Alright guys, I've noticed that a lot of people on Sup Forums hate on Starbound. My question is...

Alright guys, I've noticed that a lot of people on Sup Forums hate on Starbound. My question is, is it really as bad as you guys say? Now that it has officially come out, everything I'm researching seem to suggest that the game AT ITS CURRENT STATE is a pretty good game. Is it true? Should I get it if I liked Terraria?

>Seems like Terraria... in SPACE?
>Better combat according to some posters
>Crew members
>Quests, and skills?
>More worlds to explore instead of just digging?

So it seems like Terraria with less building but more rpg elements. Is that accurate?

Also Terraria posters are welcome too!

I feel building is better in starbound, a big issue would be the lack of slope blocks but I'm fine without them.

To say this, I feel comparing terraria and starbound is like comparing minecraft and terraria. They're similar but different in so many ways.

>better combat
in that you have more attack options for every weapon but they don't fucking matter because combat is so shallow in starbound
no, what the fuck?
repetitive as hell and the main story quests are abysmal
>more worlds to explore instead of just digging
Except 99% of what you'll find is found by digging and exploring the surface tends to bore you to tears because you've seen everything after a few hours, planets still feel very same-y

people on Sup Forums like to exaggerate and flatout lie about their experiences in order to gain attention or stir up controversy.
Its alright like terraria was when it finally hit 1.0. These kinds of games get boring as shit though unless your a creative builder.

this, starbound only just hit 1.0, terraria was way worse off at 1.0.

Terraria was great for me and i do fuck all with building.

>it's alright
at least Terraria had actually fun segments of gameplay at 1.0

It feels like there's a lot less content in Starbound compared to Terraria, maybe I just burnt myself out on this sort of thing. Starbound just ended up feeling like a samey grind.

It also doesn't help that I have no interest in building.

Are there infinite worlds each with their own climate/gravity/hazards/etc?

starbound has less of everything than terraria, even building, but it can be fun and kinda comfy if you play it casually

there are effectively infinite worlds
they have their own climate/gravity/hazards but planets of the same type feel extremely same-y, even when compared to other planets of different types

>Starbound thread
Terraria shitposting
>Terraria thread
No mention of Starbound

lmao @ inferiority complex

he mentioned terraria in the OP you fucking idiot

no, there are: grass, forest, ocean, desert, grasslands, mutated, tundra, lava, magma, scorched planets, moons, and pointless ark portals

possible hazards are: cold, hot, radiation, acid rain, meteors, fire rain, sandstorms, and blizzards

you'll see all of them in a few hours tops

....and infinity quests

366 hours and counting, for a guy that likes to hard shit this game is a dream come true
>fossils to collect
>bugs to catch
>thousands of differect tiles and themes to make houses
>creatures to capture and show off
>unique weapons to get
Apperently each special monster and boss drops a trophy but since it's all like .0000000001 chance of dropping I havnt bothered

Comparing today's Starbound to today's Terraria isn't fair. Terraria has had 5 years of major updates that added a fuckload of things to the game. I don't think one single thing hasn't been improved and/or expanded upon. It's barely even the same game anymore.

Comparing release Starbound to release Terraria, I think Starbound wins in nearly every aspect, no contest. Perhaps when Starbound has had 5 years to have it's mostly superior base improved and expanded upon, it will be better than Terraria.

Right now, in my opinion, Starbound only wins in the graphics, music and building categories. They've managed to put in as much, if not more furniture and blocks to build your fancy ass bases and towns and whatever as Terraria has and that would be impressive if the dev team wasn't like 80% artists. I'm not a creative person though so I don't care about that.

Combat in both game are ass but at least range isn't ass and apparently the top fucking choice for hard mode.

Any 2hand weapon will come with a skill attached to it, not to mention you have 3 mod slots, each capable of using one of 4 skill archtypes currently.

Ah that's a shame. I wish there were planets that you couldn't even survive on. I wonder if NMS has that.

if that's what he meant by skills it barely affects the game and you can get every tech type pretty much immediately


you can't live on moons unless you want to keep playing tag with a ghost.

Nigga you skipped the best planet; Dark


Also fire rain isn't a thing, it's luminescent rain, just glows. Also even though planets are limited to specific types, biomes are shared between planets in an odd way currently.

You can find a lush garden area on like, a volcanic planet, or a snowy spot in a dark planet, or a poisonous bog in a desert.

