Maybe if you stopped playing Widowmaker and Genji your team would actually have a chance

literally unrelated to anything OP has posted

do you have a bad case of the downs

>Tired of you shitters making me lose

Yeah sounds like there's only one constant.

Except all team comps revolve around Genji

>be mercy
>healing the one person contesting the point
>they die
>get on point myself
>rest of team bitches they weren't getting healed when they were nowhere near the point

>refers to 'you'
>even though Sup Forums's userbase is probably a tiny proportion of the overall overwatch shillbase
>even though most of the userbase are probably redditors and console kiddies

i initially liked genji, but only when he was relatively rare. Now he's in every single server, not rarely in pairs and it's fucking tiresome having to deal with hundreds of thousands of EUGENE IS OK CUTLERY !!!

>that one fucker who runs away instead of throwing himself on the point

>over a minute goes by without a team losing
>only a pharah is left on the point
>she inevitably boosts off the point and instantly loses it for her team

There is no greater comedy. I don't even get mad when it makes me lose because the other 11 of us can unite in laughing at the retard.

>double genji who throw shurikens everywhere until they can pop dragon blade simultaneously
I fucking hate it. I'd play comp more often but I'm sick of idiots never counterpicking and making your team lose

>Now he's in every single server,
Yeah cause all these people see Seagull or some other top 500 players on twitch play him.

Genji is either shit or incredibly powerful in a skilled players hands. Problem being the shit players far outnumber the skilled players.

>Placement match #10
>Enemy team has two groups of two who queued together
>We have 6 randoms
>Lose massively
"Balanced matchmaking."
53 if you are wondering.

What rank are you in? I just broke into the 60's and made it to 61 and its starting to get a lot better than it was going through the 50's. Still run into the occasional player who should definitely not be their rank but its better.

Has anyone ever died during overtime and it holds your spawn for longer than it should?
Like it will count down to 0 then stay on it for a few seconds before letting you spawn.

I did this yesterday

>That guy who runs off the point to chase a kill

They changed it a few weeks ago in a patch. I believe it was two seconds longer spawn times in overtime timer might not always adjust correctly I guess.

58, I barely play solo and the team I'm usually with rarely have time. In solo you meet idiots who insist on playing Junkrat against Zarya

Can't I am playing Hanzo lol

Man, idk how is the situation on PC but, on console, i can pretty much determine if I'm going to have a good or a bad match right of the bat, especially when teammates pick heroes that actually require aim to be useful.

>he wastes his ultra on this one kill

I love when they get this salty

I'd rather just lose and start a new game tbqhfamalam

>temple of anubis on defense
>It's overtime
>half the team rekt by zarya junkrat ult combo
>they're capping
>widow sitting on the pillar platform above the point taking pot shots until they cap it and we lose

Hanzo and widow players are fucking braindead retards holy fuck just watching her stand there when made me so mad.

>Reaper can contest a point in his ghost form

>Mei can contest a point in ice block

Contesting is an extremely flawed mechanic
There's no way to lose when you play like 1 Mei and 1 D.Va and 1 Zenyatta

>zen can contest while using his ultimate

I will happily use death blossom or barrage to get rid of that annoying tracer contesting the point

>entire team is dead (not cus bad, just died normally)
>point on its last leg
>rush toward it, contest but step out for a second to live log enough to get ult
>pop ult as I jump in again, gonna clutch
>too late

"why didnt you contest lol"

>team gets wiped in overtime
>all six enemy members sitting on the point
>I spawn just as my last teammate dies

Nope, lol fuck that

>It was you because you weren't paying attention

But I don't wanna die user, the point is lost anyway and I rather not die a pointless death at this point

>blow ult to kill enemy team carrier
>enemy team falters within the 9 seconds their carrier is dead
>team carrier is salty as fuck in chat

Don't forget to tbag.

>playing a game tailor made for casuals who don't want to try

>everyone dancing around the point but not on it
>clock ticking down
>im mercy and could contest the point but would immediately die
>do so

>not turning the chat off

Zen can at least be knockedback/moved off the point via abilities

I really wish Genji would drop to 150hp like he was in one of the open betas. Then people would stop flocking to him.


>genjifags actually believe this

Once you die your camera switches to a teammate, so I've honestly never seen anyone tbag me a single time. I've had teammates complain about it happening to them so they must be actively trying to see it happen.

>be Mercy
>managing everyone's health
>see a flanker that apparently no one else saw
>use "Group up" in the hopes someone interprets it as "Please come to me because I need help now holy fuck"
>inevitably die when no one listens
>Faggot (McCree): I need healing!

>be good player
>never try genji
>rank 68
>if I try genji now I'd get obliterated and I actually want to win anyways so I stick to my tried and trusted character choices depending on role
>no safe space to learn genji for comp play (QP can't offer this)

what do?

