I made some extra money today I and MGS piqued my interest. I only played the original on PSX...

I made some extra money today I and MGS piqued my interest. I only played the original on PSX, which I utterly loved for both mechanics and story (narrative and delivery).

So, do you recommend this one? What other games would you use as a reference to describe it? I like good linear stories. I don't mind a bit of open world gameplay as long as they don't intend me to spend 100+ hours running around doing menial shit.

As a reference, I liked the Witcher 1 and 2 but not the 3rd one.

Thank you Sup Forums

you NEED to play MGS games in the release order to understand jack shit about what is going on.

and as an old fan, I would recommend avoiding MGS5 games. yes, games

play 2,3,4 and PW before even considering playing V. You also gotta play the prologue game, GZ, before TPP.

Also if you don't like spending 100+h grinding, do not play MGSV

MGSV is both a direct sequel to TWO previous games, and the second time they try to wrap up the entire plot of the saga. Playing it without finishing the past titles would be a big mistake. Not to mention the MGSV was a big disappointment, and literally not a finished product.

>first game
Acktchually, the third game is on PlayStation. The first two games were on MSX.

You have to play them in order.
Or at least, you have to play 3 and peace walker.

MGS 1 + 2 + 3 are fun games with storytelling and characters that range from campy af to tragic to mindfuck-tier.

MGS4 is basically a movie but enjoyable if you like weird Kojima writing and not playing video games.

Peace walker is great but with shit graphics

MGSV has great gameplay that gets old after about 40 hours and a boring story but with some neat VO.
There isn't much grinding to be honest. Maybe if you wanna unlock all the top-tier weapons but you can basically do the whole game with the default weapons and gadgets.

I'd get it on sale if you can.

Ehh, MGSV and TW3 have nothing similar apart from being open world games.
Also, you would at least need to play MGS3 and Peace Walker.
2 and 4 only if you want to follow Solid Snake's story.

Either release order, or 3 > PW > Ground Zeroes > TPP

grab the MGS legacy collection for PS3, and play the previous games in the order of release. if you after that must have more, play the Ground Zeroes, it's short.

If you liked both GZ and PW, and don't mind the idea of doing more of the same in huge, empty sandbox maps, with tacked on MP elements, then TPP is a game for you. Otherwise, avoid it.

Shit. So I'm basically fucked. There's no way I have time to go through the whole franchise before playing this one... It's basically the same issue I have with the Uncharted series (not to mention I'm on PC and a half-broken PS3).

Also judging by this, this last game is probably the one I'd enjoy the least. That's a pity. It looks very good and the mechanics seemed fun.

Thanks for the answers anons.

Don't listen to this faggot
You can complete the story in less than 50 hours without grinding anything.
The story is rather dissapointing though. There only 3-4 memorable missions one of which is prologue.
GZ is better than 90% of missions in TPP. The story in GZ is miles better.

>the story in GZ
GZ has no story.
>rescue Chico
>come back to MB
>blows up
Thats it.


>GZ has literally no plot structure
Is Sup Forums the most creatively bankrupt place on the internet?

Buds told me i should write a profile about myself.

OK im a furry (scaline, whatever) dragon, black scales, red features, purple eyes, white tail and head features. This picture of deathwing what the most similar and coolest thing I could find. I have yet to purchase any games for Steam I have alot on Xbox though.

>MGS4 is basically a movie but enjoyable if you like weird Kojima writing and not playing video games.
4 has exactly the same amount of cutscenes as #2, but far superior game play.

>Peace walker is great but with shit graphics
fuck you! Those lowpoly graphics are gorgeous, and it runs at steady 60fps on PS3

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on PS3 does look appealing.

what's with these hasty fucks these days? None of the games are exactly too long (besides PW and 5), and the constantly expanding, overarching plot is fascinating as hell. if you got the PS3, just grab the HD or Kegacy Collection!

that's just wrong, and you know it. or you nevrr finished the game

On PC you can play all MGS games but 4, and 4 is basically a movie anyway so you wont be missing anything.

take the LEGACY COLLECTION if you can.
It has the ENTIRE canonical series in a single box. Besides V, obviously.

Go on, tell me the fascinating, 5 minute long GZ story that makes no sense without PW or TPP.

I'm not hasty. I just don't have as much time to play as I had when I was in college. It's one thing to have one game to look forward to, but a whole franchise spanning five games is a bit much.

Still, I'm seriously considering the HD collection either on PS3 or via emulation (because I will probably drop out before completing them).

But I like my games to be "movies" sometimes.

>implying any mgs makes sense without other mgs

fuck off with that shitty movie meme.
with that logic, the entire series is a film, and you might as well then YouTube it all.
MGS2 is the one game you should skip playing. Terrible game play, tons of talking head cutscenes.

Not saying movie games are bad, but its just you wont be missing anythings from not playing MGS4. You can play 2 and 3 anyway which are much better.

MGS2 is just a polished 1.

MGS4 drops it after the first two acts.

You don't need to play the previous games in the series to enjoy MGS 5.

It's a great stealth action game with a very compelling base management mechanic.

If you like sneaking, shooting, and planning your own missions, you'll love MGS 5.

poor excuse mate.
Sure, I played way more while I was still in Uni, but even afterwards I have always had an hour or two to sparr for vidya a day.
At least you won't run out of quality games anytime soon!

also , the MGS games emulate like ass. or not at all.

>planning missions

Yeah, the best way to fulton that guy is always a challenge.

Yes, but GZ is not a story on its own, the same way Act 2 of MGS4 isnt a full story.

