Has he ever done anything good for the vidya?
Has he ever done anything good for the vidya?
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He brought mods to consoles
he is a benevolent game god
he was the director for morrowind and oblivion.
Based Todd!
But he also dumbed Morrowind down from Daggerfall, then dumbed Oblivion down from Morrowind
Todd has written a lot of lore for TES. He used to be the third member of the Lore Triumvirate along with Kuhlmann and Kirkbride.
I think that he secretly loathes being the one in charge and wants to return to those simpler days.
I thinks Zenimax is the true issue and not Toddy.
This. Zenimax pushed for Skyrim's meme release date, not Todd. Zenimax wants to monetize mods, not Todd.
Wow, if it was really him that invented looking with your mouse in first person games that's pretty big
ITT: Jealous virgins
but it's okay guys, you will get lots of pussy too when you buy Skyrim Remastered and Fallout 4!
not really, there were a lot of useless skills in daggerfall, and the map was just too big. streamlining isn't always for the worse.
He was the director of Morrowind.
He gave us the gift of the greatest game ever created. And now he's taking that game and bringing it to the current generation with mind blowing graphics. I've already preordered 4 copies, how about you, fellow anons?
Not only is he the most handsome man in the world, but he has fucked over and exploited normies and fanboys for years. He openly lies and gets away with it everytime I call that pretty impressive.
Its a mixture of both
You have to remember Bethesda thought "Blow up a town or not" and "Poison the water or not" were deep, meaningful choices
he's been pretty good for mods. at a time when nearly every studio had been turning away from mods, bethesda's games were still a modders paradise. apart form bethesda games, modding seemed to be dying. in fact, i think we can accredit skyrim's gigantic mod community for why developers are starting to look at release mod tools again.
He is a good dev that makes good games. I enjoy all of the fallouts and tes games. Ill continue to buy them.
No, bethesda never made anything good. Morrowind is a shitty """"""""atmosphere""""""" game.
If he didn't invent it someone else would've.
Zenimax is the true issue but (((Toddy))) is their tool