What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Not even half as good as DS2 in every aspect.

too linear, heavy weapons feel as if they got no impact, magic sucks

Fucked up balance and overall design that heavily encourages specific playstyles, ultimately reducing gameplay variety compared to the previous entires despite there being more stuff to do on paper.

Still a great game though, and better than DaS2.

this, guess they don't want us putting dex builds in their place.

Too linear.

cool bait

copy pasting the same fucking animations since des rather than using the new and better ones in bb.


my favorite is still sotfs

fucking tried to copy Bloodborne. down to the bosses dealing percentage damage instead of raw damage.

there are not a lot of varying weapon skills. in the end i just use the farron greatsword because it is the only unique one.

the armors are un-upgradable. they could have just unlock the upgrading of armor in NG+ but no, just no upgrading.

too much cathedral environments. and too short of a game.

too short areas. not much fun to go through.

feels like they used the scrapped enemies from Bloodborne

Sup Forumss hipsterism getting more hilariously blatant with every passing year.

>want to explore end game area
>game just lazily teleports your ass to soul of cinder
>get to NG+
>hoping for altered boss fights, new dark/npc phantoms like DS2
>all the same shit just more health
>decide to finally try invading
>3v1s all day
>decide to try dueling and FC instead
>offhand caestus and hornet rings all day


It was designed by a dexfag

>fucking tried to copy Bloodborne. down to the bosses dealing percentage damage instead of raw damage.

do you have the full sized image of the first map ?

>jock DaS' assets to the fucking limit while keeping shit Bloodborne under the hood
>even the fucking meta is similar to DaS

Soul Memory, enemy tracking, the downgrades, so on and so forth were all max garbo, but at least DaS2 let people get creative.

Nothing, it's game of the year.

old ones bosses like amygdala and chalice dungeon bosses deal percentage damage. I found about it when I max my stats and amygdala still does 1/5 damage to my health i have 20 vit and still does 1/5 damage even at 99 vit.

dark souls 3 does the same.

Why is he such a fuccboi?

Not much except getting staggered by everything.

I appreciate the idea of nerfing poise but it was nerfed too much

Dark Souls: Greatest hits edition
Also, no fucking poise

Nothing, it's great.

1 > 3 > 2, of course.

The only thing I really hate about 3 is what a shitty port it is.

Lothric Castle and Archdragon Peak are barely playable.

>R1 spam
>Infinite rolls
>Not enough/interesting NPCs
>Faith is shit
>Estus chug
>No poise

I'm sure I could think of lots more.

That said it looks good and I had fun playing.


and it was made for pc and ported to consoles

Online PvP is dead outside of duels.
>it's a 3 man team waiting for invaders with giant seed
>it's a 4 man team with a blue incoming
>it's a guy who rushes you with allies and then runs back to bonfire to roll and resummon over and over when it doesn't go his way

Was just tiresome. Granted, wins felt like an accomplishment. But I couldn't be fucked with this shit for very long and just went back to playing Bloodborne.

Nothing really. I just liked BB alot more and it still feels a bit lacking in content. I will play the DLC once it's out.

It looks better (graphically; art-style is another matter), has better music and about 4 or 5 of the bosses are really good.
That's it.

Shit build variety
Too linear
dude references lmao

Linearity and shitty PVP balance are the game's major flaws. Everything else is pretty good, but the linearity is killing my desire for further playthroughs, and the shitty PVP has me just playing offline altogether now since invasions are either laughable or frustating as fuck.

Yr mother didn't abort

fucked up Patches questline royally

This makes me not want to summon people if I get invaded
Thats just shitty

>better than 3

No expansion

Explain why Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2.
In these discussions, it's too easy to point to Soul Memory, the graphical downgrade and a few tired webms to say DaS2 was shit, but no one ever explains why DaS3 is better.

Dark Souls 2 has:
>far less interesting worlds
>far less inspired level design
>far fewer unique enemies
>a complete lack of personality

DS1: garbage boogaloo

Are you incapable of reading, faggot?
And I would say that every last one of those points could be just as easily applied to DaS3 if someone was inclined to argue it. Which I'm not.

Linear level design

>Are you incapable of reading, faggot?
You didn't mention any of those things in >And I would say that every last one of those points could be just as easily applied to DaS3
No, they couldn't.
It's objectively true that DS3 has far more unique enemies.
It's also very obvious how DS3's worlds are better designed and with more character/worldbuilding than DS2.

And Proof of Concord Kept. Fucking silver knights are boring as fuck.

Explain why SOTFS is better than DaS3 without being subjective then, faggot.

Dark souls 3 sucked because it spent so much time referencing how awesome dark souls 1 was instead of being an awesome newer experience.

