there are people browsing Sup Forums right now who don't use an ssd/haven't switched to ssd
you have twenty seconds to explain yourselves
there are people browsing Sup Forums right now who don't use an ssd/haven't switched to ssd
you have twenty seconds to explain yourselves
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its a meme
mechanical drives store anyway
what do you want?
Pay 100 dollars for 128gb or pay 100 dollars fo 2tb?
geeeeee so hard choice
>buh it loads faster!!
buy a better PC faggot, and still then its maybe a few seconds, you dont notice that
they are expensive as shit in Canada. i have a 120gb for my operating system and thats it
>Pay 100 dollars for 128gb or pay 100 dollars fo 2tb?
Maybe in 2010. SSDs are incredibly cheap now. I never build/spec out a PC without at least a 250gb one.
>pay 80 bucks for 2 TB 7200rpm hard disk
>my pc boots up in 8 seconds
>Paying 600 euros for a 2TB ssd so your pc starts up in 1.5 seconds instead
No thanks.
Literal meme, that rotts data, costs a fortune, and offers zero benefit in most games.
theyre still too expensive for what you get
Lol nope.
I could get a 4TB HDD for less than 100€, while I'd be pushed hard to find >200GB SDD for the same price. And like said, zero benefits in gaming, and I'd run out of that space in one weekend thanks to my... archiving habbits.
>without at least a 250gb one.
That shit's like two FLAC albums and a PNG file. Get your microsd out of here.
im poor
>its maybe a few seconds faster
I haven't seen a videogame loading screen in years on PC.
c'mon dude that's an OS + a few games you're playin actively! my PC has a 250gb ssd and a 1tb hdd, its perfect for me right now.
I use an SSD for my OS
I use a regular Hdd for games
I keep a laptop for non-game use
I had an 850 Evo and it failed a year later. That's what I get for installing Windows 7 On it. I thought they were supposed to be more reliable than HDDs.
>Doesnt wanna pay too much for the same thing
more like not an idiot
me neither on my normal hdd's but thats cause my PC is hella fast
Irrelevant for anything but fast loading. Irrelevant for Competitive gaming, Irrelevant for RPGs and games with low streaming priorities, irrelevant for anything that's not loading textures faster.
Now fuck off.
HDDobos are literally subhuman. You need to be wiped off the face of the earth.
There comes a point at which your """""""""""""""hella fast pc""""""""""""""" is bottlenecked by your hard drive. And not just slightly.
An SSD is an obvious upgrade from an HDD, unless you have a high speed one, which, while not as expensive, it still is.
SSDs are mostly used for OS storage and nothing else, you shouldn't use it for gaming because those drives have a read/write limit and you shouldn't push it so hard.
Who am I kidding?
You probably complain because you can't afford them with your autism bucks.
I have 840 EVO and it serves me day 1 since release date.
Because I don't want a hard drive failure within the year I buy it.
What are the advantages to a ssd? Faster loading? Everything on my computer loads pretty fast. I'm satisfied with my current build. I don't have any reason to mess with my computer any more.
>Falling for the SSD meme
get a load of this retard
as if any human can notice a millisecond
fuck off
I will when 1Tb doesn't cost the same as a used muscle car
oh wow i sure like to spend almost 10 times as much money so my game will load up a small fraction of a second faster
thanks mr sheckelstein!
Why do you get off on lying user? I have the best possible current PC parts and have loading screens on my HDD ans none on my SSD
It's not a meme. It handles absolutely every so much faster.
I boot in 4-6 seconds and can start working immediately, loading screens barely exist and everything just flows way faster.
Of course, it's a luxury product. You don't NEED a SSD, you will get by just fine with a HDD if you're on a budget. The SSD just makes everything smoother, faster and more enjoyable.
My 8 second start up time is already faster than I need it to be.
It takes me longer than 8 seconds to properly sit down in my chair and get into a comfortable position.
>cherrypicking an ssd and hdd
see: and and
Playing 2hoe 60 fps doesn't require shit like this
>>explains why SSD is a bad investment
>>Hurr, autismbucks!
The last time I checked, waiting five seconds to play four hours of a game wasn't inconvenient. I bet you spend more time in your average game staring at sponsor's than actually loading unless it's some dogshit like GTA.
That money is better spent on a better CPU or GPU. If those are good enough the loading won't be an issue anyway.
Good! Good!
Show those goys!
SSDs have limited writes, but not limited reads. Anyway, it's not 2010 any more. General home use does no where near enough writes to wear out a hard drive. A heavily used database would be concerned with write limit, but it's practically irrelevant to consumers. You can put all the games you want on a new SSD and never worry about it.
>buying an SSD to put videogames in it
Might as well set your money on fire, user
SSD is a meme. I don't care if it takes 5s more to load my OS.
