Guild chat: "good night guys"

>guild chat: "good night guys"
>waits 15 seconds to log out

Other urls found in this thread:


>Party leader: "brb gonna go take a shower"
>He dies irl

>playing games online

I bet you also like DOTA, League of Legends and Overwatch, faggot.

Are you some autistic faggot who doesnt like to socialize with people outside of his little.... LITTLE social circle?

Stay beta nu male.

>hey guys i'm going for a smoke before raid brb
>last time logged in: 4893454 days ago

>say good night in guild chat
>after I log out I realize I want to level an alt
>have to play a character on another server so it's not awkward

>having a social circle at all

Man normalfags really have infested this place. I bet you actually engage in small talk with your co-workers too

Just say "changed my mind, want to level an alt haha" and no one will fucking care

>he has coworkers
>he doesn't get paid $0.05 per post to shill for Hillary on Sup Forums


It says more about you who pay attention to shit like that. It means you're part of it.


what does an alts armpit smell like, i wonder? :) haha just curious

>finally a pause in teamspeak to say something you think people will find funny
>say two words and someone else interrupts you and starts talking over you until you shut up
>get sad and never attempt to talk again

>getting paid to shill
I wish this was a real thing, it sounds like fun to be honest.

>"gotta go real quick, see you guys"
>alt-f4 right away

>brb, grandma fell off the stairs

>that guy who accidentally posted a paragraph of his ERP in guild chat, quit the guild 5 minutes later then racechanged and faction changed so we couldn't find him again
Tinikkey, if you read this (and you might because I know you browsed Sup Forums) you're welcome back if you can take some bantz about it, we found it more hilarious than anything else

>Someone says "Grats!" in guild chat when you get a trivial achievement like clearing a dungeon for the first time on an alt or finishing 50 quests.

>TFW play on RP server
>Am the guild slut.
>Everyone pretends to be too high and mighty for ERP

>middle of the raid
>guys gotta fap
>he doesn't turn off the mic and moans into the headset for 5 minutes

Hey shut up for a second retard I'm about to drop a dank fucking joke

There. Was that so hard? It's TS not daycare.


Name five games that do this.

>Say that
>Your joke turns out to be not very dank.
>Awkward silence for a second before that guy starts up again finishing his though.

That sounds great that someone would actually spend money just because they said weird shit.

>every time you talk there's a 5 second silence then people continue on like you hadn't said anything

life shouldn't be like this

>female in guild uses chat as her facebook feed to say inane worthless garbage or link shitty memes from twitter or facebook followed by "omggggg loooooool"

How is this sad?

Don't be such a fucking memer and know not when to say stupid bullshit from your dumb childhood internet days on YTP forums.

>moaning while you fap

Who does this? My face is locked to a look of jaded apathy, not so much as a twitch even as I bust the hardest nut.

Who the fuck moans while fapping? What's enxt, do youscream Onii-chan too?

Are you immortal?

>Things that never ever happened

>last time logged: in the middle ages.

So you say goodbye to people on the phone but dont wait for their response? Its the same thing faggot.

But it takes 15 seconds for the logout timer anyways.

>not calling out the name of your imaginary boyfriend while stroking your dick and imagining that it's his

What do you think shilling is? There literally are jobs that pay you to promote topics on forums and shit. I tried it for a bit but it was through some shitty agency where I posted on dead forums for pennies, I never looked into how to shill for high end things like politicians and AAA games.

>You are not in a guild.

That's a thing? How did you get into it?

Guilds make you have responsibility.
Fuck that. Solo for life.

>Everyone pretends to be too high and mighty for ERP
Every fucking time. And in fact they fucking like that.

20 actually, but it's instant if you're in a rested area.

>Guild splits up due to some bullshit between the guild leader and his girlfriend that to this day you're not clear on

Go out with a bang, not a whimper, Rectifying Intent

Play a single player games, moron.
>thse kind of retards are now the norm
Glad the genre is dying.

I feel you man

Aw fuck alright I'm a fag go on with what you were saying _____


>13,406 years ago

>10 minutes later
>sorry guys, cat stopped breathing for a while
>continues the dungeon

Strangest excuse i've ever heard.

>join guild for buffs
>never talk or participate or anything
>2-3 weeks later
>login asap because forgot to whisper something to a friend
>receive whisper from random guild member
>"Why don't you ever say good night or good bye? Why are you so rude :("

It is

Reminds me of the
>brb, dog's on fire
story from League.

>good night guys
>no one responds

>brb someone at the door
>disconnected for innactivity
>never seen online again

What do you think Yoshi's eggs smell like haha

>brb police sirens outside

>Fish is drowning, brb

>fireplace on fire, brb

>call out some bitch for posting stupid shit
>whisper from the guild leader telling me to tone it down

is this another weird british english thing'

it should be "down"

>share account with turbo autismo alliance brother
>defend Orc Swamp City from ally attack
>account wide mounts
>equip uber mount only available for top guilds
>immediately invited to a pretty fucking good guild

Fish can actually drown though

It's out.

>brb mom is calling me to come down
>20+ year old man

God, that's a blast from the past.

