I just started playing the MGS series and started with 3. I read on a different thread that you need to play in release order to understand, I was originally planning on doing it based on the timeline. Should I go back and play 1 and 2, or go in timeline order? Pic related, that's the order I was playing in.
I just started playing the MGS series and started with 3...
>I just started playing the MGS series and started with
You fucked up, big time.
> I read on a different thread that you need to play in release order to understand,
You read rright.
>Should I go back and play 1 and 2, or go in timeline order?
Play in release order. Period.
Jesus, how many YEARS have we been repeating this shit?? The story in MGS series is linear, and expands with each game!
It makes more sense to play in release order, since the game plots are written with thematic parallels between past and future events in mind. Think of going back in the timeline more like a "flashback", you're meant to interpret it with your knowledge of games that released before
Just play 1, 2, 3 in that order (they have numbers how do people get confused?). The rest are shit.
its a tragedy that kojimas genius was wasted in video games and konami and artistically retarded gamers
>The rest are shit.
Fuck you.
4 is miles more enjoyable than 2, and PW is just superb game, and way better "MGS5".
>tfw you started with Peace Walker then moved to MGS3 to figure out Snake's past before that, then The Phantom Pain, only then started to play MGS1
I wish I could just wipe my mind to get the unfucked Metal Gear experience
At least you admit your mistake.
If only I could inject your regret to other rookies thinking of playing out of order via internet
>That one faggot who always claims chronological order best order
>He keeps convincing his friends new to the series that it's the best order
>They actually believe him
>MG Ghost Babe 1
Release order, faggot
Chronology doesn't mean shit in Metal Gear, they're meant to be experienced in release order
>that guy who says he read the plots of past games on Wikipedia so he could just jump to TPP
If you'
re playing them for the plot, then go by release order.
If you're playing them just to play them, ten play in whatever the fuck order you want.
If you're autistic, then play them in the order of the timeline.
That's about it.
So why is timeline order so bad anyway? Can someone explain this to me?
That would be like watching Star Wars in timeline order instead of release order. Or watching a Tarantino film with the scenes reordered to be chronological.
>MGS4's timeframe was already 2 years ago
>still no bipedal combat drones that moo
Oh that makes sense. Is it still bad to do the timeline order if I have had most major plot points spoiled?
There are certain twists that happen with the atory that are ruined if you play them in chronological order. Imagine if you watched the original Star Wars trilogy after you had seen the prequels; the twist that Vader is Luke's father would lose all its impact
Also the gameplay's path of evolution follows release order.
different user here,
but each MGS game is pretty much built on the assumption that the player has player the previous game(s) in the series, and only builds on top of that assumption. Even if the timeline changes in the series, the games still do constant references to the events and phenomenons in the previous games, and set up seeds for some all new events for future titles. On top of that, the games also tend to refer and re-occur certain GAMEPLAY elements, that will make experienced vets go "Ooh! This is that thing I did back then!". Those things you will never get simply by reading story synopsis; you gotta experience them.
Finally, if you play this series out of release order, theres going to be HUGE jumps in visual quality and gameplay department. Going from MGS3, or especially from 5, to MGS1 would be quite mind-boggling and probably impossible task to some, no matter how great the game itself might be otherwise.
>TPP is in 1984
>restricted environment, outside information fed through cassette tapes
>Big Boss doesn't look a day older than in 1975, except the part where his hair looks white initially due to a "lighting error" in promotional content
I'll take "ruse" for $500.
>le contrarian face
Is there a single media franchise in the history of artistic expression that release order isn't the intended way to experience it? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
I just remembered all of that speculation that mgsv was gonna be the boss in WWII.
Well, Star Wars is intended to be watched in chronological order according to ol' George. But according to him, Greedo shot first and Vader shouted NOOOOO when killing the Emperor, so his opinion can be disregarded.