What the hell was his problem?
What the hell was his problem?
He has a pretty big dick
he's a girl though
I always thought Vivec was Jiub until I got older and less retarded.
Apathy and ego.
What color is vivecs dick, blue or yellow?
Is the tip blue and the base yellow?
is one testicle yellow and one blue?
Is the color divide going down the dick?
he's androgynous m8
Morrowind GOTY is on sale, I wonder if my toaster laptop can run it, loved the game years ago
Fucking SJW bullshit
then what color is his dickpussy
He is the equivalent of Kirkbride's sick ideas
just grab it off of g2a for 5€
isn't he based on kirkbride himself?
More like, what was the player character's problem? Followed a prophecy without ever really questioning why. This Azura bitch just handed Vvanderfell over to the empire, but it's ok because you the Nerevarine now bro :^ D
Kind of fucking dumb, isn't it?
kirkbride isnt a literal god or anything and i dont know him personally but based on vivec's ego i guess so
TES isn't generally known for intelligent or sensical writing.
How did Azura even hand Vvanderfell to the empire anyway?
Maybe the Nerevarine didn't like the idea of letting a immortal maniac with biological weapons without cure and a giant robot powered by the heart of the god who created the world enslave the entire world.
Azura didn't do such a thing, tribunal did. They saw it would be a very devastating fight and let it go.
Made you kill the Volcano platehead dude which was the only thing standing in the way of the empire taking over. Mostly in that he brought down real estate prices so low that nobody really wanted Vvanderfell, what with a volcano zombie army ruining the neighborhood. But still -- why didn't this Azura use you to rally Vvanderfell and genocide all the outlanders?
Almsvi are all wankers who fucked over indoril, who would have btfo dagoth ur. Tribunal deserve to be destroyed. They fucked over their entire race
>tfw waiting for Skywind to play Morrowind
Enjoy that vaporware.
>you will never carry out a dunmer jihad against the empire and be declared god emperor
MGSO is way too shady and spooky to install so I haven't bothered with morrowind.