New Overwatch Rankings

Agree or disagree?


>rankings based on usage rate

>Competitive Overwatch

What other metric do you expect?

>C tier

Yeah nah

Why is Mercy so bad now?

There are way more 76 and Mercy than that.

>Comp OW
Holy fuck it really is the new tf2 isnt it


Why the fuck do people play Winston?

>Whichever Team Has the Best Genji Wins the Match: The Game

Why do you still play this garbage?

If you're actually willing to not play a character because of some meta then you are literally depriving yourself of content.
I don't care of Ana or Mei is F teir. If I find them useful in certain situations then I will goddamn use them.
By that logic if you play Melee then you should only play as fox and nobody else.

Because he's good at taking out snipers and other ranged characters

>Be Widowmaker
>Monkey leaps at me and activates my trap card
>Zipline away while firing full auto into the monkey's massive head
>Monkey dies

>Be Hanzo
>Monkey leaps at me
>Fire at the ground in front of the monkey
>Out-DPS him and kill him with regular shots

>Be Genji
>Monkey leaps at me
>Use double jumps, wall climbs and dashes to stay out of his range forever while filling his massive lumbering hitbox with shurikens
>Monkey dies

Winston is trash outside of a 6-stack and you can't do that in competitive any more.

>monkey leaps
>widow backpedals
>monkey pops shield to absorb damage
>widow dies
>hanzo dies
>genji gets away, only to be killed by symmetra

76 is actually hard to use his they nerfed his spread HARD

so what happened to mercy?

>ult takes longer to charge
>can move while ulting
apparently that's enough to take her out of meta it seems.

mainly because she can't keep up with the other supports, especially now with the zen buff and lucio is lucio

>This is actually what they posted
This is actually wrong.
Junkrat is used FAR more than Tracer ever is.

Win rate


wow mercy is literally useless now

Has no objective relevance. You aren't locked in to a single character in a match.

Although given that Win Rate is based on which character was played the most in a particular round, the OP image would be almost exactly the same.


I see Junkrat used in 90% of all games I play. If there's an attack/defense map, 100% of the the time junkrat is on the D.

The latter is a bit skewed, though, because whenever I'm on defense, I play Junkrat.

The data is from tournament qualifiers. Teams that got eliminated early contributed to the usage statistics far less than those that made it into top 32 or further.

Her Ult charge got nerfed. This was literally all she had over Lucio, Zenyatta being buffed also made her irrelevant. She's a dedicated Healer with no mobility or damage and her only saving grace got made worse.

I figured. Personally I just feel that blizzard needs to adjust supports. It feels like Hots all over again, where supports have to heal, and have no real utility otherwise. Its the reason Zen wasn't picked before his buff, Ana isn't picked at all, and Symmetra is used in certain situations.

With that being said, I feel that if blizz buffed Symmetra's turrets to do more damage/have more life, and move her over to defense and Torbjorn received a buff, they both would see alot more use. Might even see them in tandem more often, boosting their team's health and defense.

You can't be serious

Lucio's strength is being able to keep himself alive far more easily than Mercy. Healers get targeted more in Comp (as they should be), but Lucio can usually handle himself.

Mercy can't exactly be directly compared to other Heroes stats-wise.
Cause her Ult is what makes or breaks a play, while her Heal/buff just supplement someone elses stats.

>76 put into trash tier
I fucking knew the moment they nerfed the most balanced hero in the entire game that he'd get thrown into uselessness. Doesn't help that the tables have turned and now its McCree that does everything 76 does better instead of the other way around.

76 still does everything McCree does, but better.
This metric is literally fucked and based on 1 game from what I'm seeing.

76 still outshines McCree in long range burst damage thanks to HRs and that he has a Biotic Field. But for most situations McCree is better.

McCree is this fucking weird ass character where if you make him too strong at range he makes 76 irrelevant and if you make him too strong at close range he makes Reaper irrelevant.

>Competitive Overwatch

Every "competitive" Overwatch team consists of the same six heroes. Play quick matches. Every hero is used. List is shit and fuck PlanetOverwatch

Actually, I just found the problem.
Bottom right of OP and bottom center of this.
>It's based on the 2nd week of ELeague Qualifiers, where if it's not a guaranfuckingtee, they don't pick it, ever

Lucio can do everything at the same time.
Zenyatta can do everything at the same time.
Mercy can only Heal or only Boost or only use her pistol, one at a time.

Not only that, Zenyatta is better than Mercy at all three things. Orbs are twice as powerful as her Blaster when combined with Discord. Even without, his basic damage output is higher.

Zen's Discord is a 50% damage boost and the entire team can act upon it against one enemy, meaning they're way more likely to die. Mercy only has 30% and has to be within 10m of her ally. Said ally's damage output is petty as it would be divided across the enemies in most situations, their ability to act upon Damage Boost is not guaranteed since they're not being healed.