If you want to reveal you way of grinding 96 of those stupid tech cards so you can actually get all the tech mods please tell me.

Frackin universe, a mod for dtarbound, has new planet types including shit like living being tentacle planet, proto planet where your health is constantly dropping until you die, acidic planets and so on

I said every tech type you stupid fucking mong, not tech mod

The point was that it feels like there's no meaningful progression

like how I found a floran village on a volcanic planet while it was snowing. Shit is so goofy.

People also forget that underground there are different biomes and layers which are also different. As you get to the core it kind of sucks though, but I'm sure they'll work on fixing that eventually as you don't have much of a reason to go to the core of a planet.

I don't really know what you're getting at. If you want more skills/mods just download them from the workshop broski. As of right now I would rather be able to pick the mods I want then bumble around on planets getting shitty mods over and over just so I can get to a half decent one eventually.

Terrariafags just like to come to Starbound threads to say how much Starbound is different from Terraria.

And while Starbound is "Terraria in Space" any competent human being can see these two games were made by two different development studios, so they will be different.

Meanwhile, I enjoy SB. It's super easy to mod thanks to Steam, and there is a huge amount of mods since day one. The game was designed to be easily moddeable, and coming from Minecraft, this is a huge difference.

>tentacle planet
wait, was that removed from the base game?

Should flesh out the challenge zone type shit desu. I enjoy running into them but at this point there is no challenge at all.

That's not
That's not the fucking point, are you retarded
Every single type of mod can be unlocked with ore you find on the very first planet

I love how people say underground has nothing when half the time it has even more things than uptop
>challenge doors
>weird ass underground villages and structures filled with loot
>tons of ore

So long as you choose not to use the EPP, the thing that makes you immune to all the environmental things besides the big weather stuff like meteors, there are planets you will have a very hard time surviving on.

Luminescent rain and fire rain are both a thing. I'm not sure fire rain is actually a hazard though, it never seemed to do damage to me.

I got more than enough tech cards to get every tech from the outpost just by playing through the main story and exploring enough planets to get the top tier gear. Same with matter manipulator modules.

It was changed into a biome, and merged a bit with eye biomes.

Maybe if you autist out and clean out the entire planet of all treasure and get lucky by finding 24 tech cards to unlock them all off the starter planet.

Yeah I think the only one left is part of the final boss they tried to replace it with the "hive" biome but it isn't that good, but like I said frackin universe puts them back in

It's still in the game and has the highest amount of enemies compared to any other planet. I was kind of surprised.It's also the "last" planet in the game for the main quest line

playing on a server it's fun to race your friends through them

starbound has been in development for four fucking years

do you know where terraria was at after four years? ill give you a hint: drenched in autism pussy

Nah man, "fire rain" is just red colored luminescent rain, it doesn't burn anything and doesn't have any real "fire" effect outside of glowing red.

You are fucking retarded, aren't you?
I'm not talking about the additional tech variations. I'm talking about the base fucking tech types. Like the basic fucking morph ball you do the obstacle course to obtain without spending a single tech card, you brainless fuck.

Oh yeah, you can just grab those with ore I guess. I just figured you actually wanted to get techs that weren't garbage. My bad champ.

the staff is fucking retarded (justo see how much of a whore molly is)

they did sjw shit, like removing racial skills so they don't discriminate someone

the progession feels fucking monotone
they promised a lot of things and we got nothin
I fucking wish starbound was as good as terraria is
I wanted to play it for a million hours

no its real, its called ember and it burns wood houses n shit

Who's champ

starbound isnt competing with the terarria of 5 years ago. its competing with current terarria.

you are the retard who says "this brand new mmo will succeed because it has more content than vanilla wow"

The double-jump is legitimately useful and the morph ball is legitimately useful for getting through crevices you'd otherwise have to dig out. I don't know the fuck you're talking about, my problem is it just feels like there's no real progression.

>Removing racial skills due to discrimination
How is that discrimination?
It's a pretty cool idea as well.

It was a fucking nightmare going to do the glitch quest. That happened and the village was burning down, because it auto picks up loot the whole village turned on me and I had to fight my way out. I ended up just grabbing as much shit as I could and getting the fuck out of there. 10/10 would anime event again.

