That shitty vidya opinion that legitimately makes you angry

>that shitty vidya opinion that legitimately makes you angry

What's her name, Sup Forums?

"Turn based games are outdated"

>vidya clothing outside the home or a vidya event is ever acceptable
>vidya tattoo is ever acceptable period.


opinions that are factually incorrect but held by many people

pretending objectivity is a thing

"Smash is not a real fighting game"

>MGSV being a good MGS, or even a solid game

Undertale is good and should be allowed on Sup Forums and /vg/

''fallout 4 is a good game''
''and so is gta online''

The ending is shitty so it's not even worth playing.

>Battlefield is good

That actually looks good

>odo dresses up as widow

>single player is pointless it's just the same thing over and over

Yet in nearly every multiplayer game, if you stray even an inch from the meta, the vote kicks come flying in at record pace.

>i play cod and battlefield for the single player

>Persona 3 is better than Persona 4

>I main reaper

They should all be put on a watch list

That one looks more than passable

Liking a game purely because the characters are cute, even if the gameplay is shit.


This so much

Faggots who run around spouting that the Shantae series is just 'waifubait', usually without ever playing it

Of course, I only ever hear it on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums's opinion is automatically disregarded

>I wish they made a Skyward Sword remake in HD
>I don't think Other M was that bad
Fucks sake Z, you're a good friend but your taste is beyond atrocious.

>fallout 4 was alright

No. The more we accept bethesdas mediocrity the more games they will continue to make on gamebryo and harm the industry as a whole.

It's funny because I find your opinion annoying. Just fucking let people enjoy what they like, you self-conscious shitter.

>Sonic CD is the best Sonic game
>Streets of Rage 2 is better than 3
>Mega Man 2 is the greatest Mega Man game

>Sonic was never good
>Argument for why somehow mentions gamegrumps

I have no problem with people disliking the classic games, but i'd like it if they had real reasons for why.

Then I shall automatically disregard your opinion as well

posting waifubait with your post doesn't help your case

>the Persona series are good games

>big sucessfull game with all demographics and everyone loves it.
>"why can't the main character be the opposite race/gender"

This looks alright. I'm starting this sub is filled with shut-ins. Go outside and see the light, you know?

>best intro
>best skin
>potg isn't entirely from the ultimate
I like you.

>dude just leave ISIS alone to do what they want

Fuck off, retard. Stupid shit should be called out.

Not good looking enough to pull off geeky clothes/tattoo so you have to wear plain tees?

Mass effect 2 is better than 1.


>*Insert video game here* is good and should be allowed on Sup Forums and /vg/

>ME3 is a good game
>ME2 is the best in the series

>Oblivion is a good game

>Turn based combat is bad
>Sprites are worse than 3D
>This game is good because I can fap to the characters
>This game is bad because I can't fap to the characters

Mass Effect 1 is the best game in the series
oh look

Are you fucking blind?

> Square is shitty now because of Enix

>Crash Bandicoot 3 is the best of the seres

Damn, this fucking board sometimes. That one has incredible attention to detail and you guys are all "HURR IT'S A GAME SO IT'S BAD"

It's trash, though. Widow is already "Anime style."

>max payne 2 is the worst in the series

>X is not Y genre

I mean, you might be right, but unless you define what constitutes Y genre, you're just shitposting.

Your opinion is dogshit. Why faggots like you think you're superior for liking the dumbed down action shooter is beyond me.

I don't prefer turn based games. Is that the same thing or do you mean bad as a whole?

>They should make an MMO out of it!

>Persona games are good

>Sonic was never good

mostly because it's really lazy shitposting and clickbaiting and very rarely do they even bother explaining why they don't like the series

but it is

New Vegas is good

>this character / item is top-tier because

Bad as a whole.

How could I have forgotten?