>playing cuck support
>not just insta-picking whatever the fuck you want and making your beta bitch teammates pick up the fucking slack

>hardly see widowmaker post nerf
>get a dumbass team that keeps dying despite two healers
>Fuck it time to be selfish
>Pick Widowmaker
>Absolute rape fest, killing everyone
>Team takes the point when it's contested
>Manage to win
>All my wat.
>better than expected.gif

>those people trying to go on the sides and get kills instead of trying to touch the point

I remember once a Mercy fucking touched the point for one second, making more overtime all alone, because of that one fucking touch, we were able to win the game, because the rest of the team came out afterwards.

I remember playing Battlefield 2.
50% of the players didn't give a fuck about objectives, they just wanted to have a good score on the score board for their e-penis or fly chopper/jet because it's fun.

I thought Overwatch would be different but it's exactly the same, just that there are no vehicles or score boards.
Nobody cares about teamplay, nobody plays on the point. I get the gold medal for objective time almost every game while Genji, Hanzo and Bodyshotmaker are dancing around somewhere far from relevancy every fucking game.

learn it in QP anyway

>Taking Overdumb seriously

>it's just a game bro *bong rip* xD

Are you serious?

Sure, ults can team kill but sometimes its necessary to kill the one good fucker to throw off their momentum.

Overwatch might be a fucking overly simple game but momentum is a very fucking real thing and its easy to see.

>stuck behind enemy line
>Pick zenyatta
>Some mcree keeps telling everyone to rport me for not healing him
>He pings for heal and I tell him to go fuk himself
I only meet these unlikable sperg online

I always get salty and remind people that we are playing a game without TDM.

I got salty as fuck because I got gold objective time with an attacker or support person one game.
The fuck was our tank doing?

>he doesn't verbally abuse his team and take leadership
>he gets stuck picking mercy

There really needs to be a default voice option that says "BEHIND YOU/US!". As Mercy I can't help but notice the faggot Tracers doing a commendable job of softening up my backside or the irritating shit-heel Genji's that really need to have their HP dropped to 150 for all of that fucking mobility.

but user the overtime bar going down when blue is capping means we're winning

>quick play can't offer this
How do you figure? Who the fuck cares about quick play? If I want to be absolute shit at pharah so I can learn her then I'll do it. Just play quick play matches to have fun not to win. Ranked is where you play to win.

>play zenyatta
>drilling holes in everyone at maximum range
>swapping his heal to different targets
how did this go from not fun to fun in one patch?

Forced 50 makes me not care about winning anymore. Can't win a game without it ripping me away from my team and sticking me in a half finished losing match.

And when I act like a fucking Hanzo shitter I end up with PLAY OF THE GAME OMFG KILL PARTICIPATION 5+ UPVOTES

So there's that.

>play competitive
>only half the team is in the voice chat
It's annoying for quickplay too, but come on. On comp everyone should be working together.

>had to carry a pair of fuckwit genjis as 76
Got play of the game too you worthless faggots

my voice is to feminine for chat

Tell me Sup Forums.

Is your WL ratio above 50% or under 50%?

Then don't talk and listen at least.

There is no forced 50.

It's funny how many people on Sup Forums claim there is though. They really can't handle the fact that the reason they lost the game is themselves and not their team. But I guess if you are a deluded narcissistic retard you will try to find any excuse you can to blame your loss on your team or the system.

>playing as lucio
>my team can't even get on the point
>we're at 0%, enemy team is at 95%
>just say fuck it and ult myself and speed boost past the enemies and onto the point
>we actually go on to win that round somehow

Don't look because don't care because the matchmaking is horseshit

>finding a more balanced game
>throws me into a team where everyone is 10-20 vs a team full of people with one or two stars getting steamrolled

The matchmaking literally forces you to play with worse/better people if you have a winning or losing streak. It literally tells you "finding a more balanced game."

>be european
>everyone is self concious about their english accent
>no one in voicechat but me and another guy
>he says "cyka blyat!" everytime he dies and responds/says nothing else

bad thing is, this is a true story

56% win rate currently. Matchmaking is such bullshit.

Does blizzard do it on purpose? They want to send a message to people on Sup Forums that they are not welcome. They want to make sure no one is solo queueing. So what do they do? First, they makes hanzo an absolutely, objectively useless character who no one should ever play under any circumstance. Okay but that's not a good enough shitty magnet to ruin pubs compeltely. So what do they do? They add in zenyatta, a "healer" who barely heals and dies like a bitch constantly, but wait no one is picking him. Better buff him, but not enough to make him useful or else the shitters might actually be good. Wait but even that isn't enough. So what do they do? Add in ANOTHER sniper. THAT'S RIGHT THREE FUCKING SNIPERS IN ONE FUCKING GAME. Oh but sniping does too much damage so lets make this new character not deal any noticeable amount of damage. Oh actually lets do a double whammy, make her the worst healer in the entire game so retards will pick her and no one else will play a healer.