This is why bloodborne was awesome

Atrocious pvp. More iframes on rolls than bloodborne. No poise. Virtually no choice in pve progression. Invasions ruined. Tons of fan service and rehashed elements from previous games.

>being a proper sequel is bad

>far fewer unique enemies

This is straight up wrong.

DS3 has less enemy variety than fucking Bloodborne. You can go count them on different sites.

Not to mention lack of variety in builds due to magic being shit, straight swords being twice as good as everything else, and armor meaning absolutely nothing.

I also think the ridiculous amount of stamina you start off with in this game, how little all of your moves deplete it, and how fucking good rolling is, causes too much roll-spam without consequence. There's simply no reason not to spam roll five times a row in this game, since it will get you out of every dangerous situation with no repercussion. Dark Souls 2 was a much slower game, in large part due to each one of your moves using stamina like mad, and I really prefer that game having consequences for using your stamina like a retard.

Than DS2? No, it's correct.

Yet DS2 was crucified for its references. In fact DS3 straight up copy pastes NPCs, NPC invaders, and entire areas and brings LESS armor variety (including the rehashed armors) than VANILLA DS2.

Wrong again.


SOTFS better than DeS? Genuinely curious to know how you came to that conclusion

>Yet DS2 was crucified for its references.
Because DS2's references didn't have any relevance to the game, the world, the story, etc.

DS2's tribute to O&S wasn't a bossfight in similar armor, with similar barrier of difficulty. DS2's tribute was a fucking reskin of Ornstein.

DS2's tribute to the demons wasn't a hidden boss that reworks the original demon design with completely new moves, it was a shitty copy/pasted gargoyle fight with some really embarrassing level references.

Don't compare them, kid.

I asked first.
Here's something to get you motivated

>more open-ended in the early game
A player that knows what they're doing can rush Pursuer and Bastille, pick up the Agape ring, then access Shulva, Heide's (then NMW, Copse & Arena), and Shaded Woods through Tseldora and start to build a specific PvP character out of the gate. In DaS3, you can kill Dancer early, or go to do Cathedral before Carthus (although why wouldn't you?).

The level design in DaS2 is some of the weakest in the series, no arguments there, but DaS3 isn't particularly strong, either: after the impressive looping in Cathedral of the Deep, the shortcuts are Skyrim-tier "open this door back to the start of the area".

The argument about fewer unique enemies is demonstrably false. Maybe less varied in terms of enemy type, but that's not the same thing.

The thing about a "lack of personality" is subjective: I prefer DaS2's ruined Welsh-inspired world to DaS3: Bloodborne Souls.

Mechanically, DaS3 is the Dark Souls world filtered through the Bloodborne engine.
DaS2 is slower and more deliberate, and trying to roll away to chug is dangerous and often costly. This encourages a less yolo approach to fights and makes you slow down instead of rolling around like a retard.
DaS3 is faster and snappier, but it doesn't mesh well with the traditional systems, which is evident in
- drinking speed/ walking out of backstabs while drinking
- buffs coming out instantly, even if hit while buffing
-rolling being the most overpowered it's been in any game, made worse by rings

I'm not going to type a fucking thesis on this: I asked why DaS3 was good, not why DaS2 was bad. For the record, I enjoyed DaS3 while playing it, but it has some big fucking problems.

The further we get from Demon's Souls, the more I appreciate how different it is from the rest of the series. It may be the easiest game in the series by a wide margin, have the least weapon and armor variety, and be incredibly short in comparison, but all of its levels feel so unique compared to the rest of the series now.

I really hope the next Souls-like game to come out of FROM (or even the next Dark Souls game to come from whoever Namco-Bandai gets to make them) takes a lot of queues from DeS. I would love to have level-based progression and worlds that are entirely different again.

Is it really that bad
I've played every souls game except for it and DS2

Shove that Miyazaki dildo further up your ass.

Neither of them are as bad copy pasting an entire level, rehashing bloodborne enemies, rehashing npcs, npc invaders, armors, and weapons.

>I prefer DaS2's ruined Welsh-inspired world
I didn't get that at all, DS2 had no inspiration in its levels. Lost Bastille is just a boring castle that looks like nothing in the real world, just a generic castle. No Man's Wharf is a generic pirate dock. etc.

So you don't have a retort to my points?

If by "copy/pasted level" you mean Untended Graves, it's with different enemies and actually serves an important story purpose. But this flew over your teenage head I guess.

>DS2's tribute to the demons wasn't a hidden boss that reworks the original demon design with completely new moves, it was a shitty copy/pasted gargoyle fight
The Gargoyles wasn't a reference to the Demons, it was a reference to DaS's Gargoyles (which were themselves a reference to DeS' Maneaters)

>with some really embarrassing level references.

