Would you ever get a vidya related tattoo Sup Forums?
Would you ever get a vidya related tattoo Sup Forums?
Your LOSS password is in reverse.
Tats are shitty and pointless to me. Why would i want some drawing on me?. I guess im just not an attention whore
I have 3.
Wario, Shantae, and Meloetta.
Zero tucks given.
Shit it was reversed. I posted the wrong image of it
I have one of amaterasu from okami.
It looks like absolute shit and I am having it covered up
I have the design from the cover of Baldur's Gate 2 on my shoulder. No pic
loss is the worst meme of Sup Forums
>Zero tucks given
B-but you said you'd tuck me into bed
gee, didn't see that coming.
that is fucking sad
I've considered getting a nice big method thing, but then I reconsider.
When there is no more room on the internet, memes will roam the earth.
*metroid thing. Sorry, being a mobilefag at work currently
Nope, no tattoos ever. Videogame tattoos are even worse.
whoa, this is really nice. you user sure know how to meme!!
I would consider it if I was a massive faggot
Is your thread as successful as you hoped? Worth getting a tattoo for?