It's out
You liking it?
Also does anyone know what the settings translate to?
Tales of Berseria Demo on Jap PSN
How's the camera?
I didn't know they still released games for the ps2
I wish they'd stop putting these out so often. Take a few years and actually evolve the formula.
Namco bandai wouldnt have money for a year then
>more open world garbage
not even gonna pirate
>A corridor with two small branching paths is open world
I played through both areas. It was fun. I liked the beach the best.
It doesn't move. You move it yourself with the right joystick or Guard to center it toward your target
This isn't King of Fighter XIV
This game is really different than other Tales games
Reminder the game play of Vesperia for more than half the game is x, x, x, L2+x, base art, arcane art. Combo videos are not indicative of how fun a game is to play.
You can do manual cancels from the very first battle in the game, though.
You being terrible at the game doesn't make Vesperia unfun.
Why does it look so awful
Its shit as expected.
Tales of being shit since Xillia and its not because of Baba. The only reason Baba got ''promoted'' is because of the Alisha shitstorm which no one outside of autistic otaku and waifufags care.
Anyone ever made footage of Laphicet riding the hoverboard?
Just played it.
If the demo is anything to go by, then we have a good and fun Tales game on our hands, but it won't be the best.
It's also strange how the beach area looks really nice but the area in OP's pic looks really shit.
It's shit.
Some nitpicking: i don't like how big the minimap looks, and prefer the presentation of the minimap in zestiria.
If you're asking if the camera fucking blocks your vision like Zestiria, no, no it doesn't.
I would if I could figure out how to switch to him. I've got the other controls down.
>shit graphics
every time
How was the style of Vesperia so fluid and then they somehow fucked that up and never fixed it?
When they try into good graphics you get ff15 glitched shit at least now.
Do all the girls want a piece of him?
>Beach looks great
>Green area looks like total shit
This triggers me
Any combo videos yet? Surely the nips have done something.
That is HORRENDOUSLY ugly. Jesus fucking Christ.
it's a compressed jpg screenshot of the worse looking half of the demo. the beach looks good
Yeah no, you can't blame this shit on JPEG. This looks like emulated Super Mario 64.
are you retarded? the screenshot is a lower resolution than the game
>but the beach looks good
There shouldn't be such inconsistency with the different areas in the game. It should all look good.
What's with the hoverboard?
Will there be a PC version?
Because i will not buy this considering the shit storm that is Zestiria.
true but the hilarity of watching people complain about tales graphics more than makes up for it
This shota need some dickings.
I agree
lol this game suck
I know, there's no Mikleo
Yeah, playing the demo made me realize that I should just play through Vesperia or Xillia 2 again.
I have nothing to worry about. I enjoyed zestiria so this should be even more fun.