That is nothing compared to
> Reaper can pick up health packs while in ghost form
Picking up souls or getting healed by a support, fine, whatever. But it's bullshit to just watch him glide away from you to a full health pack, with no way to beat him to it or stop him.

I just play for fun when I feel like it, which is becoming less and less. Need new maps and different game modes soon or I'll probably just forget to play.

>win several games in a row with balanced teams on both sides
>suddenly "rebalancing" or "not enough players, finding a new game" even though we had all the same people
>now I'm on a team with 2 Hanzos and 3 Genjis fighting a perfectly balanced team

Nah, fuck you.

>lose points
>lose mmr
>get matched with people who have equally low mmr

>win games
>gain mmr
>get matched with people who have equally high mmr

Well no shit? What did you expect to get matched against someone who just started the game?

I used to think Hanzo was the worst of it but at least his ult is useful and people use it often plus even idiots that can't aim will probably get accidental kills with him.

Shitters picking Ana every fucking game turns shit into 5v6s.

Maybe if you have any skill at all, but if you do then you will be more useful in any situation playing a different character.

I played Reaper and 1v1'd a really good Genji that was shitting on us all last match.

We both outplayed each other for about a minute straight and got down to under 5% health when I managed to finally kill him.

I teabagged his body super hard and he ended up rage quitting. We ended up winning the match because I teabagged their best player out of the game.

Remember guys, psychological warfare can be used to your advantage.

Yeah I'm all for blaming the player for stupidity, trust me. This game really does it though I couldn't believe it. I'm the kind of player that will have a 1:1 KD but a 3:1 Win/loss ratio.

Got my girlfriend to play Overwatch and she's absolutely terrible at it. W/L is 50/50 as well.

Unless you're trolling or whatever you guys like to do.

I've heard two different girls use voice chat before, both games they were the only ones that ever said anything. I was really surprised when no one acknowledged it. Was expecting at least "omg r u rly a gurl!?"

Because the 2 Hanzo and 3 Genji have the same mmr as you, retard.

Again the delusion of people who can't handle the fact that they are matched with shitty players because they play shitty themselves is amazing.

The point is that since it's a team-centric game it means you stay at ~50% winrates. You can't carry 5 shitters, but you can play extremely well with a good team and still lose consistently against a better team because the matchmaking fucked up so you get sent back to playing against shitters.

needs nerf:


Except that isn't how the matchmaking works retard

If you don't understand how it works then don't pretend like you do

>playing Lucio
>Im the last one alive on the point
>drop my ult
>end up dying but win my team enough time for them to come in and cap it

>bro we don't need torb on a koth map
>shut up fag I'm a higher rank
>does literally nothing the entire game
>no armor shards to be found
>turret dies immediately because he tries to put it facing choke point
>somehow we squeak by with a win

I loved Mei in that one mode where you got shortened cool time on abilities so I can spam wall to stay on top of it on the point then block to heal and untouchable on it.

Was so funny seeing all six of their teammates chase me around the payload as I spammed. Though the whole time they did that my teammates did nothing but watch instead of killing them so if by the off chance I died my teammates ended up getting raped and we lost.

Usually we won though

Needs removed (no role in the game):

>that Reaper that wraiths AWAY from the point
What is your major malfunction, brother?

I can't get out of rank 57-58 hell ;_;
It's always good game/terrible game.

if you're not meming me id say i agree with hanzo and zen but not ana


>4-6 enemies on point
>4-6 teammates waiting to respawn
We lost bro. We lost.

>anubis defense
>"guys i don't think we need three torbs"
>"don't worry dude it's a really good strat"
>"you're rank 43 what would you know"
>we proceed to absolutely stomp them



below but ive played exclusively comp since its launch

How would you even rework Zarya?

>buff Winston
I'd make it so his Tesla Gun deals 1.5x more damage to shields so he can be something of a counter to Zarya. It'd also make it so he can rape Zenyatta's face really fucking quick.

>playing Mei on Nepal
>enemy team takes point
>our team gets wiped except for me
>jump in on them alone, take some damage
>heal charges my ult to completion
>wait the freeze out so everyone on the enemy team has gathered round me
>freeze most of them just as my team comes round the corner
>our team takes the point

Ana has no role and shouldn't be in the game. She is shit at healing. She has shit damage. You want to stop enemies from healing? Well going to have to get in relatively close. Oh by the way don't forget you have a sniper rifle.

Ana's design is fucking retarded and whoever made her should be executed to improve the gene pool