I couldn't fit even QUARTER of my games on a single decently priced SSD, and I'm not paying more than 100 bucks for my PC storage space.
Plus, the pace I keep downloading and moving stuff, I'd wear down an SSD in few months.
>Current year, fellow cucks :D
>General home use does no where near enough writes to wear out a hard drive.
Do you really think "general home use" applies to a board where if you don't know how to pirate, you're seen as an idiot? God you're a fucking embarrassment. You probably don't even have an SSD and just love trolling Sup Forums because you're fucking infantile.
>he doesn't have both
poorfags everyone
Get a load of those poor
>its a meme
Fuck off Sup Forums, don't you have a botnet to complain about?
>it's a meme
Not if the past few years have anything to say about that.
>mechanical drives store anyway
Failure rates are inherently higher for disk drives considering we're talking about a delicate, spinning disk versus flash memory.
>Pay 100 dollars for 128gb or pay 100 dollars fo 2tb?
Prices are continuing to drop, although you still make a point here. Even with good sales, you can still pay twice in terms of $/gb. You're really paying for general performance increase and longer life-times. On top of that, if you go with higher end solid states, you'll end up paying even more.
>buy a better PC faggot, and still then its maybe a few seconds, you dont notice that
Solid states load noticeably faster than a disk drive even if your computer is "hella fast". That's not something that can be argued about.
Take your ghetto ass meme speak to middle school. Fo real, my nigguh.
To say that is like saying you don't NEED a dedicated graphics card.
Really, we're at the point where there's absolutely no reason not buy at least a 120GB SSD for around ~£40 in addition to a HDD. It's substantially more than you need for the OS, all your programs and a handful of games.
How poor are you, really? I'm starting to think the hobo characterisation might not even be a joke, because I'm a NEET and the £83 I spent on a 240GB SSD two years ago is fucking nothing. Shouldn't you be out there panhandling?
You guys are fucking retarded. It's a matter of how you want to build your rig.
Do you NEED that SSD? No, no you don't. You can get by just fine with a decent HDD, but the SSD gives you a small boost that isn't by any stretch of the imagination cost effective.
Do you NEED a 1080? Same fucking story.
It's a high end product for high end users who care more about having a sick rig than price:performance.
what would you do in my situation?
>got new laptop
>it has a hard drive malfunction. Its still usable but sometimes it has some issues
>If I send it to get it fixed under warranty it'll take 2 weeks minimum
>I spend 8+ hours a day in front of it
>My phone is shit
dont buy a laptop
Get it fixed. You would be dumb not to
No you wouldn't. To wear out a Samsung evo series SSD you would have to write 100gb of data a day for 24 years to wear it out. Better SSDs last even longer.
I hoard anime so my money is already spent in huge HDDs and replacements
>16gb RAM
>tfw meme master
>Needing a TB of storage
Fucking subhumans.
The average Sup Forums goer falls smack dab in the middle of the "general home use" category. Unless you're running some high performance database faggotry on a very regular basis, that very much includes your own casual ass.
>I haven't used SSDs and it doesn't give me FPS so it's useless luxury
Installing a program that facilitates downloading files by clicking a fucking link is "general home use" you dumb idiot, it doesn't get much simpler than that. You're the only embarrassment here.
Normalfriends all over the world are evidently doing it, considering all the post-2.2.1 uTorrent in peer lists and desktop screenshots.
Seriously, what the fuck are you guys downloading that takes so much goddamn space?
I do use SSDs, user. What I'm saying is that, to the average consumer, SSDs are not necessary and a HDD will do just fine. If you want a sick rig and care less about price:performance, for sure get that SSD because it does perform better than a HDD, just like a 1080 performs better than a 960.
Probably just neglecting to delete used junk because "eh I might watch/play this shit again". At least that's how it is for me, I have ~700 GB of junk in my torrent folder and over half is something that's probably worth removing, but I can't bring myself to care because I have over a terabyte excess left
a small SSD for OS and programs, HDDs for everything else
probably the best way
For exclusively gaymen use, sure I guess, but for general use it's just such a huge boost for relatively little money. Dumping a few hundred bucks into your CPU hardly makes anything load any faster, but a $100 SSD has an immediate and massive impact on pretty much everything involving disk activity
>bought a ssd
>died within 4 months
My hDD is 7 years old and still in 100% condition by SMART values.
And it still will work for 3+ more years.
Tell me how long will your SSD where you installed OS, that constantly does TONS of write/read operations (logs, dependencies load, caching, temp files, etc), will live? 2 years at best? 3-4 with smart approach to usage?
