Console controller is literally a camera

>console controller is literally a camera
>no sequel

Why do they hate us? Are they allergic to money or something?

Really does seem like the perfect idea. Shame.


Isn't Pokemon go effectively snap but you walk around to get the pictures?

no it's nothing like it

Eh, no big. If NX is what the mockups indicate, it'd be even better on the NX.

No. At all.

Pokemon spinoffs perform extremely poorly. GO is an outlier. Games like Rumble, Shuffle, Picross, and Mystery Dungeon barely break even. All the last gen attempts at Pokemon spinoffs (Revolution, Dash, Ranger, Pokepark) netted an overwhelming loss outside of Japan and were received mildly in-country. I'm also assuming that Pokemon Snap has a relatively low purchase or attach rate on the Virtual Console.

No, they already know people wouldnt buy it no matter how much you beg for it

A Pokemon Snap mobile game would work a lot better, no matter how much you'd hate to admit it.

this. and with how well Go has done, it's not that unreasonable to wish for it.

That's true. It'd be cool and I loved it on N64, but I wouldn't buy a new one. Maybe for like $11

Exactly and I'm a little annoyed. You can always play Fatal Frame/Project Zero 5 though.

The beginning of walking simulators. Actually, even worse, you don't even control where you go. It's literally a bad virtual carnival ride.

I remember having friends who were addicted to this game like crack. I was at a bday party with some HS buddies, they had this and Super Smash Bros with 4 controllers. There were 6 of us. They all wanted to take turns playing fucking Pokémon Snap instead of playing a multiplayer game. Needless to say, I stopped hanging out with those retards soon after that.

To this day I still don't see the appeal of playing a bad Disney ride. It's like Splash Mountain without any suspenseful drop. If you enjoy this game you'd probably enjoy being in a coma.

>he doesn't want to be in a coma

What the fuck dude


>stops hanging out with people because of their taste in video games
how is all that loneliness treating you nowadays?

On-rails is a radically separate genre from walking simulator.

I'm a lot happier actually. I came to realize I have a difficult time coping with people's retarded inflated egos, so solitude is much more preferable.

Nintendo could've maid some kind of tabletop RPG game, the DM using the gamepad, but noooo. Wasted potential I tell you. ZombiU was a bit clever with looking at the gamepad was looking in the bag while something could still happen on the main screen I'll give them that.

sure thing buddy.

Really? That's a heck of a lot of spinoffs, and sequels to spinoffs for games that don't sell

You can thank Japan for that. Pokemon's only truly successful outside of the main games there.

Id love it too but too niche and nobody wants to actually develop a game like that.

It could have been you vanillaware

I have no idea why there is no wii u game that expanded on zombius multiplayer, best part of the game imo

Time/Darkness/Sky sold a total of 6.5 million between them.