Why? Ghosting is always the best way.

Angry Joe gave it a 10 or a 9 and he said he knew nothing of the previous ones that you can enjoy it anyway.

MGS2 is a pointlesa, fucked up MGS1 expansion pack. A downgrade in all ways.

MGS4 literally fixes all #2's fuckups, and stays enjoyable throughout the entire game.

the fact that it is a direct sequel to PW and makes you dig out the in between info does not make it storyless nor bad.

> Angry Joe
> knew nothing about the past games
and his opinion mattera somehow? ?

I loved PW to bits, but MGS5's "base management" was horrible waste of time.

I just watched Snake Eater, 2/3s of PW, and played Ground Zeros. Autistically watching the games ain't worth it I will tel ya that much. The audiotapes in MGSV help a fuckload. Don't need to know exactly what is going on to enjoy the comfy ass game. For the best anyways. It's all retarded b movies. Just enjoy the gameplay and stellar sexy handsome men, women, and music.

Sucks that Kojima fucked you fans though. Those trailers were godly.

It was better because grinding wasnt necessary to defeat overbuffed bosses meant for coop.

Well fuck. I spent almost two hours mulling over which MGS I should buy (when I could easily drop the cash to buy all of them) instead of actually buying something and playing it.

Now I've got to go to work. So I probably end up not getting any of them.

Fuck this gay world.

Does each event have its own items you can get with the points, or do they stay there? Basically, will you still be able to get the bikinis after this event ends, and have I missed other events?

I didn't exactly grind one bit, and almst platinumed the game all on my own. Hell, I even replayed the entire story once more a week before TPP dropped, and it took me less than 30 hours, no replaying anything

Not to mention PW 's side missions are helluva lot more varied and fun.

you really are an impatient fuck.
Grab that HD or Legacy Collection. Way better purchases

Just finish the first one in msx i've never see that coming

Should i play the second one ?

Nah I think I should first power through the reminder of Last of Us and finish it before spending money on more stuff. I really need to work on completing games to some extent.

People say the second is better than the first


I just watched a few YouTube videos explaining the story. I didn't really feel like the story was that great but the gameplay is pretty fun. You're going to hate how open world it is though. I'd probably avoid it if I was you.

MG2:SS is superb. literally a 2D proto-MGS.

Nope, you must get them in the event period.

Ignore these two.
Play V and form your own opinion.

fucks like you should just enjoy a hefty cup of bleach. You are literally just ruining the experience for yourself, and missing the point of waaay too many things.

MGS is an experience. Not a film.

ignore this fool.
play in release order,or not at all.

nigga everyone knows you should play Social Ops first lol

Honestly to understand V all you REALLY need to play is MGS1, the tanker part in 2, 3, and to read a synopsis of Peace walker. Then watch the ending to ground zeros on youtube and your good.

>don't intend me to spend 100+ hours running around doing menial shit
That's literally this whole game except the first hour which is heavily scripted tutorial.

>read synopsis of one of the best games, and the far superior MGS5 game
sasuga Satan poster.

Also play Portable Ops 3 times.

So what have I missed worth noting in the time I haven't played?

Outfits, the newer anti-material sniper rifle. a pistol that shoots sleeping gas, tons of outfits.

oh yeah because having to do 20 "attack the tank and eliminate the guards" missions makes or a great game. don't forget the same amount of chopper ones with guards. the same amount of armored personal carrier plus guards. and the half a dozen defeat this re-skinned metal gear missions.
Story wise the first half was legit, but the second half of that game was such blatant filler to stop you from getting to the final mission that its not even funny.

You might as well skip V. It's a terrible send off to such a long franchise, and the people that liked it weren't fond of the old games despite claiming otherwise.
1 and 3 are probably the most enjoyable MGS games, 2 had some intense VR

>t-they are not real fans...
Fuck off neckbeard.

Don't you have materials to grind in your pseudoMMO, bitchboy?

You are an incredibly unhappy human aren't you?

Fuck, really? Got any pics? Any way to get them now?

They seem to rotate, so just poo in the game at least once a week and check out the event rewards.

Oh really? So I'll be able to get them? Do they keep adding new stuff too?

I mean pop in the game.
Fucking pornhub-sponsored keyboard.

>oh yeah because having to do 20 "attack the tank and eliminate the guards" missions makes or a great game.
You don't HAVE to do any of those. I just proved it myself last fall.
Can't say the same about MGSV, unfortunately.

Not to mention stealthing those vehicles was intense and fun as fuck.

Lol nope. I'm doing damn well, got a wife who's into vidya too, and I still love my games.

Watching vidya is still cancerous as fuck, and ruining as great gaming experiences as MGS by Youtubing them is literally a mortal sin.

All of the games after mgs3 are poorly written. Kojima is a hack and literally only play for the gameplay and not the story.

There's no point in following the canon at this point because kojima fucking destroyed it all. You'll be confused as fuck watching all of the cutscenes, but it doesn't matter since kojima is a fucking idiot.

Lol you're fucking stupid. Pw is by far the worst in terms of writing.

Big boss shoots the boss in the fucking head and is somehow fooled into thinking she's still alive. Are you fucking stupid? Pw is a bigger grindfest than V.

Any game kojima makes by himself is literally failure.

You joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.

Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """save""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back to his home, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.

Quiet was less than nothing. She didn't belong anywhere, she wasn't a diamond dog and Snake never cared about her, he certainly never loved her. No one did.

She was less than friendzoned by Venom.