I wish there was something else you could do with all the fucking upgrade modules and tech cards yoy fin after maxing everything even selling them feels like a chore now

Right but if you want more progression in the form of new tech, you can just download new options from the workshop.

user if that's what you want from the game just get mods. Starbound is setup in this weird way where they added a bunch of systems and mechanics and just the basic beginnings of them and then other people modded the fuck out of them.

starbound is closer to a 2d minecraft than terarria
its generic and bland random generation, horrible spam left click combat, if you like building things youll have fun
if you expect the progression, combat and bosses of terraria, you will be disappointed

>mods fix it!
Fuck off. You're enabling Chucklefuck's laziness.

double jump and spinny ball are trash compared to wall jump and spiky ball

if you're sliding down a wall with walljump, and you turn into ball form, you can continue to dig and use items as a ball, which is fucking great for spiky ball as you can dig in any direction and keep moving

6 bosses total, nothing to do after main questline. nothing to explore, nothing to fight. You can only build. that's all Starbound is good for. Terraria is a game where you fight stuff, Starbound is for building in 2D.

Dude, I just want you to have fun with vidya. If you'd rather just scream and throw a fit about the devs then do that. vOv

The initial 3 techs do not cost tech cards, there's a quest for each one where you have to give the guy ore and then run a simple obstacle course.

There was a distinctly fire-like effect and the particle was much bigger. It also spread a tiny bit and stayed on the ground for a few seconds after hitting it. According to the wiki it's called ember rain and it's a non-hazardous one, like the luminescent rain.

You can't compete with something that had a full development cycle and then 5 years on top of that to add more without also having the same amount of time, or a shitload more developers, neither of which Starbound has.

>>Better combat according to some posters
This is wrong. It's far worse than terraria.
There are also no skills, I don't know where you heard that.

The other things are sort of true technically but they don't really add anything interesting to the game.

We're talking about the game in this thread, retard. Not playing it.

walljump/spiky ball master race reporting in

It's like you haven't played the game.

how the hell do you think minecraft got so successful?

wall jump is fucking shit as it fucks with you as you're digging and doing other th-
>took advantage of a hack so he thinks it's great
man what a piece of shit.

Starbound is terraria except you can't build anything or explore anything and the combat is shit.

It sold exclusively on "terraria in space" except terraria is a great game, probably one of the best metroidvanias made in the last decade, and starbound is a pile of unplayable garbage.

I don't care if mod support made it successful. I want a good base game.

Why are you here to just be mad at videogames? You're kind of a shut-in, aren't you?

Even in it's buggy beta state terraria was better than starbound at any point in starbound's life.

>just to be mad at
I'm explaining my opinion on Starbound as a base game. Is there some fucking reason I can't do that, autist?

There are gas giants, but you can't travel to them.

Dude fucking what lmao
This is some fucking choice ass bait.

Not sure if it is still there but I remember a high level planet way back that had rain meteors. I guess you could be what you're looking for.

They removed it because they're lazy as fuck and didn't feel like fleshing it out.
Which honestly describes a good 90% of the game.

Fuck off, tiy.

Because it seems like you're upset over things that could be fixed if you either downloaded mods, or weren't such a sperg about them. But instead of playing the game you'd rather just sit here yelling about how shitty something is instead of trying to fix it. Hell, you could even pirate this game at this point.

Look at the boss fights and tell me I'm wrong, seriously, they're more metroidvania than either metroid or castlevania has been in atleast a decade.

good games can compete with old games. shit games use your excuse

I played the game and thats literally what it is
your second reply is even comparing the game to minecraft again
also learn the difference between hack and glitch you fucking retard

It's only god awful when you take into the account the fact that they spent literal years developing the game and it's still barebones as fuck because those idiots couldn't get their priorities straight and even removed content before the "official" release when they couldn't affort to do so. Also if you paid for it. The plot is fucking garbage too. Otherwise it's comfy if you like building shit.
So basically, just pirate it, get mods and enjoy yourself for a few hours but don't expect something as good as Terraria because it would require a fuckload of updates filled to the brim with content to even try reaching that level.

>nothing to do after the main questline
explore and grind for boss loot
>nothing to explore
There's a fuck ton of planets to explore
>nothing to fight
the same bosses and all the mobs on planets, also you could try fucking up villages/towns if you wanted

>bitching about a game that just came out while comparing it to a game that has been out and has had continued support for a while
>most of terraria is repeated shit with the same wonky combat
>you're stuck on the same "world" where you can only go left and right and only get a handful of biomes
yeah I don't get it. For the past 5 years I've played terraria I've had 166 hours of gameplay in it. Every single "major" update they pushed I made a new character and world to progress through it again. Starbound has 111 hours currently and I've enjoyed it way more.

the fuck are you autists smoking.

