF1 over Watch Dogs because a good Watch Dogs could actually be interesting opposed to another FPS
Mass effect
Watch dogs 2
That sure was hard OP
>Resident Evil (fucking kill this series pls)
>Persona 5 (fagtier)
>Dishonored 2 (teh making a 2nd???)
>Watch dogs could be interesting
>Ubisoft open world shit
You guys never learn do you?
Battlefield 1 and that nipshit.
Don't fucking ruin Dishonored, and Watchdogs 2 and Mass Effect would be great if they were great (but they won't be).
fuck off, shitter
Battlefield 1
Watch Dogs 2
Dishonored 2
Mass Effect
Ghost Recon
There, take all that garbage and make the other games even better.
Abloobloo, did I hurt the widdle weeb's feelings? Go cryfap to naruto or whatever the fuck.
resident evil
ghost recon
I just need biohazard to be good
Wild land, Mass Effect and Dishonored
Tom Clancy
Resident Evil
Sup Forums shitting the board up
Watch Dogs will already blow ass so that one is an easy choice
after that Resident Evil and Ghost Recon
>The BF1 hate
Watch dogs 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Battlefield wun.
>whine like a faggy bitch about his precious shit games from failed titles
>d-d-d-did I h-hurt u're filings? xDDDD
dishonored2 is the only one i really care about
It's be like Battlefront 3.
Really pretty and fairly enjoyable for one hour then you get sick of it real fast.
Sup Forums has ruined Sup Forums
Third post best post.
It has the potential to be great. All it has to do is fix the difficulty and make it longer.
this nigga real scared of Sup Forums for some reason
run back to your safe space pls, not even from pol
niggerfield 1
mass shit andromeda
watch shit 2
KH3 won't suck, at worst it will have BBS tier physics but the latest trailer has already shown it is more akin to KH2. I want RE7 to be great after the shitfest that was RE6. I don't give a fuck about the other titles though
how can anyone expect anything from watchdogs?
its fucking ubisoft you are takling about here
they wasnt a single good game from them in a decade, and its worse each year
Ghost Recon
Because I wouldn't play them anyways.