Monster Hunter

In the event that there is a MH5, do you think Capcom will play it safe and reuse a lot of older monsters like MH4, or will they pull off a MH3 and come up with an almost completely new lineup of monsters?

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>tfw water combat will never come back

how the fuck is charm farming supposed to work
i'm not getting the 3 rows of charms everyone keeping spouting on about and i did everything it told me like putting the 12 coal in 1 at a time


Is blast charge blade worth it ? I kind of want to make the Hellblade one to mix it up a little with the non elemental raw I'm using.

Did u make an online room first?

Probably more so they have fresher monsters to reuse and make extra species of for the future games on whatever console

I have a strange feeling that they might take another crack at it. It could just be wishful thinking though

>water combat and underwater areas will never come back
>but mounting and aerial combat nonsense is here to stay

Look into the Viper Bite/Deathprize SnS instead to fulfill your paralysis fetish. That thing can be crazy.

In solo, you still have to be in a local or online room.

>tfw replayed mh3u before Generations launch
>tfw neutered deserted island
>weirrd unexplaned ramps everywhere to jump off of
>original base camp somehow built over
>that empyty feeling when you don't hear cha cha's "yappai" when you enter a new area
>just MEOWROW on loop
kill me

fuck thats it

Real talk

What is the point in paralysis when Sleep or traps exist?
Does it get a damage boost like Sleep? It always seems like it only lasts about 4 seconds max.

>water combat and underwater areas will never come back

Fuck Mizutsune and its broken-ass hitboxes and shitty telegraphs

it's always a 50/50 on whether its tackles will take off half my health or do nothing

I'm only farming this shit because it has the best-looking armor and weapons in the game

>You can still trip allies
>They still have shitty MASH X TO ESCAPE MONSTER events
>they still have shitty ledges all over that fuck up all flow of combat and positioning because of your character transitioning between high and low
>but they remove water combat


>tfw just got a 2ds and mhgen 30 minutes ago
any tips for someone whose most recent game was p3rd?


Fucking get a 3ds

it's way less than that.that one is my least favorite of the 4 just because he can't hit anything. What were they thinking?

Do the gathering missions at the start as a Prowler.

Duration/threshold depends on the monster, and yes monsters do take a bit more damage. You also don't have to worry about the monster's body parts moving around or some fucktard spoiling every sleep attempt with weak attacks. So instead you have a continued onslaught of attacks and a free opening.

A solid paralysis weapon can keep the monster locked down without halting the action. And now SnS can reliably add KOs to the fun!

IF the NX is a handheld/console hybrid, and it is massively successful, the effects it would have on Monster Hunter would be spectacular.

Suddenly you have (what we can assume) is a very power handheld (Can run Zelda BotW). MH would most likely be going through some huge revisions, because rehashing old MH content wouldn't really cut it.

You talking bout the HR version? I'm still on low star village quests at the moment. Just making every bow like spas for some reason.... Least the decent ones.


His animations are too fast for 30 FPS too, it looks like his tail teleports

This is what I hope. So long as the dont screw up the first couple of months with, I'm fine with it.

I like MHG, but they really took 3 steps backwards from 4U in certain places

>absolutely no story
>all villages unlocked from the start
>gives you no reason to care about why you're visiting them
>monster intros are so pathetic it would have been better if they didn't exist
>monster cinematics in 4U made you care about what you were fighting
>it gave you an ascending hierarchy of 'power' where each successive monster felt more dangerous than the previous one
>gave them all personality
>no personality in MHG, nothing to care about
>gameplay mechanics changed for absolutely no reason
>no local map for the villages
>no way to see exactly what villager wants to talk to you
>can't teleport to your house form the map
>ingredients and food changed
>confusing and badly designed
>no 50/50 food buff
>gathering expeditions don't pass days
>no deliver steak quest to advance trader/charms/HfH/Meownster hunters
>zenny in criminally short supply, have to cheese charm runs for cash
>zoomed in FoV
>giant buff messages block the very middle of the screen
>no end game
>no G rank means you're stuck with a very low amount of skills per armour set

good changes

>arts are fun
>styles are fun
>old monsters I've never seen before are fun
>fated four are fun
>can trade with neko even if you have 0 of the item
>meownster hunter minigame doesn't suck

It feels like Capcom is doing their very best to run their own company into the fucking dirt. They ruined RE, they ruined SF. They have a serious grudge against themselves for no fucking reason.

