WoW: Legion

Illidan Harbingers video out now:

How are you preparing for Legion? Post your mogs.

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>tfw really want a nelf demon hunter now
>all my friends play horde so I'll end up rolling a fucking belf

Sucks for you because blood elf DH animations are pure ass compared to the night elf animations

>choosing friends over the only actual passable race for DH

But user-kun that's not how animations work now.

Finished this one last night. MAking a Horde version but fuck the weapon I need is a pain in the ass to get.

you can change their skin color to almost dark purple and also if you PVP since the nerf to the human racial Belfs arcane torrent is now best. As a demon hunter you'll have 2 AOE silences plus a free resource generator.


Look them up my friend. I played them in the beta, and belf versions of DH animations look ass

what armor?

but muh nelf War of the Ancients survivor fantasy

Overlord's set. Good luck getting the chest and pants if they aren't in the auction house.

>tfw no Orc, Human, Troll, Draenei Demon hunters
> We are stuck with some gay elves

Orcs not being DH suprises me.

Forgive me but I really don't get the hate modern WoW gets. Granted I only starter a few months ago but before you call me underaged I am not. I didn't play vanilla due to being poorfag. I finely got a good comp and played from 1-70 late wotlk early cata and it was fun but had to quit due too irl issues. I've played gw2 swtor wildstar and even ff14 but in my opinion WoW is still the funnest of them all. My only gripe is that I was stupid enough to let Blizzard pick my server for me. Fucking Venture Co...


I don't follow the WoW lore too much, but didn't Illidan die? Wasnt' there already an expansion about him? I feel like this is dejavu

I farmed the whole set from world spawns.

Only took a week or so of occasionally flying a path around the spawn locations.

What the fuck happened to Illidan's voice. Why aren't they using his WC3 voice actor?

So blizzard is also cutting on cinematics now?


In BC he's captured and put in prison, he's reawakened for this expansion.

>Orc DH
So you never played a warcraft game in your life then?

The short is set before the events of TBC, also blizzard realised they dungoofed killing illidan off in legion so he's making a comeback (eventually)

Orcs and Draenei don't make that much sense because DH's are supposed to be agile and fast in combat. They're not going to start using the demon powers either, Orcs wouldn't like the idea of being demonic and the Draenei would see that as betraying the Naaru.

what cinematic got cut?

Why the fuck not. If fucking undeads can be priest in this clusterfuck. Tell me why can't orc be DH

Cutting budget*


We killed him at black temple. Maeiv took his corpse back to the vault of the wardens and locked it up because his corpse has lots of energy still in that people like the legion would want to take. He gets resurrected this expansion.

>d killing illidan off in legion

TBC you mean?

They are not agile enough.

So I have a dwarf shadow priest that I was thinking of faction changing to undead.

Should I stay dwarf or go undead?

Gul'dan and some other nigga got his corpse but his soul is fine. Some user theorized that Danny's soul will come back in the form of the "holy Illidan" model and Gul'dan will raise Illidan's corpse to fight for Succgeras in the last thread.

Because they got a better one and have been using him for longer now.

>flash animation

What a shitshow this expansion is going to be

How are Hunters and DK's this expansion, lads?

I hate that I want to resub for legion. I guess i'll buy it and sub for a month or two to shake it off till next expansion.

This character is nothing like Illidan I remember from WC3. Since when does he give a shit about saving anyone who isn't himself or Tyrande?

for a moment I thought lorth became warchief

Yet there are Orc monks and Rogues.

I forgot that whole naaru deal so yeah. That eliminates them

nice pasta

Because orcs were never trained to be demon hunters. Illidan only took in night elves and blood elves to train because elves are the only ones he trusted to wield the power. You see the elves training at the black temple since BC for fuck's sake. Go learn some lore dude.



The only demon hunters that exist where created by illidan before TBC and then put on ice after the black temple raid.
Illidan only used elves, he turned all the orcs loyal to him into fel orcs using magtheradon's blood.
Just be happy they let you have belf demon hunters horde scum

His Warcraft 3 voice actor is clearly superior

He died and his soul went to the twisting nether, where he is being hunted by demons.

