People are up in arms that Torment: Tides of Numenera is heading to consoles

Is he right Sup Forums?

Is it unfair that they are letting console peasants play it instead of keeping it exclusive to the PC master race?

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>funding kickstarter shit that is a "spiritual" sequel to something

he deserves it

Hes right

i don't know what game is this but exclusivity is cancer and every game should be available on every platform
let console bros have it

Controls will be console shit tier.

no, thanks you can keep it. I'll wait for based larian to deliver divinity 2 instead.

Fanboys are retarded, what's new? I own a PS4 to play japanese games on it and I pirate everything else on PC. I'm all for multiplats because they save me alot of money.

Just like Wasteland 2 and DivOS?

>here console bros have our shitty kickstarter free to play indie games
>now let us have your quality exclusives

I don't thinks so. Exclusivity makes good games.

Only if he's right about them designing it with consoles in mind and the PC version has suffered because of it, otherwise who gives a shit?

It only matters if it negatively affects the PC version. It might but exclusives are cancer so if you can feasibly have a game on all platforms without any of them suffering because of it you should.

This. Give the PC elitists their higher graphics version of the game, because god knows graphics is what makes a game, and let the console players have their lower graphics port.

Why are PC players always such dicks about this kind of stuff? When stuff like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma got a PC release I was glad that more people would get to play them, not pissed that I couldn't brag about how they were console exclusive.

>beg money for PC game
>lie and delay so you can release for consoles
It's going to be fucked because it was designed for consoles.

It depends on the situation, whether or not the game loses out on something by being on consoles

Assuming TToN has potential content and features not made because of console limitations then its a problem.

From what I know of TToN there is nothing to suggest it cant work on both PC and consoles and having to cut corners for consoles.

b-but PC MASTER RACE guys!!

It isn't just about graphics. UI, controls, and actually gameplay too often suffers with games made for consoles. Especially in RPGS. If you can avoid this then go for it, but 95% of the time, a console version being developed or even the potential of a console version existing in the future fucks up the PC version.


is it the past again?

>Why are PC players always such dicks about this kind of stuff? When stuff like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma got a PC release I was glad that more people would get to play them, not pissed that I couldn't brag about how they were console exclusive.

Thank god people like you exist, but you're unfortunately a minority. The PC version of Dragons Dogma was the only reason the general threads came back and are STILL alive yet we have a ridiculous amount of shitposters that try to push their "PCucks ruined muh community" agenda.

I shouldn't even have to explain to you all the shit wrong with Souls community involving the PC port and after.

It's not an issue of exclusivity. It is an issue that developers design for consoles and then port to PC which lowers the quality of the PC title.

If you say your are making a PC game and then say it is available on consoles you are effectively saying you are making a pc game and then saying you are releasing a lower quality version than you originally stated.

Ultimately this is what you get for funding a kickstarter game. Someone wants to make millions and not risk anything up front, they are either going to broaden the market to get more money when their actual goals aren't hit or they are not going to be driven to finish the product because they already got their payday.

I hope the game is designed for consoles in mind and fucks over the PCucks

I too hope this originally potentially good game is shit. Good video games destroy the industry.

PC doesn't deserve good games. Can't wait til yet another game they pathetically crowdfunded turns out shit

He's not mad they are porting it to consoles but that they are designing it for consoles.
That's a huge difference.

nah, only 60fps and graphics matter

Aren't master race guys always talking about how exclusives shouldn't be allowed in this day and age?

Console users are too pleb to even play these kinds of games.

this is just another great example of retards using kickstarter
they deserved it
I hope the game is a half-finished abandonware mess

which is why EVERY multiplat RPG sells leagues more on consoles.. your move PCfat

Nobody deserves good games desu. I get irrationally angry anytime anyone enjoys a game.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with porting a PC game to a console. In fact, it should be encouraged. The problem is when an unreleased PC game is altered to better fit console controls, graphics capability, and simplified gameplay desires of the more mainstream console audience.

That would kill consoles

Spot the bernie supporter

It's not unfair. It just means that the game will be shit.

Exclusives are the only reason to own consoles

>game designed for pc
good graphics
good ui
designed for fast pace no auto aim since you have a mouse

>game designed for console
worse graphics
horrible ui since you need to navigate with controller
gameplay is slower since your reaction time cannot be as fast

>game designed for both
well we either have to put in extra work or we can just design for the lowest common denominator

PCfats will cry bitch tears whenever a console gets an exclusive, and whenever the PC doesn't. They are child-men, imagining an illusionary world where their chosen platform is somehow objectively superior and all deviations from it are not just matters of practicality or opinion, but actual objective inferiority.

They are pitiable things, wretched and debauched.

Just like all of us.

Console games don't suffer from being on other platforms but most of the time a PC game is released for consoles at the same time the PC version is worse off because of it.

>Exclusivity makes good games

The game is being developed by Inxile, you fucking mongoloid.

I don't really care, no. As long as they don't cripple the PC version or something I don't see how this effects me. I would have gone PC anyway.

In other words just make everything console games

Exclusives are becoming a thing of the past and it goes both ways.

Xcom2 is also coming (and i will buy it for ps4, the same as this game)

It's hypocrisy at its finest.

Couldn't give two fucks about this game. The shitstorm is nice though. Nobody can throw fits like pcfats

Honestly? I don't give a shit about exclusivity, I just want a return to the days where PC games were PC games and console games were console games and maybe a year after release you could port one to the other.