Which one for sleep bombing?

the one that looks better, so top

>MH both on the go and at home

I want this

LR. I'm doing village stuff before going online

>no 50/50 food buff
do you mean HP/Stam? because exquisite rice has that

Bot is best for sleep bombing, unless you are going against monsters where the green sharpness is gonna bounce off a lot.

after running grimclaw armor+GS see another GS user come in with a clownsuit and rare 3 GS

minds eye
crit draw
quick sheath

so nice, the GS(judgement) is low tier but is 250 damage at green sharp that wears out pretty quick to get to yellow to boost attack even more

only thing that would make this more perfect is HG earplugs, i havent gone thru my charms to see if i can make a clownsuit that includes it but did make the set with what i already have.
i think my damage shot up to around 390 when i hit yellow sharp and using lions maw 3 and then add whatever crit draw multiplier does to it

Yeah, but what buff does excquisite rice give? it's no good if it's Dragon Res L when you want Moxie or Bombadier.

>boost attack more

Someone doesn't know about the attack corrections that kick in at yellow or lower.

That is not really a problem with the minds eye oil.

Someone get a room up

>They still have shitty MASH X TO ESCAPE MONSTER events
well what else are you supposed to do when you are pinned by a monster

You dumb motherfucker.

Throw poo at it

you can buy a ton of Kelbi horns from the trader and pass the days using that quest

the lack of a story being a problem is entirely subjective, personally I think any story is ruined by the pacing of the game and expectation to grind

this game still has a "heirarchy of power" but the lower ranks are flooded by dromes, and honestly I like that I can go after a Nargacuga before a Blangonga or whatever instead of monsters being unlocked within a rank

Apex was a shitty endgame and you fucking know it

"no personality" is such a fucking empty statement I don't know where to begin

ingredients and food are way better in this game


I'd rather take half my life bar than get pulled into an animation that didn't hit me and then destroy the shitty analog stick and buttons trying to not take damage. I hate that shit

>repelled narkakos, entered high rank
>alright, time to make myself a starter high rank set!
>would like Attack Up (L) and Critical Eye +2 or +3
>check Athena's ASS
>every result includes the Hayabusa feather for the head slot
>alright, guess I gotta get that, check how you acquire it
>have to do every single non-advanced and non-prowler quest in the village, well alright I wanted to eventually do that anyway
>do that, don't have the feather
>you also have to do two requests from the argosy captain, kill some ludroths in the hub and then an annoying as shit rathalos + rathian quest back in the village
>no feather yet
>also need 1500 reputation with yukumo village
>okay, do more quests that give points
>no feather yet, but get quest from the yukumo woman
>it's in the arena and has me kill a deviljho and then nargacuga + tigrex at once
>jho literally oneshots me, can't do it
>have to go farm some other entry HR set just so I can make the one I wanted

>my face at this point

forgot to bring dung bombs. We should still be given an option to break out of it.

dumbfucks who dont know what Bludgeoner does

>Dumbfuck who doesn't know about sharpness multipliers and how yellow sharpness applies a 70% attack reduction if you attack too early or too late

Thats what you get for being a dirty clownsuiter.

And you don't know how sharpness works in this game.

>Do quest thrice
>But with the funny twist that we fail the quest when I initiate it

>Attack Up (L) and Critical Eye +2 or +3
There's your problem

This is what crack does to yah.

It still costs over what, 30,000 caravan points for 99 horns? It's a *lot*

The story thing I guess is subjective. It gave the game real direction for me and the whole thing about finding where the scale come from and the legend of shagaru and the mountain interesting.

Lower ranks is flooded with a lot of shit and gathering quests.

Apex wasn't *that* shitty. It's barely any different from Hypers except hypers don't give you frenzy. hell you could give yourself frenzy from a HA.

How are ingredients better?

You don't need to do it that hard. Just rotate the circle pad and press the x button. The only monster that's a bitch is devil joe and he will kill you if he got you pinned.

and your too stupid to notice im CRIT DRAWING

by this point of the game you should have like alot of caravan points by then

Points are so fucking easy to get in this game. By the time you need to pass days you should have well over triple that amount.

late game GQs fucking sucked, as did Wystones

I like that you combine ingredients beforehand and from then on can select what you want easily

Bludgeoner is basically AuM on green sharpness, so +15 raw

I guess it works okay on Judgement, but Tigrex GS is a thing too

That's a 1.25x boost.

That a natural white sharpness GS can get as well and do far more damage than your yellow shitstain.
You don't even have Crit Boost either.

Just say you don't know what sharpness does.

Hunting baloney so I can be HR2

I hope it's significantly different. I know I'm a 4U babby but I can't see buying another MH game in which I'll be hunting the same monsters from the get go with just different flavor text.


fuck shakalakas too

give me your best monster idea Sup Forums


A monster that acually drops horns

an Elder Dragon that uses a shield

A two-legged wyvern that can charge you, spit a fireball and do a double 180° tail swipe.

a monster that has fair attacks with telegraphing an interesting gimmick and actually becomes weaker with broken parts

250 + 15 * 1.05 = 278

>Tigrex Great Sword
220 * 1.32 = 290

And that's before Tigrex gets a relevant attack skill to fill in Bludgeoner's space, and also has blue sharpness to fall back on if spamming Absolute Readiness isn't enough.