Just finished starbound yesterday, the game is way too short. Planets aren't actually that varied. Combat is different than Terraria, not better or worse. The only race worth picking is novakid because they glow in the dark. There is a mission for every race except novakid. Only like 2 good boss fights out of 5. Absolutely no reason to build a base EVER. For a Terraria clone, it wasn't very much like Terraria.

I had fun playing, but have absolutely no motivation to continue/start a new character. 7/10

This is a fucking retarded argument. Oh, I can download mods and make it ever-so-slightly better to play! Boy I sure can! That makes it so I can't go online and discuss my opinion on image boards, because I can just fix it with content that Chucklefish didn't make!

Go outside once in a while. Sometimes I just wanna talk to people and discuss opinions, not just get "lol just fix it ;^)" in disguise as an argument.

To be fair you can die on any planet you haven't done the access quest for yet.
>ice planet
freeze to death if you don't have the ice quest done
>acid planet
acid to death if you don't have the acid quest done
>fire planet
lava to death etc etc

> Literally half of the story missions are going around clicking on pointless background objects without any value whilst your character makes a dumb quip and some old woman says something completely inconsequential.

Bravo ChuckleFucks.

tiy shut the fuck up

Fortunately, the biomes are actually important in Terraria.

I don't really think I've argued anything at this point. I just want you to have fun user. But you do you.

Combat is worse than terraria
Crew members mean fucking nothing when you could create a village with finctional npcs in terraria, who actually defended themselves and were more than just random npcs walkinga round
Quests are shit that makes you walk around the place to find fucking timber and ore. Fun for the first 5 minutes.
The worlds you explore are shallow as fuck as you only walk around once and explore whatever spawned on the planet. Terraria has done it better because it was 1 world filled to the brim with interesting shit.

The only thing starbound did better is the building, if terraria steals that gadget starbound might as well just delete itself. But then again, i have not yet noticed if you can make sloped blocks and half blocks like you could in terraria.

>enable admin powers
>spawnitem pointlessbackgroundobject

Literally the only way to play those quests.

Yeah, I'd be having more fun if some fucking faggot wasn't continually missing the point of going online and discussing things. I don't just play games 24/7, I like talking to people sometimes.

Shit like this is why I'm starting to hate Terraria, the fans are fucking cancer.

RNG created maps/random drops/mining ruins the idea that the idea that Terraria is a "Metroidvania"

You don't know what metroidvania is. It refers to the gameplay, not the type of boss.

You thought you were argueing with him? Why can't you just talk with people?

Gravity hardly changes from world to world unless you go to a moon/asteroid field. I was disappointed.

>Otherwise it's comfy if you like building shit.
As a builder myself I hated it.
>99% of the building materials only exist in specific structures that are randomly generated, so if you run out you're pretty much fucked, go search 100 planets
>every planet is samey bullshit, no uniqueness to any of them
>no point in building anything because there's nothing to store, there's nowhere to go on the planet so transit systems become useless (made a teleporter nexus in terraria that could get me from one side of a max size map to the other in 15 seconds (if everything was loaded otherwise I'd have to stop for loads))
There's no reason to build anything in that game, purely for cosmetic reasons, and even then you don't want to return to a planet you've already raped for resources.

less rpg elements

Arguments are a part of talking to people, autist. Anytime you start talking about whether something is good/bad or right/wrong or what the fuck ever it's an argument.

You can bypass most of those, not just how you're going to get around a planet raining death 24/7

Notice me senpai!

This means way more to you then it does to me, so you "win" user.

Good talk. I just wanna vidya.

Castlevania came down to rng farming if you wanted 1% drops anyway.
Metroidvania style boss fights
Metroidvania movement mechanics
Metroidvania combat
The only thing that isn't metroidvania is the level design, excluding the dungeon which is completely metroidvania.

Who was talking about winning? Fuck is wrong with you?

Hi do you like VIDEO GAMES

You can't, each one has a resource required to proceed to the next planet type.

Nigga you just craft and upgrade a backpack to survive those planets.