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>their most ambitious game ever
What did they mean by this?


How come? Did some patch break it?

Did the new Survival Mode release yet? Is it fun?

Nukaworld is the final fallout 4 DLC
so thats 2 non settlement DLCs, and 5 settlement DLCS

needless to say people are pissed

>so much pointless dialogue
He'd have a point if most dialogue selections in FO4 weren't also pointless despite only getting four at a time.

gameplaywise its the best one
i prefer the voiced protag because finally i paid some attention to the story. every other story in any bethesda game is literally "who cares" and "meh" tier except for the DB in Oblivion

Give it to Obsidian and let them make one with better story and features and also optimize that piece of shit

Obisidanfags also kill yourselves
Obsidian sucks at making good games
they make great mods to full games though

>150 billion pointless customization options
You mean like all that fucking autistic settlement bullshit?


take your meds

Hype train reached its final destination.

>i prefer the voiced protag because finally i paid some attention to the story. every other story in any bethesda game is literally "who cares" and "meh" tier except for the DB in Oblivion
Kill yourself, casual.

Voiced protagonists are ruining RPGs.

>Voiced protagonists are ruining RPGs.

Kys grandpa ;^)

>Voiced protagonists are ruining RPGs.

They're fine for defined characters.

The problem is there's no reason for FO4 to have a defined character.

Nigga are you schizo?
You contradicted yourself from one paragraph to the next

>mfw if nothing else at the very least I didn't fall for the season pass meme

It's not like your character matters in FO4.

Pete "I need to be told I'm a bad boy" Hines says THE dumbest shit I've heard in the industry. His thorough misunderstanding about what RPGs are about could easily be passed off as bait here.

>Give it to Obsidian and let them make one with better story and features and also optimize that piece of shit
>Obsidian sucks at making good games


>Obsidian sucks at making good games
>they make great mods to full games though

literally reading comprehension both of you

Pete Hines is the worst, him being shitty to that guy asking about why jet was in vaults was pretty fucked.

No he means weapon customization. I dont use it much but i do like settlement building but it still has downsides

Yeah, so why voice it?
Certain actions just don't make any fucking sense.
Since it's predefined, my character should be desperately searching for her kid instead of building towns and going through identical dungeons full of raiders/super mutants to collect desk fans to make gun upgrades with, or helping the radio fag get a gf, or running errands for immortal people.

>i don't know what a mod is

nice try

take your meds


What the fuck is WRONG with his fucking face?

>shoehorns in politics

How to know when to immediately discard a review.

Horse cock, of course cock.

Faces of Chad.

Personally I can't stand the settlement building.
Also what that guy is saying is that FO4 is better than other games because it has less customization.
I think he's saying stats are bad but gun upgrades are good.
Which I guess is true for these kind of people, they don't want to think, they want a linear progression of 'upgrades' that mostly do the same thing.
IIRC in FO4 you basically just have a few tiers of upgrades so it's best to just wait until you have the right stuff and get the best upgrade.
For these people that is preferable to having a load of stats to distribute to customize your character to your liking, much better to just upgrade your sniper rifle until the game becomes even more of an easy joke.

Someone post the edit with the Super Mutant from Fallout 1 with Pene Hines face

Not that user and I don't think I'm moving goal posts, but never at any point in The Witcher did I feel like I WAS Geralt I always felt like I was with him on his adventure and because of that the story felt different than a Fallout game. While the only 2 Fallouts I've ever played are 3 and 4, I like the way 3's story is presented much more. I feel like I'm more in control of the options and due to the nature of all of the responses being clear and definite while being vague enough that an answer of "Ask about Megaton" can be "What kind of shit hole is this?" or it can simply be "What can you tell me about your town?" Whereas in Fallout 4 they didn't try with the responses even with a voiced protagonist so you end up with "Glass him" incidents all over the game. I also feel much less like I'm in the game and this is my story/adventure and much more like I'm following someone, whats worse is that this character I'm following isn't likable, the best part of the game was playing as The Shroud and dishing out mad justice.


Kid has an annoying voice but he's mostly spot on.

>give it to Obsidion

>Kys grandpa ;^)
*Voiced protagonists are ruining RPGs that shoehorn them in without being designed around them.
Fallout 4 gives you the illusion of being your own unique characters. In the Witcher you play as Geralt, so you have to act within the spectrum of ways Geralt would probably act. In 'create your own character' RPGs you should have the freedom to roleplay a HUGE spectrum of characters.

What do you mean?

This is now a Fallout NV thread.
Post gunfus

You should try New Vegas.


not gonna make it

The DLC ruins the entire game by giving you a forced backstory.

not really, you're just a courier that's been to the divide at one point in your life. Everything else can be whatever you want it to be.

That's only the last dlc, there are three more that you can play, also the base game is pretty good on it's own

Dead Money is the only good DLC and that has only small references to Ulysses.

>tfw remember thinking LR giving the courier some sort of backstory was a bad idea
>"haha well at least it's only implyed"
>tfw fallout 4

>forced backstory
No, it just told you that, while you were a Courier, you delivered a package to the Divide, that's it.

The other DLC's aren;t even that great though. Dead Money is the only decent one, Honest Hearts is the worst DLC I've ever played. OWB was fun but had cringey humor, and the whole Ulysses arc across the DLC's was complete trash. I can't even put into words how much I hate Ulysses and the overarching story of all the NV DLC.

Bethesda has two (2) decades worth of experience in making pc games/titles. So how is it possible that they still didn't include a fov setting and why is mouse acceleration on by default?

