Is sex better than video games?
Is sex better than video games?
depends on the game
stop asking this, you know it isn't
No. Now go away, tripfag.
Fuck off you piece of shit.
why does she have chickenpox?
sex lasts 20 seconds, as i only fuck my trap whore girlfriend when my balls tell me i NEED to
games last me 20 hours
so no
Why don't you find out yourself?
depends on the sex
Her butt is too large
I don't know. I never had a girlfriend.
honestly? Sweating and shouting for an entire hour is worth it just for the end
i fucking love dota
Only with your mom OP
You'll never know with that micropenis of yours, pal.
Use Google
Not with a small cock like yours
I think its Anamawashi, by Abe Inori.
People who post without source are the worst since others will just post the crops and shit until reverse image search only brings up the crops.
With the issues surrounding the olympics, what is America doing to fix the issues?
My wife's bull said it is
>not having a trap gf
Faggots like you need to die
oh shit, it's the real fucken Ruggarell
Where have you been?
must be nice
>having a penis
>being female
Pick one.
No making out is
Sex with someone you love, yes.
But video games are better than sex for the sex
We're the greatest country in the world we have no issues.
>not being on orgasm blocking medication
>that ruin all the fun anyway
Is this the hottest new meme? posting that fat tomoko picture and then "lol google it"?
Too often to be coincidence.
It is, thanks senpai, can't wait to shit on everyone's "no spoonfeeding" parade by spamming the source
kek it's their privilege for having looked at 1000's of shitty doujins to find a few worth saving. blame yourself who wants to be spoonfed like a baby