Maiev took his corpse with her into the vault of the wardens so that he could 'continue' his jail sentence and because of the power that he absorbed into his body

debatable. I don't like the arthas they settled for over the wc3 one at least. and they changed anub'arak's voice in wotlk despite having his original one voice things in starcraft

posting muh mogs

>Draenei Demon hunters

>we will never get high elves for the Alliance

pain and suffering

Just being rogue or monk doesnt make you agile enough to be a demon hunter.

Can they just let the le epic "you are not prepared" catchphrase die already, its embarrassing that he can't go more than 5 minutes without saying it

I wouldn't be surprised if it was his only voice line in Legion desu

No? This isn't any different from the Lords of War shit they made. Blizzard has it's own media department that makes all the Overwatch, WoW and other shit you know.



Just as I think metzen hit the bottom he finds new ways to surprise me

who /troll/ here

Ech fucking elves ruining everything again

He's feeding the DH's bullshit BTW he doesn't care about the night elves he cares about destroying the legion because eventually they're going to come for him it's in the book.

can I not just buy a month of gametime anymore? I can only add a subscribtion or a gamecard I don't want either

Snowflake VS Emo Kid

I want to play DH but most kids and niggers will roll DH so ill guess i should stick to my encha. Also, how good is encha in legion?

>Sub for monthly plan
>Immediately cancel sub
>Get a sub for a month


>someone saved my mog

my ego is satisfied

>I want to play DH but most kids and niggers will roll DH
who cares man
just play what you want

Metzen hasn't written anything in years all he does in the office is snort coke off his doomhammer and run around naked saying 'I am the warchief'

that's still dumb as shit

He is still thay way, he is really just manipulating them

There's a cool quests that lets you play as Illidan back in the WotA, and he basically goes around and sacrifices a bunch of Night Elves just to be able to defeat some other demons

Illidan has never given a fuck about his people, he is just an anti-hero -that wants to destroy the Legion


>the Draenei would see that as betraying the Naaru.
I wish we could tell the Naaru to fuck off, the cunts aren't telling us what is really happening.

they didnt show illidan as arcane mage, meh
in legion beta there is quest when you play as illidan, he is commander and defend elves castle from legion invasion
he is arcane mage but too weak to kill demons, so you start to consume your comrades to get more power

The Broken Isles is the best "continent" ever in WoW FACT


I wish, then the game will be better.

>tfw just want to play awesome werewolf
>Worgen models are fucking bad

Are they going to update older armor textures in Legion?

Are Prot Warriors still the kings of Tanking?

I'm assuming by encha you actually mean enha as in enhancement shamans. If that's the case enh shamans are incredibly fucking strong and one of it not the best melee class in legion.

DH will probably be popular for a bit but from all the feedback people have been giving it seems like they will go the way of monk and not of deathknights. Deathknights were OP as fuck when they came out and have continued to be very strong all the way through so when everyone flocked to them a lot stayed. Monk on the otherhand was just a shit class and still is a shit class mostly so not a lot of people flocked to them. DH is similar to monk meaning they're not very strong so although a lot of people will level one i doubt that many will stick around.
Are this the only cloth horns helms in the game?

100% yes, I mean when have they ever not been?

Arms And prot are currently two of the best specs in the game IMO. PvE shitters will disagree with arms though.

Yes, i meant enh, my bad. I played a little bit in WoD and didnt like it. If i recall correctly, they relied quite a lot on procs. Is it the same now?

YOU WERE NOT PREPARED at the start was fine because it made sense and flowed into the next parts.

YOU ARE PREPARED in the end had me laughing for a minute since it was shoehorned in and cringeworthy. I was expecting something like Illidan ordering his Illidari to begin the hunt (because demon hunter) or some shit now that the demons were afraid of them.

From WoTLK to current prot was low tier but serviceable

Death Knights are very strong at the moment. Frost is brainless fun, Blood is one of the stronger tanks at the moment (though kinda boring to play), and Unholy is nuts. This may change fairly soon as blizz has some balancing planned before the expansion launches, however. Hunters, on the other hand, are a total mess.

The new areas are actually looking pretty good, though it remains to be seen how the endgame will fare. Legion ought to be fun to level through, if nothing else.

>Go learn some lore dude.

