Post your legit vidya opinions that would be called bait on Sup Forums

Post your legit vidya opinions that would be called bait on Sup Forums

Smash is shitty, people should play a real fighter.

Overrated piece of shit.

I like video games


Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts is for 13 year old faggots

Sup Forums killed this board.

Undertale is okay.

I'm not a fan of the souls games.

i liked modern day story in ac series

>this board

More like Sup Forums user

I'd agree with Kingdom Hearts, but not FF

JRPGs are unplayable shit.
Nintendo produces only braindead shit.

smash and undertale both suck

i thought fallout 3 was a good game and i enjoyed it

I have 500 hours in Crysis 1

Yeah, never heard that on Sup Forums, total bait

More like every board

Huey did nothing wrong.

Sonic has always and always will be garbage

Nice bait

Demon's Souls is the worst souls game besides Dark Souls 2.

Farcry continues to be one of the most fun games of the year every time they put one out.

Age of Mythology > Age of Empires 2

Quantum Break > Uncharted 4

Shadow Heart 3 is the best in the series.

Sonic was never good.

DmC:DmC is my favorite Devil may cry game

Fallout 4 has better gameplay but everything else is obviously shit

This entire list is my genuine opinion yet I've never once had someone not call it bait

I really like the ME trilogy and Dragon Age Inquisition. I don't like Witcher. I really don't like anything from nintendo other than their handhelds and wish even then they weren't 99% kiddy shit. Bayo 1 > Bayo 2 and DMC4.

Fuck off.

this t b h
never liked any of them and I fucking love platformers

I liked Paper Mario: Sticker Star, think it's a great game and I'm looking forward to Color Splash. I have also played all the Paper Mario games..

Bloodborne is just bad to me and I don't get why everyone garners so much praise for it, especially the OST which is just blairing instrumentals.
Everytime I say that I don't think it's all people chock it up to be people just post pictures of Ludwig or goldface and say "NEVER EVER" and it doesn't help change my opinion of the game.
Especially the people who think it's Eldritch are the ones that annoy me or if they think it has a unique aesthetic even though there's already been games with Gothic Architecture and abominations.
I mean I guess it's combat is kind of fun but I really prefer playing Dark Messiah or Gothic mainly because you have so many other options whereas in Bloodborne you're just kind of hopping side to side firing parrying bullets at every boss.
I always get called out as a "PCuck" every single time and I own a PS4 and Bloodborne but I really don't get why people defend it to the death like it's some "absolutely masterful" game.
Miyazaki could make a game called "Cake" where you play a guy who shares cake with another person and every soulsfag on Sup Forums celebrates him as a genius showing human generation
and then he makes "Cakeborne" where the guy eats all of the cake before anyone else can have it showcasing human greed.
ala From Software just makes niche games and people think just because it hits their niche it's a master piece.
and don't get me wrong I like FS especially for Armored Core and A.C.E.(Release a new game you fuckers.)
But why do soulsfags always have to defend the games to the death when it's just the "perfect game" for them and not everyone else?
Can't they accept that anything can have flaws and just because someone points them out doesn't mean you go "LALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING"
It means you act like a adult about it and acknowledge it but you love it anyways.

mgs 3 < mgs 4

3D World is my favourite 3D Mario game.
Sunshine is grossly overrated on Sup Forums.

DoW 1 sp > DoW 2 sp

DoW 2 mp > DoW 1 mp

Sup Forums mught hate this:

I believe that a true video game enthusiast - I hate the term "gamer" - is someone who is capable of finding some enjoyment from any game they play. You don't have to support the company or the game, you don't have to even like the game as a whole, but if you were for some reason required to play any game at all, you'd enjoy something about it if only just the fact that you're playing a game. I think that having that "tired gamer" issue is just a case of forgetting that. They're video games. They're fun to play. Simple.

I don't think this is bait, I just don't agree with everything that's on your list. Which is okay since it's clearly just your opinion. (Although you generally do have good taste)

I'll go ahead and believe that's how you really feel but your tastes are so bad it's easy to understand why people think this is bait.


Old isometric RPG sucked. I don't care how old they are, they have complete shit combat, UI and fronts too small to read comfortably.

Doom is a decent game at best. Ageless my ass, I spend more time searching for keys and clicking on random places looking for secrets than shooting things.

4/10 mad, I'm getting there.

It's a good list, people who agree wouldn't just post that they agree. I bet there's more people who agree than people who disagree. I would get New Vegas out tho, it's a broken piece of shit.

Too much effort to be bait, also including so many games leaves most people somewhat happy with the choices.

Both Fallout and Planescape: Torment were awful and weren't engaging at all.

50% mad

Half-Life 2 is better then 1.
While unskippable cutscenes are a bitch it's still marginally better for the simple fact it doesn't have Xen.

I also liked the boat level.

I agree, bet nobody will call it bait.

>Old isometric RPG sucked.

They didn't suck, but I believe they are shit nowadays, no not because people are incapable of making them, but because RPGs with turn-based combat is simply an outdated mechanic that was used because of the limitations of the time.

Mass Effect 2 was better than ME1.

what is that 2008 goty

Starbound isn't bad

Every 2D Zelda is shit.
Every 3D Zelda is good.
Sonic Adventure 2 is the best Sonic game and the only not-shit one.
Rankings of Souls games from best-to-worst go like this: DS1>DS2>DS3>BB>DeS. To add on to this, Dark Souls 2 was a great game, definitely GOTY 2014 and certainly not the 0/10 trash Sup Forums makes it out to be.
Oblivion is the best TES game.
The WiiU is the best console of the gen so far.
Undertale is a great game, its hatedom on Sup Forums is far, far worse than its fandom on /vg/.
GOTY 2015 was The Witcher 3.
The best 3D Mario game is Sunshine.
Paper Mario 64>Paper Mario TTYD.
The only good Fallout game is New Vegas.

