Someone removes you on steam

>someone removes you on steam

Other urls found in this thread:

>remove someone on steam
>they keep trying to readd you

>Last Online: 6 years ago

>Play with people from my own country on Rainboe Six Siege
>Form a group, talk on TS and have fun playing together
>Suddenly TS changes IP mad they remove + block me from everything they had me on
I still don't know why...

>MRW you're being this much of a cuck

They probably found that weeb game on your steam library.


>Haven't talked to steam friend in 2 years
>Remove them
>"Dude why'd you remove me"

>get friend request from shady steam account
>friend him
>"hi, please give me some dota stuff"
>unfriend him
Fuckin' scam bots.

Guys HELP Do you think it's annoying when someone messages you while you're playing a game?

> file is damaged

Not at all.


>1 notification
>profile comment
>hey bro you need it? [LINK REMOVED]

nope if I'm busy I just won't reply and I'll reply when I'm not.

Only if it's as soon as I start a game after being online for a while

Dude what the FUCK!!!!!!

Never happened to me. You must really be some kind of loser.


But I don't own weeb games

I don't have any steam friends so I will never know that feel.

It's annoying when someone messages me, period.

What does this mean? They also turn into time ago if I change status to offline and back to online. Are the time agos for friends whose log in times didn't change between your last and current login? And the offlines for friends who were logged in the same time as you were last time or between your last and current login?




>best friend for two years that i talk to daily removes me off steam/facebook/whatever because i made a joke like we regularly do except she was feeling hormonal at the time and i didnt know i was supposed to avoid her that day
girls are fucking insane


Can't you just make a deal for her to tell you when to avoid her?

>gift game through throw away e-mail workaround
>the account accepting the gift are automatically added to my friends list
well hello strangers

that's what i tried to do before she told me to never talk to her again

Did you wait until she stopped being hormonal before talking to her again? Or did she just cut you off forever?

pls not my mom

hello seb

hello one of those 5 anons

id never remove you

you're a pretty cool guy

id never add you

>someone posts this thread every day

>not putting saran wrap on the tablet before cumming on it

I'll pass.

Since after I apologized immediately afterward and explained that I wasn't trying to offend and to give me some kind of warning to stop before she lashes out on me, she still told me that she hated me for whatever reason and to never talk to her, I said something like "OK, if that's what you want".
Was really waiting for her to apologize to me first, because this had happened a few times before and I was sick of feeling like shit for doing nothing wrong and having to beg for forgiveness from a crazy person. But I guess our friendship didn't actually mean that much since she deleted me off Steam, etc. RIP
fucking flew to new york the month before just to hang out with her too

>remove someone on steam
>they begin to harass your friends

Luckily you have no friends to message you

yeah I've been told that thanks

>Cherry blossoms pictures
>Reishit profile pic

wew lad

>german cumtoilet

Wew, fucking insane indeed

Just carry on, you didn't do anything wrong anyway

Mods delete this thread please

>your cute steam fuckboy stops replying


>not cum toilets

Literally spread their legs for Russians to """rape"""

>never remove
bullshit. you removed me.

Ugh wow, girls are fucking crazy. Shame you spent money on airplane tickets. She actually cost you money.

Why do Germans have such lust for weebness


>removing fuccboi after months and months of erping and cam masturbating

Funny as fuck watching this nigga try to re add me and pester people on my friends list, desu.

>faggot removes me for some shitty reason
>not on my watch nigger
>send him a request once every day untill he accepts

Guilt over the nazis has turned them into a "nation" of spineless beta males. Even their leaders have succumbed, allowing over 1 million undocumented immigrants into the country

Kyouko is such a lewdy lewd slut.

Hey buddy, plz don't bully

and new york sucked

>switch to an anime avatar
>lose like 5 friends

>Switch to an anime avatar
>Lose no friends because I'm not friends with shallow losers

>start up hyperdimension nep
>entire friendslist start bullying me

>tfw joined a chaos theory versus clan when I was about 11
>the clan had around ten people, all much older than me
>playing the game for months together, but fewer and fewer matches every week, as people are going to college etc
>around four people stayed
>two of them are one of my best friends now
>they taught me how to play games better, how to work my way around hardware, not retard proof software etc.
>almost 10 years later and I still haven't been part of a similar group or met people part of one

It's like these very small communities just dissapeared once the big social sites and online games dropped.

>tfw nobody to bully me

>not cleaning your list from contacts you're not using anymore
why would I even keep person I talked to last time over a year ago, and can't even remember him?



that's ok, society bullies faggots like yourself already :)

>confess to girl im friends with that i like her
>she tells me shes asexual
>whether its true or just an excuse i still want to be friends and do stuff with her
>little by little cuts off contact with me
>she hardly goes on steam, probably to avoid talking to me
>stop talking to her altogether
>offline for 2 years
>checking my friends list
>her profile isnt there
>neither is her friend who also hasnt been online in a long time
>search for her account
>cant find it
did she ever exist

>Random weeb adds me
>messages me everyday
>unable to respond because I'm moving
>finish moving
>1 New Comment
>"I removed you because you don't talk to me, feel free to add me again!"

I don't know what to think.

>best steam friend, in fact the only friend i have is a NEET
>hasn't been online in two days
im getting worried, someone hold me

Yes. She's just that weirded out by you

that's some mighty avatars, your friends have

I'll bully you, fuccboi.

>tfw only add fuckbois,traps, and sissy bois.

What happened?

where can I get those?

You started thinking with your dick.

Those people are mentally unstable 9 out of 10 times. Not worth it.

Here, duh.
I usually just fap to their pics and never play video games with them


you are talking to a homosexual and anime poster

The mentally unstable ones are the must fun to talk to, though.
I just cant get enough of how overly attatched they get to you, untill i get bored of it that is.

Untrue, removes pepole on the daily

pls b in wales

>tfw cute steam fuckboy says he was busy talking to someone else
>he goes on about how great this guy is and that he's some swole chad
>tfw getting cucked even on steam

I'm a homosexual and anime poster and I still don't want to put up with them.

>untill i get bored of it that is
This is exactly the problem, for me atleast. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if you're the type that just removes them whenever you want without feeling bad about it.

>switch to non-anime avatar
>lose like 12 friends

>no friends irl or online

kill me fa.m


I've never gotten one attached to me how did you do it?

You fucked up. Shouldn't apologized, instead should have ignore her moods, and speak to her few days later when hormons rush wears off, and act as if nothing happened.
Women are not rational, and they know it. Of course they would never admit their fault, so they say "men are dumb" and move on.
But you showed her that you're her bitch, and she can treat you however she wants. She will take your submission as granted, and once you oppose her, you'll make her mad to point of hating you.
Once you lose women's respect, there's no going back.

I generally just get less and less intrested in their conversations, at which point they usually stop talking to me and i remove them.
Although if they insist on continuing to talk to me i'll entertain them as long as they want.

Nah I usually kinda like it because it's nice to be playing and suddenly have someone you haven't talked to for a little while send you a message. I like to message some friends "Nice meme game kid" when they start up something and then we have a brief conversation about some random shit.

im afriad about this happening

i dont watch anime but i want to have a anime avatar since i find some of them really cute tho i dont want ppl to think im a weeb

Be geniounly intrested in what they say and their everyday life, aswell as being supportive when they need it.
Play games, spend time together and so forth.

>show this girl youre not her bitch by putting up with her treating you like one and pretend it doesnt happen
what the fuck

dont use anime avatars if u dont watch anime or read manga please.

fuck off normies

I feel you user, too bad you didn't get to fuck her for all the trouble she caused