What game comes to your mind when seeing this image?


Watch Dogs 2

now it is Watch Dogs 2

I just noticed: is the faggot on the right supposed to be his son?

perhaps his wife's son


actually it may be anyone who grew up in the 2000s

the gingers have souls kid is transitioning from male to female

>people are different from me i can't handle it

why are white males so fragile about their identity?

>think you don't have a mental illness
>somehow you mental illness is not treated because it is justified just because you belong to "LGBTQ group"

You must be a detective to make out that assumption

Only the fat ugly virginal ones

Biological fact is not identity.

>be gay
>be a normal acting and functioning member of society
>hardly anything knows I'm gay and I'm not closeted or anything
>when people find out I'm gay their opinion instantly changes about me
>instantly associated with lgbt bullshit
I hate faggots

>girly trap fembois
Sup Forums loves it

>fat hairy pride parades
Sup Forums hates it

both have a dick, why don't you love both oy vey

the problem for me is that most of the time these folks assume they'll magically be happier just by changing gender even though they haven't dealt with the problems that made them sad in the first place.
then they end up sadder after things haven't changed, or they just kill themselves, and then LGBBQ's scramble to cover it up

That the creator is retarded? You can still go to the park, who's stopping you?

Any Ubisoft game


Because you have to admit most gay people are actually people with mental and spiritual problems and doing anal sex is just one of the symptoms

>>girly trap fembois
>Sup Forums loves it
Where did you get that?

I had this happen with my big brother, but with gaming. Now he's cucked by some chick and lives like a 50yo man.


>who's stopping you?

>be gay
>suck dicks and get pounded on a daily basis
>people change their opinion of me
>reeeeeee it's the fault of those lgbt parades!!!

>SJWs don't go on Sup Forums

Wind Waker, but only cause Cosmo

Not every gay man is like your father user.

Doing things in the privacy of your own bedroom shouldn't change how you act and function outside of it. Because nobody should know in general
I don't judge you for masturbating to anime and furries if you don't talk about it or reference it to me in public, same thing goes vise versa

Deus Ex

All indie games and indie game developers.

Turbo Faggot 2 - The Return of OP

Dragon Age
Star Craft
War Craft
Mass Effect
I think there are some others as well, but it seems I forced myself to forget all about them, even names.

>Doing things in the privacy of your own bedroom shouldn't change how you act and function outside of it.

It does. Perverts and paedophiles can only do their stuff in private but they can't hide their perversity in public.. it shows in one way or another

Alright, so you just said perverts cant hide it
I am going to assume you get horny and also have perverted thoughs, user.
So should I associate you with people who cannot handle themselves in public?


there is a difference between pervert heterossexual thoughts and anal sex, child-porn and other bestiality such as zoophilia

If you put the two categories in the same place you are just a hypocrite

>implying obesity and cosmetic shit like tacky clothing and dyed hair have anything to do with a person's identity


"My name is not important..."


>Michael Brown
BLM really shit the bed when they defended that guy. Have they ever come out and been like "oh hmm maybe that guy was a scumbag after all"?