Is there a video game equivalent to this scene?

Is there a video game equivalent to this scene?

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Mobile version of Dungeon keeper when the bullfrog flag appears on a destroyed room.

Thats dark

Spec Ops: The line?

Lost Shinjuku in EO1, although, they ham-fisted it hard in the remake

MGS2's ending codec.


The cutscenes after you beat Vritra in Digital Devil Saga 2

the final parts of Zeno Clash 2

Never compare planet to shit MGSV

They made a sequel?

When you find out the the dude you play as in the beginning of AC3 is a Templar.

Planescape Torment


Yeah, three years ago and it's even crazier than the first one.


Cyber Lip ending.

Realizing that NMS is absolute shit and your faith is Sean Murray has been crushed. Sean Murray is a false prophet. Sean Murray is a false God.

too bad they ruined the combat

What game is this?

What is the video game equivalent of this scene?

Mass Effect 3 and its ending.

Let's be honest, that's what the developers were aiming for.

Fallout 3 leaving the vault scene


>Irrithyl of the Boreal Valley.jpg

someone finished this game?

Fable 2 for me definately

NieR was pretty close

Deus Ex when you e scape the MJ-12 prison

Could have been ME3 if they could into a proper Deus Ex.

I guess in a way it's still vidya equivalent, since they blew up the Mass Effect franchise with the ending.

No, there isn't. That was actually a really clever twist that not everyone saw coming. No video game in history has ever had a good plot twist. All of it is very cringy,

MGS2 Arsenal Gear sequence, or just the ending of MGS2 in general. Solidus did nothing wrong, gas the kikes, I mean the patriots.



What could have been.

Does anyone have this in it's actual size? I remember it being from an older drawthread and the only thing I can find is this thumbnail on Reddit

Is that Oakvale? I remember being pretty depressed at the way the town turned out.

Milkdrop with a random orchestral score.

yep it is, knowing that reaver is the reason why oakvale turned to hell. Also the fact he kills lucien and everything else he did in 3 and he just runs off, no punishment, no payback, nothing.

How was 'would you kindly' cringy? To anyone playing the game for the first time it was actually a surprising twist that actually changed the game from being a blatant 1:1 copy of system shock into something that was at least a little bit different. Also, the implications that We technically weren't controlling Jack, (Atlas was) was a pretty big fucking deal.

I wouldn't have known. Fable 3 looked like absolute ass.

Oh it is complete absolute ass, its one of the few games that I feel nothing but extreme regret for, and all of the wasted potential too, if I ever saw peter molyneux, I would punch him right in the balls.

Oh, my god! I was wrong!
It was me all along!

'Guess you finally made a villain~!

(Yes we finally made a villain~!)

'Guess you finally made a villain out of me~!

I love you, Colonel Conrad!

What's the gaming equivalent of Evangelion's third impact, or just End of Evangelion in general?

I'm a little ashamed to say it but revisiting fyrestone in borderlands 2 had an effect on me. Mostly because I didn't recognize it at first, but when I did I remembered all the shit I used to do with friends in the first game.

Closest we'll get is MGS2, but not really because MGS4 exists.

I really like those kind of endings, even though I hated them way back when. ME3 came a few miles short of being able to achieve the same thing.

Lvl 1 of deus ex.

I don't think anything comes close to what Eva did for its media, in gaming.

In terms of sheer importance, *maybe* FF7 ,or MGS 2.

Final part of INSIDE is this


Yeah, Lonesome Road

Well fuck, now I want to play it, even though I hated Limbo.

I didn't hate Limbo, but it was pretty meh, yes. INSIDE is actually better, but a bit short still. Didn't regret buying it tho

Killer7, every scene starting from the roof of the hotel.

RPG maker game:
The Way. It was and still is ugly as sin, but man, that story.


I like how Evangelion is so sacred that even the contrarians of Sup Forums don't relentlessly shit on it except for a few trolls here or there.
It really shows how much this show stands the test of time.

bad rats

You wot.
It's always been and always will be 50:50.


Yeah, it's 50:50 against normies who don't like anime.
Most people who know their shit tend to at least respect the show.

Someone shitting on NGE is the surefire way to spot a newfag. It is a triumphant achievement of the medium. It has inspired so much work from it that everyone with the slightest interest in visual entertainment owes to themselves to see it.

Seeing this for the first time was a surprise. I wish more games would utilize such settings.

That's not the equivalent to the scene in the Planet of the Apes. That's on a homage to it.

A scene equivalent to that would be the end of MGS2 where the illusion of Big Shell comes crashing down and the truth is revealed to the player, who in turn has been played by the game.




nice, thanks.

Oh, and lest you forget, if you stood there listening to the villain's monologue because you thought he was giving you the option for the evil ending Reaver just shoots him and mocks you for not doing it faster.

Fable 2 was a terrible game, but that was just the icing on the cake.



>Not posting actual kinovidya

Oh my gosh I was wrong
It was Earth all along

He was one of the lead writer's self insert heroes.

It makes sense.

sol badguy stage from PSX Guilty Gear