>branding yourself like an animal
>ever acceptable

>Dragon Age 2 is better than Origins

>Rainbow Six Siege is shit

3 is way better

>Mass Effect 2 was so much shittier than Mass Effect 1, they ruined great characters like Tali and ruined the gameplay!

Anyone who truly believes this should be strangled in their sleep to prevent their faulty genes from polluting the wider pool

>people that viciously defend a dev/game against valid criticism

I understand if your an employee the company, but if you're a consumer only why the fuck are you spending so much time and effort defending a game from a company that doesn't give a shit about you?

any one that disagrees with me

This. ME was a good space opera RPG with interesting world, story and amazing atmosphere.

ME2 was a mediocre action shooter with retarded story and retcons up the ass. It can in no shape of form be better than ME, unless you suffer from extreme nostalgia.

>Picture of an anime-style character
>Huge and on your arm
>socially acceptable
Maybe if you're a fucking autist with no real career

>that pic related
That looks good dude.

>I liked DmC more than 3 and 4

>bioshock 2 is the worst in the series
>Skyrim is a good RPG

go fuck yourself

Because Mass Effect 1 was even dumber. It was incompetent shooter, and an incompetent RPG. The only thing it got right was the universe introduction.

Final fantasy is still good after IX

"Fallout is good but if it had multiplayer It would be better"


it is.

>factually incorrect
>pretending objectivity is a thing
How can you have fact without objectivity?

Hey, check that out.

the story might have been shit but you cant deny that the gameplay and mechanics were the best yet.

but it is

Not sure if this is on topics but...
>Game has huge variety of skills, class combinations, and such.
4 years and people don't shut up about this. I used to ignore it but it's driving me insane now. Many players left and whiners are louder than ever.

They're right if you take real to mean "like street fighter"

>dark souls is good
>dark souls 2 is better than any other game of the franchise
i'm angry just to remember people unironically think this

>unless you suffer from extreme nostalgia.
You mean ME1 fans? Would they not be more likely to be nostalgic? Yes, they would.

MGSV cant even be called a MGS game
thats what makes it fun

Shantae games rank from mediocre to ok and are full of waifu bait.

>new vegas > 3,4
>Fallout 4 is not a fallout game
>Sonic adventure 1,2 are bad games
>sonic was never a good game
>overwatch is fun
>league of legends is fun
>visual novels are games too
>playing as a male is not normal anymore, muh stare at female ass, becuz muh parents block pr0n so i haz to jack offs to falloot n skyrom waifuuse

Why do I come here Sup Forums? I literally hate everything you stand for.

The Shantae games aren't that good, though. The level design is very basic, barely resembling Metroidvanias. The good parts are the goofy dialogues, the game not taking itself seriously, the art and the music. It's not waifu bait, but it's also not much more.

No, the face is poorly made although the rest is fine.

Attached is a professionally made face

It isn't

I can't post it because it makes everyone else angry and I don't want angry (you)s

>Bloodborne is the worst Souls game
>Bloodborne is anywhere but in the top 3

It wasn't a shooter and a great RPG.

You're just proving you're a fucking retard. Also I agree with

>Game is bad because the main characters are students and there are girls in it.

>Final fantasy X is the best in the series
Said mostly by eurofags who haven't played I-VI

"Old games age badly." These people just suck because they play games based on modern design, not how the games are designed.

>X is a good game but not a good *series* game

Complete bullshit, a good game is a good game.

dude, that looks amazing, why do people here always shit on stuff for being popular

>Why do I come here Sup Forums? I literally hate everything you stand for.
Because it's better to challenge yourself with opinions you don't share, instead of jerking it with other people that just parrot each other.

>Sonic 3+K is best.
>Streets 1>2=3

I dunno senpai, have you played Goldeneye on the N64 lately?

That's some shit fucking taste right there user.

>Persona > Final Fantasy 1-12
Please fucking die

This is such a mix of good and bad opinions.

CoD campaigns are ok if you get pirate them or get them less than 5 bucks. You couldnt pay me to play through a Battlefield one though