State of Decay

Name a better feeling zombie game than State of Decay.
>Protip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:

> State of Decay
> Devs promise multiplayer.
> Announce expansion with multiplayer.
> H-hey guys. Pls buy our game again, look, we added multiplayer. T-that'll be 6-60 bucks.

This is coming out like 4 years later. They aren't milking, and they chocked the original game full of cool survival aspects, for only 20 dollars.

Where is their game with MP? I'll fucking buy it.
Also, fuck you. Just in case.
Does indie alpha/EA games count?

State of Decay is easily one of , if not the, best zombie surviving game out there
I hope they don't force the coop on us tho and that they drop the resources meme

They announced like 4 player at E3

Wait. I need to google that shit.

>What is State of Decay 2?
Not an expansion to State of Decay.
No idea what this fag here means.

Too bad the pc port is dogshit

I'm playing it on my dogshit laptop and it runs on par. I'm happy with it

I regret spending money on it

WTF why? It basically recreated the absolute god tier feel of a zombie world, with a simple arcade style combat and resource management. For only 20 dollars, what did you not like about it?

The Last of Us.

The feeling is bland, the combat is generic shitty third person game and the resource management is a chore.

>The Last of Us.

That's linear though

Dying light is a better game imo

Something about it's emergent gameplay strikes a cord in me

>Name a better feeling zombie game than State of Decay.
There only three zombie games that i like.Project Zomboid,Resident Evil 2 and Dying Light

Project Zomboid

But State of Decay is a pretty shitty game

State of Decay is fun as hell, but I'm honestly baffled at the way they have released like 5 separate versions of the game that have different bullshit.

Its one of the only ones with good survival elements, taking over buildings and upgrading them, building a community, perma death, going out for new members, having to manage supplies.

State of Decay 2 with MP is going to be fun, just rework the clunkness of the melee and movement.

I like driving the Sheriff cars/Police cars(in DLC)
That's a fun thing to do.

The only game where i seen all of this happen is in Project zomboid multiplayer, when winter hits, its a fucking hell hole in the woods, same in the city.

You see people stabbing each other with forks for a rotten rat, the only thing that i hate about Project Zomboid right now is the lack of vehicles and NPCs

Fuck winter!
>not having yourself a small fortress and a ton of cans by the time winter hits

I enjoyed fortifying my home in Project Zomboid
I played the story mode start and just decided to cover up all windows, board up windows and doors by the road and sit watching the news reports of the infection. I would occasionally go rob other homes for food and books
Was roerty comfy. Does depression effect you in any way?

After Dead Island, I was pleasantly surprised by Dying Light. It came pretty close to that just right zombie feel.

I think you mean Project we got 'robbed' so you have to buy our game again woopsie.

Haven'd played State yet but Dying Light is fun as fuck

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

Project Zomboid is better.

This. So much this.
Also, 7 Days to Die is alright.

why can't you buy it anymore on steam?

You can?