That would be better than this mess where things are designed as a multiplat with a bunch of compromises.I think consolefags would feel the same way if a bunch of their games had the design changed to accommodate something like the WiiU

>PC version is worse off
>Usually runs better resolution, framerate and also has better graphical settings on PC, with odd cases like Arkham whatever that the developers lazily ported



People are complaining about a CRPG being on consoles because that means consolization and simplification, niggers.

Maybe they'll pull a Dragon Age.

PClards don't want to hear that their precious special snowflake machine won't be used to it's maximum potential, even though they're one of the

Every game should be on every platform. Anything else is anti consumer.

Just like Xcom 2, right?

>falling for Kickstarter scams
Buyer's remorse is a real bitch, huh?

I also miss when console games were console games and pc games were pc games. They both have their strong points

But that just leads to worse games overall. Yeah, being released on other platforms doesn't drag them down but the issues are still there, there was just never a chance that they wouldn't be there.

Better graphics and framerate doesn't make up for fundamental design issues caused by designing for consoles.

When is the last time you saw a good rpg released on consoles? Protip: TW3 isn't a good rpg.

this t b h and even Wasteland 2 was more fun than that crapfest called pillars of *shit*.

People paying for games that aren't even out yet will never not be funny

the new X-Com series is simpler than its predecessors literally because of consoles

XCOM 2 was shitty and simplified. It was mostly holding it over from the initial reboot but that was caused by consolization.

>TW3 isn't a good rpg.

If the developer isn't retarded this isn't a problem
Just because it's on a console doesn't make a UI shit.
There are shit UIson both PC and console
>designed for fast pace no auto aim since you have a mouse
There's no problem with auto aim if the Pc and console version don't share servers
>gameplay is slower since your reaction time cannot be as fast

The issue here is that the end product suffers as a result of being designed around consoles and controllers. Less options as far as configuration is concerned, bloated interface that doesn't support mouse properly, greater modding difficulty.

It isn't.

>When is the last time you saw a good rpg released on consoles?
Xenoblade X

Those are issues caused by lazy devs.

Non lazy devs optimise for both pc and console.

You heard me.

No, uis are always worse when designed for controllers. Being designed for kb+m doesn't guarantee a good ui but the chance is significantly higher.

JRPGs aren't rpgs.

>it's bad because it's on consoles

just lmao

>TW3 isn't a good RPG
You should try playing it instead of trying to out-hipster the other contrarians of this board.

What can change the nature of a man?

You should try not holding up a console pandering action rpg as a good example of an rpg.

Man I like, it and it's got great choices in story.

But it's not nearly as freeform as older CRPGs.

Its just refreshing that CDPR can do Bioware's formula better than Bioware can nowadays.

>When is the last time you saw a good rpg released on consoles
dark souls 3 came out this year

>gameplay isn't designed around players possible reaction time

are you retarded?

>dark souls 3

I don't care for anything except that this obviously factored into delays.

>console pandering action RPG isn't an RPG
What does this even mean? You just called it an RPG.

>But it's not nearly as freeform as older CRPGs.
Does it have to be, though?

No, those are issues caused by games being designed primarily around controllers. Not a single console rpg game supports a drag and drop equipment of items unlike older games designed around PC. This is not even a debate. And that's just one example.

If it's that Numenara I am thinking about, it has no chance of being good anyway. Shitty systerm can't have a good vidya adaptation.

It's definitely an RPG

I never said it wasn't an rpg, just that it isn't a good one. Try reading next time.

So just shooters again?

It isn't graphics, it is the fact the game would change. Dialogue will probably be more akin to
than pic related

>No, uis are always worse when designed for controllers
I disagree

What other cRPGs are more free form and therefore better? I'm confused by this.

I agree to an extent. Playing TW3 has been giving me the same exhilaration I had playing BG2 for the first time. It's an epic story with great characters and fun combat. What else does it really have to be?

He's a troll.

Nobody is up in arms.

Fuck off.

Yeah I see that there. Got any examples of good RPGs then? Cuz TW3 is on part with BG2 for me.

>JRPGs aren't rpgs.

Enjoy your ui taking up half the screen space and full screen menus full of lists.

all the hate is coming from rpg codex
those edgy tryhards are even more retarded than summer shitposters

>successor to PST
>will now have dialogue wheel and paraphrasing
>won't be able to zoom out far enough or place AOEs well because consoles
>mfw once again cucks funding kikestarter shit get fucked over

You need to learn how to spot bait, user

I backed it awhile back and I've played some of the beta, it seems to play fine and didn't strike me as consolized in any way. I don't really care if it goes to consoles, as long as it doesn't hurt the PC version, which so far doesn't seem like it will.

>Enjoy your ui taking up half the screen space
That's a problem with the designers not with consoles.
>full screen menus full of lists.
as opposed to what exactly on PC

What game?

>implying anyone with a console is going to sit there and actually read all the dialogue
Its like handing out literature at a Toby Keith concert. Why are they bothering with a fanbase that has no interest in this kind of game.

There's already a beta and you can see what's done, I've played some and nothing seemed consolized from what I could tell.

I was pretty sure that it was bait but I have nothing better to do right now

The initial movement to release PC games on more platforms in order to increase revenue destroyed entire genres and led to technically impaired abominations with heavily simplified mechanics in order to work better with gamepads (Deus Ex: Invisible War might be the most famous example). People are still sour. Also any game can be played on PC, but not all games are suited for gamepads, which is typically the only input method available for consoles, so I'd say it's reasonable to be worried when a supposedly old-school RPG or strategy game or the like is multiplatform. Can be done well though, particularly if completely separate UIs are made. I don't see how anything could suddenly change about Torment given how far it is in development at any rate.