I would if they didn't change it every time

They're both OP as fuck. Hunters are pretty great with all 3 specs playing completely differently.

>several talent choices either can make Arms full of shit to press and make Colossus Smash a fucking free-for-fall madness buff timer, Whirlwind abuse for cleave/AoE, and an official COME ON AND SLAM spec
>People still aren't satisfied
>Despite Arms having never been that amazing until Execute phase, where they suddenly become King of the Mountain

All those bitching about Arms now has never actually played Arms unless it was Flavor of the Patch. Arms is in an incredibly good state right now.

>take the CUM ON AND SLAM side
>Colossus Smash procs 5 times in a row

>Deathknights were OP as fuck when they came out and have continued to be very strong all the way through so when everyone flocked to them a lot stayed.
How about you go an fuck yourself. Since they got fixed at the start of wrath DKs have only ever been above 'average' on the charts once and that was festerblight in ToT which Blizzard killed when they removed snapshotting and only worked with a raid trinket. The legion beta is the first time since MoP and the second time since wrath that DK's have been strong DPS wise for any length of time.

Nope. You don't use mana anymore and instead have maelstrom as a resource. You get it from auto attacks and your main ability (the default main ability is shit, you spec into a better one called bouldersmash). You just bouldersmash and auto attack to fuel your maelstrom and dump it into stormstrikes whenever possible, stormstrike has a cooldown though so if you have extra maelstrom and no stormstrike you just dump the rest into lava lash. That's pretty much it.

I hear in legion once you have enough haste you attack so fast you don't even need to bouldersmash much anymore so you just spam lava lash and stormstrike. You still bouldersmash every once in a while though cause it gives you good buffs, but you just don't need to use it a lot.

Personally DKs had the most successful all around rework. Each spec feels different while still being interesting and given their ability to tank and dps you know that at least 2 of the 3 specs will be average at worst.

Meanwhile hunters are dogshit. Marks would be ok if sidewinders weren't a thing, BM is the most basic spec in the game, and the creation of survival came at the cost of gutting the other two specs. I'm also pretty sure survival will be glad warrior-tier for the entirety of the expansion.

Also if you resub learn the AH and never pay for subbing again, it makes the game a lot "better" once you realize you don't have to pay blizzard monthly.

Fuck it. I'm going to sub. I want to try survival hunters and unholy DK's again and I like what i've heard of the DK story. Forgive me.

I should probably learn the AH but my server is half dead.

Doesnt sound like its fun

Ive played warrior for a long time and currently i think both arms and fury are in a good place. Prot too but i wont go too much into that.

Fury once again lacks a heal debuff which prettttty much makes them near useless in pvp but the damage is INSANE. Arms also has incredible burst but i hate being so reliant on multiple procs to make it happen.

Ill go back and do some theory crafting but people are still back and forth on which of those 2 specs is best for dps atm.

First time I saw this today and I was fully expecting it to be 3d and cinematic which is normal from Blizzard.

This just looks like an unfinished animatic that was repurposed for a "final cut". Is it because Blizzard no longer wants to invest too much into WoW's expansions or whatever this is now?

>Doesn't mention Hailstorm
>Doesn't mention Flametongue

So this is the power of Sup Forums... Woah.

Should have taking the Old God's tentacles if Illidan is against the legion.

Baseline you have two procs, windfury and stormstrike cd reset + a free stormstrike charge

You can also spec into a lava lash proc, but it's not viable right now


DKs are probably really fun at 110, but I hate them so much right now. Depending on the fight blood is either OP as hell or barely playable, and unholy and frost both feel like ass with their haste passives removed and the new GCD, on top of the fact that there is nearly 0 haste/str gear in HFC makes me hate Blizzard for putting the patch out so early

Can't wait for them to finally release Legacy servers.

>tfw auto-Voidform
>tfw still need to get a dagger/offhand past 650

Wut? That isn't the legion introduction cinematic. 'Harbringers' is a series of shorts designed to key uninformed casual shitters such as yourself into the motivations of some key lore figures. Not unlike the lords of war shorts before WoD.

Flametongue is ability now? So, they removed self buffs? And hailstorm is, i guess, new aoe spell?

>tfw mage is always the best class