Not cheap enough
High quality anime rips, old video games/ISOs for old consoles, movies, TV shows, random torrents. Mostly anime and hentai manga/videos. Normie get out reeeeeee
>buy SSD for OS and some often used programs and a HDD for games and other shit
because I don't mind waiting 4 seconds longer for a load time
>REEEE i cant afford new things stop talking about this REEEE
kill yourself poorfag
I got one, ive heard that sad cards slow down the older they get, and the more stuff you add on/delete it slows em down as well can someone elaborate on this, if its true or not.
And whats the beat way to Remove programs and data off of a hard drive.
You don't use ssds for storage you donut.
You put games and your os on it.
i know people who prioritized an SSD rather than a new gpu or processor or motherboard.
SSDs are a meme.
Let me ask you something if I turn off and disconect my pc every 8 hours should I get a ssd?
lmao poorfag
i mean sure you can enjoy CRRRUNCHCRRRRUNCHCRRRRUNCH for 20 years everytime you wanna do anything but that's not my style.
Sup Forums is full of Apple loving, SSD hating lunatics
Fuck, ssd* damn you auto correct
but user i want a big one
I don't know if there is a similar saying in American English but here we often say that a person who can afford purchasing cheap chink's stuff every year after it break instead of investing moderate amount of money into something of good value - is a very rich man.
Seems like you are indeed a very rich people here. If only you were rich in terms of intellect as well...
using 7+ year old computer parts does not make you smart, dumbass
it makes you a poorfag who cant afford decent things
are you a slav?
>using 7+ year old computer parts does not make you smart, dumbass
What makes you think so? What is the logic behind it?
What would be the difference between my storage WD from 2008 and another of similar volume from now? Well sure, the HDD technology still slighty improved over year, the read/write speed is somewhat higher, access time is slightly lower but it just fractions of milliseconds, according to the latest reviews I've read. They are completely irrelevant.
So tell me why using an old and perfectly working HDD as it was designed [long-term sustain storage device] - is wrong on my part?
It is interesting how you tried to move goalposts by saying "computer parts " in the context of a thread that discusses not generalized parts butr specific ones - storage drives. The subject of a topic is pretty narrowed yet due tothe lack of any argumentation basis on your side you tried to generalize it to make your "statement" sound more solid. Why don't you just resort to shitposting like:
>"KEK look at this retarded poorfag still using GeForce 9600 with his Pentium 4 lololo"
If you feel like you don't have means and arguments to participate in discussion may be better to stay away from it.
I'm on Ivy Bridge with a 3750k and Samsung 830 SSD.
Shoud I just get 2.5 SSD or upgrade to Skylake/whatever for an M.2?
Only just upgraded myself this year, amazing results.
I had one but it died somehow so I ended up going back to regular HDD temporarily.
stay poor kid
I have a 120gb SS that I got for $40 bucks, it has my browser and OS. Then I have a 2TB HD with everything else. Best of both worlds.
Also, never fill a solid state up past half, cause they degenerate very quickly.
I've had mine since 2014 and no problems so far
I even torrent on it
I have an OCZ Agility 3 (literally the cheapest I could find at the time) that I've used daily since 2012 to store OS and other applications (no games) which benefits by it.
I really don't get where this "HARDWARE FAILURE WITHIN A WEEK" comes from.
>For exclusively gaymen use, sure I guess, but for general use it's such a huge boost for relatively little money
This is Sup Forums user, not Sup Forums
>edgy comment
>followed up by "i'm a NEET"
every time
At least the average Sup Forumsirgin actually uses the computer's performance to a significant extent and some even do image/video/audio editing. Modern Sup Forums is pretty much just macfag tier idiots and desktop ricers who barely go above 5% CPU usage at any given time, and the rest already knows the deal with SSDs and it's just preaching to the choir
Please. The average Sup Forumsirgin only uses their computer to play Overwatch, watch furry porn, and shitpost.
But as this is the Video Games board, we're here to discuss exclusively video games, and SSDs do not improve your vidya performance/skill/etc, so they are worthless
i got a 512 gb samsung 950 pro recently. windows and everything loads super fast but it has heat throttling issues for those considering nvme ssd
But muh annie may
But a SSD does make your web browser a bit faster which enhances your shitposting experience.
Really, they are more board relevant than video games.
>you put games on it
Enjoy having five games at most, at a time.
I paid almost $100 for a 223GB Sandisk, and saw an instant performance boost. Use a HDD in conjunction with it for file storage and it's worth every penny. Do some research next time before you regurgitate Sup Forums memes.
I can only count to 5 good games if I'm counting old games, and good ol' games don't take much space
And that is why you also have 2 or 3 HDD's.
>he can't afford high capacity SSDs
BTW, how many games do you play at once? Sounds like you have a bit of ADHD.
>playing more than 5 games at a time
You transfer them to your HDD when you're done, baka.