I wouldn't say they sucked ass user but they certainly haven't aged well at all and I can completely understand why you come from that view point.
It's just kind of hard comparing it today on the new hardware and all that when they were designed for being played on CRT monitors.
But still the writing is definetly up to par and above the bar of today's "stories".

About Doom though it's probably something appeals to mostly people who mod it to death nowadays instead of playing the base game and I can agree with you there, and personally I think it started aging around 2009.

The world ends with you

Yep, the beep-boop PCs of the time were slow anyway, so the games weren't streamlined very much. The same about UI locked-in to a low resolution.

Bloodborne gets praise from hordes of sonyggers lest their buyer's remorse come to light. In actuality it's the weakest Souls game.

I've enjoyed Life is Strange although I recognize it has many shortcomings.

why did you choose to go there. you knew what you were doing but you chose to anyway


Every Zelda game after OoT is better than OoT

>worse than DaS 2&3


>thinking Sup Forums is some peaceful and harmonious place
Been here since before Sup Forums existed and it's nearly the same. Only difference is the unironic threads about garbage like Halo and Battlefield

All fighters suck, and Smash is only even remotely fun with friends, and even then its too frustrating to be fun.

I stopped playing smash with my friends. It's not fun losing over and over. It's not fun winning over and over. No one I know is near the same awkward skill level as me. It's just plain shit.

how is that bait? Best story game

>In actuality it's the weakest Souls game.
This is just really shit taste.

Terrible game

>like Halo and Battlefield
You haven't been here that long I see. There used to be loads of threads for them.

RPGs are bad games.

SMT is the good JRPG series, everything else is cancerous worthless crap.
Fallout 2 is crap, nowhere near as good as Fallout 1.
Mass Effect 2 is the only good Mass Effect.
The Dark Souls games are crap.
Witcher 1 is the only good Witcher game.

DoTa/Dota 2 is one of the most in depth and greatest video games ever made

Did you like the N64 one at least? The Gamecube entry definitely has a different style to it.

I love both personally, but I feel PM was better designed than TTYD.

I enjoyed a game despite its fanbase.

The truth hurts.

Explain your reasoning to me. "Shit taste" is not an argument.

>shortest game length for the technically most expensive game in the series due to it being an exclusive
>minimal amount of weapons and stats severely hindering build variety and replay value, again a very bad thing for an exclusive
>pvp has to be paid for to unlock but is dead anyway and instant bloodvial spamming is worse than estusing in ds3 pvp
>ranged parries and health regen/rallying make it the most casual game in the series

I enjoy walking simulators, QTE and all that stuff as long as it's good.
Heavy rain was fun but flawed as fuck
TT have both good and horribad shit. TWD season 1 and TWAU are their absolute best and they won't be able to surpass them imo
Asura's wrath was amazing, even if capcom stole the ending away
Life is strange was decent. Not as good as I expected, but fun.

Lol no, everybody shat on FPS games, Sup Forums was Sup Forums colony for a long time. (still is desu)

Undertale pretty much. Shitty fanbase, but actually pretty good game. The genocide run is great, and the peaceful run is comfy.

Fallout 4 is a good game.

I like ds2 more then ds3, mostly for having more weapons and armor, but I'm hopefull that the dlc delivers with ds3.

That's correct even though I don't enjoy playing it anymore.

Bullshit Battlefield games (especially 1942) Were wildly discussed.

The undertale fandom on /vg/ isn't that bad but the random everywhere else is pretty terrible

You didn'the like it, sure.
Great game regardless of that shit opinion.

>everybody shat on FPS games

The Call of Duty series is fantastic apart from CoD 3, Modern Warfare 3, and Ghosts.

Black Ops 2 has better RPG mechanics than any actual RPG released in the last ten years

Morrowind has a lot going for it as an RPG but when it fails (combat, the environment) it fails hard

Warhawk was the greatest multiplayer shooter of all time

Not that guy but I agree with you. PM64 was way more polished and didn't have much, if any, horribly boring backtracking segments. The only thing TTYD did objectively better was the combat.
Still, TTYD is one of the best games ever made IMO.

DS2 is really moving its way up the list for me because it still has the best PvP. I dunno how I feel about DS3 yet since it hasn't been fully patched and all the DLC isn't out yet.

More like people were playing touhou, quake and devil may cry and tough Halo was casual shit.

I am in no way bothered by Zarya's hair

The only reason to play old-fashioned jRPGS imo is if they have great plot, characters, music or settings (Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, FF7) Paper Mario has none of that and also they are both MIND-NUMBINGLY easy.


Overlord 2 was a great game, if somewhat stifled by its linearity

Fallout 4 is a good game if you don't expect it to be like a Fallout game

GTA IV is my favorite GTA and Vice City is extremely overrated and not a good GTA overall

That Morrowind point is precisely why I prefer Oblivion to it, it's just more polished imo. Odd because I feel the same way about PM64>TTYD but PM64 came first in this case.

Same here

Others have terrible camera and I hate having to fight the controls more than enemies.

I'd buy no mans sky if it wasn't $60.

But it has great Characters, music and setting. also beyond that it has good GAMEPLAY.

i liked dark souls 2 more than dark souls

I think TF2 still holds up and still fun Even though I stopped playing it