Your argument there is that Ornstein, an optional boss is a lazy throwaway reference. You'd be right, but don't pretend that the same wasn't done in DaS3, kid.

It's not a bad game, in the same way that DS2 is not a bad game. DS3 is actually basically the anti-DS2. It throws out every improvement DS2 made to the series and then creates a host of its own, almost entirely opposite, problems.

>The Gargoyles wasn't a reference to the Demons
It led to one, and it's still a lazy as fuck reference.
le bridge for Taurus Demon
le narrow steps area for Capra Demon
Didn't even play the game I see?
>but don't pretend that the same wasn't done in DaS3, kid.
The same wasn't done in DS3. There wasn't a single boss that was a reskin from DS1.

Anor Londo you buffoon.
DS2 Ornstein is the same level as Old Shitty King who uses generic demon movesets.
Gargoyles weren't a fucking a demon reference brain dead retard.

But Miyazaki's cum on your eyes must have blinded you to your hypocrisy

>literally comparing a rooftop fight to "narrow corridor" fights


Dark souls 2 has the highest highs and the lowest lows.

The build variety and powerstancing is really good.

Shame about the bosses and level design .

>Anor Londo you buffoon.
A very small section of it, meant as nothing more than a boss corridor to get to Aldrich.
>DS2 Ornstein is the same level as Old Shitty King who uses generic demon movesets.
Hahahahahaha what? No, it isn't. "Old Shitty King" isn't a literal reskin with only one new move.
>Gargoyles weren't a fucking a demon reference brain dead retard.
Learn to read, teenager:

Which is why it's the only thing on the list I described as subjective: I don't like the "feel" of DaS3's world, and no, I'm not going to pretend that that's a real argument, so don't worry.
There's just something about the how sharp and neat DaS3 looks that irks me (post-Pontiff Irithyll feels the worst because it seems to have been completely bleached of colour and personality by the cold, although you could argue that that's what it was aiming for).

Holy shit summerfriend

>all circular room fights are references
>all rectangular room fight are references

Jesus christ

No seriously, did you not play the fucking game?
The area after the bossfight is explicitly referencing these fights.

>The name censors are still a thing
Take a moment to ignore DS3 scoring an M rating.
Now put yourself into the mind of someone who is 100% cool with depicted slaughter and(or)
mental torture of a young blind nun, but then draws a hard line in the sand at naughty words.
Sure - maybe a case can be made. Does letting people put words like "fuck" in their name really add anything of value?
Knight. Apparently knight is the added value. Or, as some say K***ht.

Maybe - as a fucking strange prank - someone who would likes the fantasy genre, who likes Dark Souls, and who likes
knights would just maybe use word in their name?
NPCs in the actual fucking game get to.

But no, thankfully they put a stop to that. You get to be the Black K***ht.
You also get to be the Black NIGGER. Or the esteemed FAGCOCK KNIGHT.
Sure KNIGHT is in all caps, but who cares? Sensitive language is one thing, who the fuck has time for case sensitive?
Clearly the geniuses who coded the fucking filter.

Since the DS2 kids didn't play their own game they are droning:


Starts on the bridge, which is a reference to Taurus Demon fight.
Then takes the ladder down to the Capra Demon fight reference.

>a-an entire level is j-just a boss corridor nothing more!
>B-but DS2 has this one boss arena that kinda-sorta looks like it kinda-sorta ....REFERENCE.....BAD!!


It's not "an entire level," did you play either game?

No poise and linear maps killed it for me
also i enjoyed the DaS1 fanservice

>The Gargoyles wasn't a reference to the Demons
>It led to one, and it's still a lazy as fuck reference.
What are you saying?
The Capra-inspired are with the Dragon Tooth?
Okay? I didn't even catch the reference the first time because I was trying to not die, but when I did notice that the layout was the same, then linked it with the dogs, I actually thought it was funny.
>Didn't even play the game I see?
No need to be a shit.

>The same wasn't done in DS3. There wasn't a single boss that was a reskin from DS1.
Havel is an optional miniboss. And Yhorm was a DeS boss redux.

You're literally the only defending DS3 here kiddo

You LITERALLY just described everything wrong with soul memory

So basically here's the delusion of DS2 kids.

Area in DS2 that is a blatant copy/paste and bosses in DS2 that are blatant copy/pastes from DS1, with no purpose to exist = OK.

Area in DS3 that, appearing in only a portion, serves a story purpose as a sequel should do; and bosses that may call back to DS1 fights but are completely redesigned = Not OK.

