Fusions is out in Japan and there's two more months until Xenoverse 2.
Ya ready?
Fusions is out in Japan and there's two more months until Xenoverse 2.
Ya ready?
Other urls found in this thread:
list of all fusions where?
Some characters look like Doug characters.
Looking forward to XV2. Really hoping it doesn't end up as disappointing as the first.
Fusions looks cool, but I'm not gonna buy a 3DS for it
Time to pop a cap.
Hopefully we get a fusions localization announcement soon
You can fight your friends...
>No playable giants in XV2
>Giant namek.big
>No SS god
It seems you can choose any combination of 5 characters for your team in VS mode.
No giant characters is lame. I'd have liked to play as both forms of Janemba
I think they didn't give CaC's SSG since they still want it to be unique or something. Even Goku only used it once.
I think XV2 will be XV 1 but more and 3 will be god tier
This Frieza Soldier has a fucking sword.
CIA when
is there video up of the avatar creation?
Gorus can do the x10 Kamehameha
Playing it now. Humans are the balanced race, saiyans have high deff but low speed, namek have hi ki but low deff, aliens have high attack but low ki and majin have hi ki and low attack.
I havent gotten to the free fusions yet but SSGSS goku and Gorus are OP as fuck and the 5 man fusion is curazy
As for attacks the random enemies have a random assortment if moves and you can pick them up if you are lucky. You might fight an Saiyan with a ray gun and next time fight a human with Buu`s extinction attack. You can also spend points you earn in game to buy random attacks and equip them to your team. They scale from C-S and there are also God attacks
Apparently the Destruction Ball attack can damage both enemies AND allies.
Gonna be hard to play as Beerus or Gorus, huh?
It's thursday
Would you want Fem Burter in your life?
Yeh it hits eveyone in its attack radius and does massive dmg.You need 8 or 9 energy to do it so you just need to get your dudes out of the way or go fuck it and nuke um
Yeah, pretty much.
No playable Oozaru.
Not giants in general.
Just giant apes.
Slugs aren't apes.
You ape.
Slice n' Dice
Fusion Team Attack
So is Fusions pretty much DB: Pokemon edition?
Are battles any fun?
Porkin' it up
Yeah, you can send opponents flying into each other with your attacks, so it's always fun setting up a knockback-combo with allies and enemies.
more doggie pls
No Taino, but close enough
>there will never be a fighting game with this cast
That's not close at all!
cia pls
just one more doggo for CIA
I'm a dirty liar
>Not Beerku
One job.
Nobody gives a shit about the meme majin
>not fusing Janemba with Ii Shenron
what the fuck is wrong with you?
But they have the same body type, what would be the fusion?
Rate this character
Slutty with dumb hair.
Is Guru playable?
Can we fuse him with Nappa?
So do you actually make your own character rather than just using that OC in the trailers? Can they fuse with people?
This Namekian will rip you limb from limb.
Yes, you can customize your character and fuse them with others, but the one in the pic is actually an unlockable character from the game.
There's 1013 playable characters.
they just released a new trailer last week
gotta wait at least 2 weeks for more news
>Last week
There is no way it was last week
What year is it?
>Published on Jul 26, 2016
Tuesday last week
is there a goku+monaka fusion?
Someone's fucking with the time stream that trailer's been out for three weeks by my recollection.
>Human transformation is literally "Kid Goku mode"
>There's people here who actually believe Kid Goku won't be in the game
I hope XV2 has a stage on beerus' planet
the giant nameks and nimbus transformation has been released last week
you sure its not the other trailer?
no new stages aside from the new ones we saw in the demo
I'm stuck in a time loop it's the only explanation
Save me kai of time
I don't think they said that. Just that there weren't many new stages.
we can hope
She's not coming to save you.
well too bad she is busy fapping to bardock
Based Kid Goku. Kicks bombs in peoples' face like it's nothing.
So, imagine a fighting game with Fusion's roster...
no gokus childhood doesn't mean there aren't going to be db characters in it
Time to meet Guru
Stop dumping pictures, start dumping game
What are you trying to say?
no db story missions
doesn't mean we won't get characters like kid goku, tao, roshi or king picollo
I agree, but that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who take that to mean "no db characters"
That said hoping for Tao and king piccolo seems a long shot.
tao will probably be in since we get his pillar as pre order dlc
also king picollo isn't really hard to make since he's a darker skinned picollo and his clothes were already in the first game
all they need to do is give him a new moveset and they are done
The Natz Force
Sure, I just don't think they're gonna put that many db characters in a still mainly DBZ game.
Can Gogeta fuse with Vegito? I know it sounds like a dumb fusion, but I wanna see it happen.
i have high hopes for king picollo since all new characters we seen had their clothes in the first game
>slugs clothes were in XV1
>turles clothes were in XV1
>16 clothes were in XV1
there are also clothes for
>dr gero
>android 19
>commander red
>king kai
>spike the devil man
>general blue
>mummy man
>mr popo
>murasaki the ninja
>ox king
>supreme kai
we're gonna see some of these probably
Too good.
Post Maxi Fusions, if you can.
Is there a preorder exclusive character for xenoverse 2 like last time?
the new dounut steel character called black goku from super
black and you also get a tao pai pai log
speaking of pre order is it true that you can get the preorder bonus of xenoverse 1 just by asking nicely to bamco
how can i do it? i also need the preorders of pirate warriors 3 i completed that game to 100%
that should help me a bit right?
How much damage does that AGL Vegeta do when he's maxed out?
The boss does about 24k to an awakened TEQ unit.
The unit I don't know, but all the Super Strike characters are decent URs with a gimmick when their SA is maxed.
i don't know yet mine is at level 3 i need to farm 3 more and then get another 7 medals
i don't have any teq orb items left and baba takes 20 hour to update now, i'll probably max him this weekend
the 100 limit sucks, but im sure i can do it with my TUR teq cell
email them
I did it, but they sent me an already used code. Gonna email them again.
Is this the right email
The 100 Limit is pretty annoying, but the only Teq UR I have for mono teams is SSB Goku.
He kicked my ass, so I'm reworking my team for him
So far, I have
>Mighty Mask SA 10 Lead
>Jackie Chun SA 10
>Bunny Bulma
>Xeno Trunks SA 10
>Teq Beerus
same guy?
>All these SA10s and I don't even have a single Vegeta yet
How do I into drop rates
but is that the right email?
website lists that email too
Mr. Muscle finally arrives
Cia plox
How good's the character creation system in Fusions?
Can you make Note? Or Taino?