Judgement does look cool though I'll give you that

Hoping for a new lineup. I feel like Generations was a swansong for the old guard before moving on to new things.

Also it's time to lose the fucking 3DS, my hands were never this cramped even using the clawgrip on the PSP. Hoping they bring it back to home consoles for the NX, which is supposed to be half-handheld anyway.

>ingredients and food are way better in this game


There's no doubt I have bank caravan points but it's still a step backwards when you have to blow nearly 40,000 just to be able to advance days when you could do it with steaks for free in 4U

I enjoyed GQ's. I enjoyed hunting for that relic that would make your armour set into something special. I liked putting together a full set of wroggi relics just to make my guild card look pretty. It made me want to keep coming back to the game.

Combining the ingredients beforehand is a good idea in concept. It's just that by the time you have all the ingredients there's 8 pages of useless shit clogging up the menu.



>ingredients and food are way better in this game

There is an okay twist but seriously it just floods the menu with a ton of shit you'll never eat for.

>Freedom and Tri's purple raw modifier


That's only half of the story.

Half of what story?

>I enjoyed GQ's

there is literally nothing else to blow your points on

I don't like hunting the same monster for a low% drop, that's a shitty endgame

so press left to go to the last page?

so really its not really a big dropoff since most GS users ive seen are not even using the tigrex sword(i have it now but cant use it till i get a charm or clownsuit for skills i need) FUCKING WEAPONS SLOTS MAN, I NEED THEM, fuck.

so what is this? an unused monster or just someones idea? either way I'd love to fight it. We need more cat monsters/beasts in general

I think it'd look better with a smaller head/longer snout, but looks like it could be fun overall.

Gen weakness chart yet?

>I don't like hunting the same monster for a low% drop

That's literally the entire game. Only in GQ's you're hunting for items instead of carves.

the things i´ve disliked so far are
>Have to do boring cat shit quests to unlock Farms and extra carts
>GS range got nerfed
pains me so much since i trained myself to always hit with the tip and now i´m missing everything
>no monster subs
pretty much means there are less armor with decent skills
>deviant quests
so far i guess they are better than guild quests, but the armor and weapons you make are expensive as shit and absolute trash, the fucking compund skills are not active until god knows when, and of course so far all of them seem to have garbage skills
the weapons are barely better if not worse than a regular weapon, wich its disapointing since guild quests (even if it was a one in a million chance) gave you superior weapons compared to anything else
>no HR village
well i have gotten some advance hr stuff but i wonder how much is there
>no expeditions to get wycademy points
i really liked going into G rank expeditions in 4U it feelt like a nice solo random challenge, that said i believe they give you lots of them so there is no need to

so far the game seems to be doing their best to prevent you to have decent skills

MHO concept art

At Green sharpness Blunt Force can do some good work compared to most of the GSes.
The issue is thinking that going to yellow, where low sharpness modifiers kick into play based on when you connect with the monster during the attack animation.

And if that happens you're looking at only doing at worst 60% of the original damage, which is a huge decrease.

Just get ping's dex or

Both super helpful, the app is amazing

The point of farming a monster normally is to get gear so that you can kill more powerful monsters more easily. Farming GQs is just getting gear for the sake of getting gear.

And even worse you don't even know what gear you're going to get.

Sleep does get the first hit 3x damage, but para lowers a monsters defenses somewhat also.

Traps are independent of each other and status's in terms of duration, which lowers on repeat application. Effects of anything last longer while the monster is tired, and shorter when enraged.

Good thing it didn't make it as an actual monster, I don't want more furbait like Zinogwhore bringing in more furries to the series.

Deviant weapons charge arts 25% faster

It made it as a different monster

I do however have to say that it's nice that GQ equipment meant you got to see some variety, even some status or element on some weapons cause they were just better with all the raw

I just wish Capcom would balance status + elemental damage on slow weapons to give them a reason to exist

yup cant do shit with GS anymore since have to get in right close and rolling away still isnt enough to dodge attacks

deviant weapons might have been decent if they had FUCKING SLOTS! hell give them 2 or 3 slots at their final level to give us reasons to even want them, their abilty to fill arts faster is FUCKING USELESS most people barely use arts in the first place!

Mizutsune seems to have brought more in anyways

The fuck you talking about you insane shitter.
Deviant weapons are absolute top tier for pretty much most.

And arts are strong, many classes use them all the time.