I feel like you kids don't have any critical thinking.
>Havel is an optional miniboss.
Hahahaha so completely irrelevant, thank you.

It's baffling that they didn't de-list a string of commonly-used words from the filter.
If anything, the first thing that comes to mind when I see "K***ht Artorias" is NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER.

No, DS2 was crucified for it's downgraded graphics that they blatantly lied about, it's bland bosses and enemies, it's inconsistent and overall bullshit level design that basically boils down to "THROW TEN OF THE SAME ENEMY IN A TINY ROOM"

>the bridge, which is a reference to Taurus Demon fight.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>Then takes the ladder down to the Capra Demon fight reference
Yes, very good, very good. HOWEVER, consider the wholesale lifting of Anor Londo, and the sheer concentration of references in Farron Swamp alone, and your rgument, whatever the fuck it was, falls apart.
I don't personally think the references in either game are bad, but you sound like a fucking idiot with this shit.


Yeah DS2 is shit.
Not like DS1, for le true hardcore Souls fan.

Remember that Onion Guy?

I love the end of his quest line too. Helping you fight that giant, really made the fight epic and intense.


But yeah, fighting Ornstein again was just absolutely terrible you can't even compare them. That whole time fighting him I just couldn't stop crying - none of it made any lore sense!?


Again. The Gargoyle fight referenced DaS, which referenced DeS. You can't apply that logic to the argument without taking Havel, Yhorm and AL into account, which invalidates your crusade against the "kids" that makes you sound like a complete faggot, by the way, and only weakens your paper-thin argument

Havel is the equivalent to Havel in DaS, i.e an optional miniboss that you can seek out in an out-of-the-way location. Now add Creighton and Alva to the mix.

None of that applies to what I said in my post, read it again.
stay in school kid

It was

I did see.
>Area in DS3 that, appearing in only a portion
All areas appear "in only a portion", so that's irrelevant.
>Serves a story purpose. It doesn't, though: AL only appeared in Irithyll because the lands were converging, which was a convenient way of throwing in some DaS areas for fanservice ("have you heard of Lost Izalith? I hear it's pretty close by.").
And it's appearnce was only to shoehorn in Gwyndolin and the Darkmoons (completely pointless, since there's no Blue Eye Orb), which could have been done without Gwyndolin anyway. Gwyndolin was 100% fanservice, but it was interesting.

You're purposely ignoring your own logic here, and you have the nerve to accuse others of lacking the capacity for critical thought.

OK, then explain why Belfry Luna is in DS2. How it's relevant to the world. How the Capra Demon and Gargoyle references enhance the world/story.

Now do the same for Anor Londo and Archdragon Peak.

See You're dodging the point, that DS2's references are lazy, thoughtless, and have no relevance in a game that is NOT a sequel to DS1.

DS3 is a sequel to DS1, so it will carry over elements of DS1.

How do you not understand? Have you studied anything about art? Do you know how sequels work? You sound like some 18 year old who read the Sparknotes to everything in English class.

>The best one is still exclusive to PS4
Still funny.

I have literally never invaded a world that has had less than two gold/white phantoms.

The only fun PvP I've had was with invasion rings etc.

>None of that applies to what I said in my post, read it again.
You're arguing that the Gargs "are blatant copy/pastes from DS1, with no purpose to exist" while ignoring the same things in DaS3 that don't arbitrarily meet your standards.
Why is Havel different from the Gargs? A lack of a health bar?
Why is AL different from the small, Capra-inspired arena? because it serves no story purpose? AL could have been anything else, but they felt the need to reference it, Gwyndolin and the Darkmoons for no reason other than fanservice. Unless Yorshka becomes central to something in the DLC, then there was no reason for AL to be in DaS3 at all.

>Why is Havel different from the Gargs?
Among obviously not being a boss, he has story relevance in Archdragon Peak.
>Why is AL different from the small, Capra-inspired arena?
Because it serves the story, yes.

The whole fucking story is about how the gods are all dead and that this is the true end of fire.

Are you one of those people that was arguing that DaS2 wasn't canon before DaS3 came out?
Just because it doens't directly continue the story of DaS doesn't mean it's not a sequel. It provides context to things in-universe, and it's likely that story elements were carried over to DaS3 (if Aldia wasn't Lothric's tutor, then they were intentionally misleading us).

>How do you not understand? Have you studied anything about art? Do you know how sequels work? You sound like some 18 year old who read the Sparknotes to everything in English class.
What is your fucking problem? You make half-informed assumptions about the nature of the games and their plots before DaS3 is even finished, then you you resort to your faggoty ad hominems. You're the fucking child here, if you can't defend your points without resorting to fucking name-calling.

Are you one of those kids who dodges the point?