.lol good ol' Moon Guard

more like Harbingers - Random Bitch

I know, my fish died that way, no need to point it out.

true story
>playing diablo 3
>joined some dinky guild not too long ago because bored of always playing alone
>2am and I'm online playing while flirting up some indonesian girl on skype
>alt-tab between game and client
>start typing "turn around and spread for me. I want to see those panties from the back"
>typed over guild
>only one guy on and he erupts in a fit of lmaoaololo
>man up and tell him that I'm watching my gf on skype
>tells me it's cool, he does it all the time
>actually made a friend that night

>warcraft will never be good again

>you haven't ever made a single friend online in 15 years

2 years until he gets out.
2 years and 1 week until he goes back

>accidentally did this in FFXIV, but in general chat or something
>gave no fucks
>kept playing until I quit the game

You actually took this retard's bait hardcore man

>regiular guildie "gn guys"
>no one says anything

>guild's girlwhore: gn
>"GN :) sleep well"
>"gn nn ^^"
>"good night baby =)"

he could've played it off as a joke if he had just said "haha whoops mistell". That way he wouldn't have had to pay thirty shekels for a faction change.

>it's not even about illidan


>thirsty betas hoping she'll flirt them up over vent

>mfw i respond to the wrong whisper with my big buff draenei warrior sucking on the futa cock of some night elf bitch

>You are prepared
Are you fucking kidding me?
That's what they come up with?

>the guild leader and his GF transfer servers out of the blue
>you're the leader now
>you let the guild die peacefully

>worked myself up from nobody to a fairly decent circle of online people in a game community who I assume liked me in some manner
>only source of positive social interaction and place where I had earned anything close to belonging
>left the game all of a sudden because my real life was going to shit
>feel rather lonely now

>log back on to server after years away
>guild is level 25 and GM has been inactive for over a year
>take over leadership and recruit like a mother fucker
>have that guild popping, full social leveling guild
>i'm just raking in gold from the G-bank.
>decide I'm going to quit and the original GM was on
>give guild back to him

It's now some private fucking 4 man strong guild.

>was in a guild
>log in
>see no guild name above you
>open guild page
>"you are not in a guild"

what did i do wrong

This is some next level cancer.

Logging out used to have a 20 seconds countdown.

>get guild invite a few weeks in wow
>was my wod raiding guild
>quit because they couldn't learn to not stand
on mines on imperator or with their backs against them
>answer the dude who whispered me
>"lol i know who you are"
>answer him and he have me on ignore
thats why i can jump in-out of wow once every 2 years

if you want to see a thirsty beta just look up asmongold and robynit's almost upsetting to watch

>raid leader of 40 man back in vanilla up till after 2.0
>very successful
>been playing for several years
>finish clear karazhan for the night, just firsted nightbane
>everyone really excited
>end the TS session with good jobs, congrats etc
>everyone goodnights
>log out
>pull up blizzard account page
>never check back into guild forum
>never log back on to wow
>have no clue what happened in the guild after that
>can't even remember their names

what's wrong with me?

>guild leader has been planning on quitting the game due to content drought
>trusts you enough to leave the guild to you until he returns
>later on his gf tells him to just sell the guild instead
>he does
>the guy who bought it almost never logs on afterwards and lets the guild die

how do you even take over leadership? i've been in a guild for a while and the lead hasn't been on since Highmaul

It still does unless you're in an inn or major city.

there was some /g command you should be able to look it up.

>lesbian officer who likes to blog asks guild chat something like "what would you do if your son was guy" (she was pregnant with a son, but claimed lesbianism and how she had several partners at the time)
>sick of this bitch's shit I say "disown him"
>15 people start spamming me in guild chat and whispers telling me to apologise
>either that or they're quite literally saying "omg are you serious"
>lesbian starts insulting me
>I tell her if she had a proper fucking she'd stop being such a bitch and wouldn't call herself a lesbian anymore

>play monster hunter
>don't bother saying thanks for hunting
>if I got the drop I wanted I just close and reopen the 3DS at the rewards screen to disconnect right then and there

>all your friends you made friends online are depressed
>so are you but recovering
shieet, gotta carry that weight

this is basically AD-EU, the forums are full of people posting chatlogs and people commiting ''forum sudoku'' by partaking in ERP and then posting their own logs to invoke drama, the best part is they're generally the more well known and the other party are usually complete nobodies who stay off of the forums and just log in to do their thing, so the thread becomes a witchhunt against people who are defending the ERPers in question.

recently some people got caught in an instance because someone decided to rat themselves out, even when shit was intended to be privatized all these human paladin tards in GoT guilds start posting shit to sound all above it, give them an inch and they'd do the same, it's hilarious, I can't even walk around Stormwind late on my Night Elf without getting someone trying their luck, and I have an empty profile

It takes 15 seconds to log out of WoW unless you're in a safe zone, bub

>log in after 2 years of not playing
>guild is max level despite not mass recruiting
>GM last online 1 year ago
>GM-alt last online 1 year ago
>everyone last online 2 months-4 years ago
RIP Sovereignty