ITT: Good marketing

ITT: Good marketing

Pic not related.

>relative timestamp

What is this marketing of? Who is it for?

MadCatz was trying to show support after the terrorist attacks in France.

Do asian people even have empathy?

>that muted red to add more contrast to the blood

Absolute MadCatz.

By putting bloodstreaks across France's flag? What the fuck is this?

No that's MadCatz's logo.

They're just fucking idiots.



How the fuck was this considered a good idea?
Can't wait for backlash

Americans everyone
Refusing to fix other peoples issues

That shit ain't real yo. It can't be...

Like a splats of bloods in the road.

What did they mean by this? That's not Nice

>tfw born in the USA
>get to stay comfy in my nice house and watch Europoors get BTFO on my 40" flatscreen
God bless ya'll

Oh God dude. That was fucking good in the most horrible way

>be American
>get shot

> on my 40" flatscreen

Omg yes proud to be an european immigrate! No fucking country except USA get those!

Americans everyone
What the fuck are you doing to fix the issues in Rio

>Can't wait for the backlash

This was months ago you dumb skank

>Happy Europeans are getting killed
what the fuck man

Americans everyone

you're a lot more likely to get BTFO in the USA

Lol, you're describing a scene form 1984 you retard

That's so redundant, their original logo already had the French flag.

>some stupid fucktard marketing major probably did this
>as an engineer I could probably rape most of them at their job anyway

Not a nigger or a literal faggot so there's nothing to worry about.

Americans everyone

Reminder to filter TripFags

>lumping all of europe together

s m h

uber lel
you should come to Sup Forums you'll fit right in with that top tier bantz

>all these buttmad eurocucks


I'm neither black or a redneck. I'm good.

Why the fuck does America have to step in and fix everyone's goddamn problems? We didn't tell Brazil to lobby for their poo in loo city to be this year's Olympic site. They can fix their shit on their own or just rot and die.

>be European
>get run over
>be European
>get shot at a concert
>be European
>get bombed
>be European on a train
>get saved by 3 Americans
>be European
>get raped by refugees
>be European
>get killed for drawing
>be European
>get beheaded for being Christian

Sure feels good to be free my nigga

Americans everyone

I want trip fags to leave. They don't even know who they're disgusting at anymore, they just need to shitpost

You still have the record for victims of an islamist attack

>inb4 it was an inside job


Stop viraling your game.

mad snail eater detected

Oh yeah? What about all those school shootings then?

Because its your job to fix everything

Americans everyone


Fuck all those bleeding heart faggot liberals that let them in. They deserved everything they got. I honestly feel sorry for those who were against it and have to suffer through this bullshit because the cocksuckers around them outnumber them though.


> Crimes and murders just happen in Europe

>Also watch Jamal and his BLM friends gangbang the wife
>Also gets shot by cops because niggers are flocking the house

Tripfags, everyone

Top bantz.

Omar was a good boy, removing GAYBAB and ugly fucking Cubans/Ricans as God intended.

your joke is just stale as fuck

I love replies like yours.
Always makes me wonder what goes on in you people's heads.

What does this has to do with engineers?

Did someone who studied marketing bully you or something?

Please explain why you would go on here and post this exact reply.

Ugh, grandpa you're embarassing me around my Sup Forums friends again *groans*

We have the most powerful military in the world by a large margin. Its our obligation to stop the bullies and help the victims

Reminder to not reply to tripfags.

Also, dear lord, not even 50 posts in and this thread is already fucking awful.

Not in school either? You know you have to be 18 to visit Sup Forums, right?

What about your public acts of terrorism and home invasions?

Americans everyone, once again refusing to fix issues

You're an amerilard so it's probably more like a 40'' fatscreen.



Then stop yourself

>be American
>see burger on screen
>start salivating
>the telescreen tells me to scream "i love mcdonalds"
>i stop masturbating to the national icon and cheer for mcdonalds
>ghetto claims my house
>they take my burger money
>come up with plan to keep burger oney
>wall up door
>get shot through the window

>Be German
>Get molested by refugees
>Get jailed for hate speech for talking about it

>the salt this post is generating

Fucking Americans everyone

>I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm so ass blasted that I'm going to attempt to be vaguely offensive.
You weren't btfo on his mediocre TV, we're you?


Only if they pay us for our services.
Embrace Capitalism.

Better response here user
>be american
>not litigated if acting in self defense


When is America going to step in and stop the refugees

I wish I could be as cool as you :^)

This is an Sup Forums thread you fucking retard.

>that trip
what a butt chugging monkey juggelar



>answering to a dumb retard is salt

sure bub

Oh, my apologies.

Took me a second you clever asshole.

They're too busy getting shot.

>be German
>get axed

I think it's false flagging at this point

this is clearly a /biz/ thread

>now we can say "i told you so" about islam and globalization without being killed ourselves

I'm blown away EUs are still for it, at least Americans are smart enough to learn from watching you fail.


That's an interesting picture. I've been looking at it for a bit and piecing together what's happening.

Am I retarded? What don't I get here?

No fucktard this is a /po/ thread.

Old joke.

>laughing at fuckups is now Sup Forums
I hate this SJW infested fuckhole

I don't care when are they going to fix our issues

Have you ever heard the French national anthem?
Fuckers love blood
Specifically using impure blood to water their fields


Took me way too long but I kek'd hard when I got it



Never ever

watching news of events from around the world is a scene from 1984? I didn't realize that