Id basically invented first person shooters and they forgot to let you turn off mouse acceleration in Doom 4.

Its not as bad as Sup Forums memesters make it out to be


I wonder how they'll dumb down FO5. It shouldn't even be possible at this point but I'm sure Bethesda will find a way to surprise me again.

In my opinion lonesome road was the weakest, followed by old world blues, honest hearts and dead money

Lies and Slander. Would this man make a bad game?

It's not bad, it's just fucking boring. It's like they made the systems, and all the interaction between different systems, but then they forgot to make the game.

>Trump for no reason
>hates having options and variety
>hates reading and characterization
This is the kind of retard that should never play rpgs in the first place, but is exactly the kind of pleb Bethesda specifically caters to.

It's also not as good

>dat feel when your beloved idol is actually a con and slowly tumbling down to abyss

I see nothing wrong with this post. It's a good game and deserves more credit. They tried something diffrent and it dident work lots of devs have done this. Alot of people do enjoy the game.

>They tried something diffrent
What did he mean by this?

I liked OWB the most. Dead Money gameplay was pretty bad but it had a nice atmosphere and the additional bits of story were good. OWB was the only DLC which didn't made me miss the Mojave because there was so much to explore and loot. The characters might feel a bit too wacky for most people but their madness makes sense once you realize they're basically stuck in an eternal loop. I actually felt sorry for the Think Tank.

I didn't like the story of Honest Hearts. You're basically forced to help Graham (or did I miss something?) no matter what character you play. I didn't really care for the whole tribal shenanigans. The Survivalist logs were pretty interesting though.

Didn't play Lonesome Road and hearing all the negative response it got doesn't really motivate me to start it.

While I admit that the game is something that on an evenly weighted scale I'd rate a 3 or 4 out of 10 instead of the 1/10 people here seem to treat it as, I really do despise it.

I thought I was immune to hype, I thought I knew what Todd could do, but I still was excited for the game. I still thought, "no matter how badly they fuck it up, mods will fix it."

I didn't expect it to be as horrible as it was.

Only if you have one rich with lore. Fallout you get a custom made with a shitty backstory.

Its its own thing completely different from any of its predecessors in almost every regard. I can't hate it for that. I wont say its the best game ever made but its okay

It means fallout 4 is a good game but you fags nit pick the shit out of everything.


[X]Hate dialogue.

I think most of the recent hate is due to the shitty DLC. The amount of content released was NOT worth $50 by any stretch. This combined with Doom 4's HORRIBLE marketing campaign makes me think Beth should just fire their whole marketing team.

>and so much pointless dialog even Trump would be envious
What does that even mean.

I liked HH mainly because I could pretend like I was actually playing as a tribal, in fallout 3 I always tried to play as a drugged up raider

Hype wore off and now that everyone has stood back and seen everything we got and will get, they're disappointed. The game was shit, the DLC was shit, and even modding was crap.

i thought the game was really fun and got a lot of enjoyment and like 150 really great hours out of it.

then i played far harbor and realized what this game should have been.

I am hoping nukka world follows the trend.


>then i played far harbor and realized what this game should have been.
Was Fallout 4 your first Fallout game? What Fallout 4 should have been is more like Fallout 1, 2, or New Vegas.

Considering all for dialogue choices do the same thing 90% of the time, I'd say it's pointless.

Didn't buy the game. Can anyone explain what happened for recent reviews to drop?

A large part of the reason of feeling like you ARE the character is whether the game is in third or first person view as well.

Read the thread you dope:

same fags made some bots to downvote the game across a lot of websites. It always happens when the new hotness comes out.

>rag on trump so the libs don't disagree with me

Literally the 'I like food' person on the subject of politics

>Literally a "Muh Boogeyman" post
Todd you're losing your touch

Shut up Todd

Get outta here, Crash Team Racing.

Oblivion was their only legendary game.

>start story in free format
>no backstory besides you're a prisoner
>choose to be a part of factions or not
>factions actually meant work and effort
>game world was diverse
>spellcrafting and freedom of the user to create and tweek his perfect class

If you disagree with this, you're a troll/contrarian, and you don't have anything rational to bring to the table.

Oblivon was worse than both Morrowind and Skyrim

have you played 1 and 2? those are entirely different experiences than new vegas and 4 and not one that i particularly want .

i wanted an immersive exploration game and that's what i got with fallout 4 and far harbor took that to the next level. it had its flaws and there were absolutly things new vegas did better. but i think its a great step in the right direction for the series.

have you given far harbor a chance?

>>factions actually meant work and effort
Morrowind, you had to be high in skills in relation to the faction in order to be promoted. In Oblivion you could become Arch Mage and struggle to cast most spells
>>game world was diverse
Mostly forest and greenland. The world felt hardly compelling compared to Morrowind


>taking the bait this hard

Except you can deny that being your backstory and call Ulysses a crazy idiot. It's only your backstory if you let it be.

Am really glad steam added the recent review category.

They are usually from players who have a more time in the game and they are not the fanboys who pre-ordered and have played for like a week.

If game is a year old and has great recent reviews that is a good indicator desu.

>buyers remorse

I actually liked the story of F4. And also some of the features were nice like weapon mods and the visuals were really nice. I just hated how limited you were and how tight the world felt. Capital Wasteland felt so huge.

There's a very big difference between a voiced protagonist in a series with a consistent story and universe and a voiced protagonist in a game like Fallout.

Somethings wrong with the face of everyone whom ever worked on a Fallout game.

I still can't get over how bad that hud is.