Her healing, though "stronger", only reaches out to 10m and Mercy is locked into healing. Zenyatta can maintain his slightly slower healing out to 30m and can fight while doing so. Zenyatta is dramatically more powerful in every way.

>Cause her Ult is what makes or breaks a play
Lucio's ult is still better tho, your teammates don't have to die to make use of it

>tfw I really like Bastion

They should give Bastion a hand shield in Recon Mode

>Torb, Pharah, and Bastion saw 0 play
>Torb is still higher than hanzo who saw some play

So Sym is now the best at like 70% because she's only good for some point A's.

Pharah gets zero play now because McCree and Zenyatta make her useless.

I pray for the mercy buff.

D.Va's way better for that niche though.
>more dps
>lower cooldown on the dash
>can shield while dashing
>shield absorbs more damage
>has uses outside of sniper-countering

Though I admit mercy is better right now paired with a better healer as zen before her.

They need to up Mercy's healing and just let her fly around on her own without having to have a team mate near her. She has literally no worth at all outside her Ult.

Her ult was literally the only reason to pick her.

Do you want good healing and good utility with okay damage? Pick Lucio
Do you want good damage and good utility with okay healing? Pick Zenyatta

Lucio and Zen's big issue is less that they're so fucking good as much as the other supports just can't compete. Mercy needs a buff, but I'd wait a bit longer on Ana. Maybe Zenny needs a slight nerf.

Pharah also needs a slight buff as well.

Everyone else is either intentionally situational enough that they're probably not going to picked in comp without being overpowered.

Mercy's pistol needs to not be a fucking 2nd weapon and should replace her damage boost.

Just hold right click to pull up her gun in the off hand and shoot it. If you're healing some one when you bring up the gun the beam stays active and you're free to shoot.

It would make mercy way more active and interesting, as well as actually contribute to kills better.

If you ask me 9/10 times it's more useful to have 2 people shoot at one person rather than 1 person doing slightly more damage.

>Has no objective relevance.

>win rate
>no objective relevance
its like you didnt even read the post you were replying to and decided to bait anyways.

>zen nerfs

I understand if they do happen, but I really like Zen's (and lucios) current spot and would rather other supports be brought up to them.

IRC if you run the numbers hitting with mercy's pistol does more damage then boosting the majority of the cast.

>mercy and widow are barely used
thank god, they were both the fucking cancer of the game.
Sadly, it's blizzard and they can't fix anything without fucking something up

This would be a fucking great change but because it would require multiple new animations it's unlikely we will ever see this.

I think it's dumb that she has to swap weapons, how many fucking heroes even have a second weapon?

Mercy and Torb are the only ones that come to mine.

Torbs regular melee should just become the hammer.

>would rather other supports be brought up to them


they would have to nerf the hammer damage.

Torb's hammer deals 75 damage just like Reins

I am confused by the post?

The real buff Zenyatta go was his HP being 200 rather then 150. Zenyatta also isn't being taken soley for his healing, but for his ability to provide moderate healing, while throwing out great DPS and Discord orb

>IRC if you run the numbers hitting with mercy's pistol does more damage then boosting the majority of the cast.

It's true, during beta there used to be a card at the end of the match you could get if you damage boosted, but the numbers were so fucking pathetically low that it made everyone not want to damage boost.

Now that nanoboost is in the game it makes her damage boost feel even more shitty and pathetic. It's not even rewarding to use because it barely gives ult, doesn't even reward you with elimination credit or anything.

This would be a great change for mercy.

Aren't the usage rates from competetive games?

Really? I thought it did the same as regular melee? That's cool to know, but yeah I just don't think overwatch is the kind of game that makes using two weapons very comfortable or interesting.

What really grinds my fucking gears about mercy is that she has no E ability but yet she still has swap weapons on 1, 2 and scroll wheel, why not make E be a goddamn quick swap.

I had to redo my bindings to effectively give me a "quick swap" like in csgo but man I feel like that should have been default.

is genii actually better than tracer or is this a weeb meme?

Nah Torb deals 75 per hammer smack, but given its tiny range its hard to use effectively. I have seen nano boosted torbs run through lines wrecking though.

I do agree with you that two weapons does feel clunky some times.

Lucio's biggest problem is that he's pretty much the only hero that gives move speed. Two heroes have 6 move speed compared to the base of 5.5, and Ana can only make one person faster for a short time as her ult, and Soldier can sprint, but can't do anything while sprinting. It's ridiculous that there is literally one hero in the entire game that can make people faster and able to do things just by existing while being able to constantly heal an area. The only other two aoe heals have a fairly long cooldown.

Why not just press 2?

I meant more for other supports. This case I tried to improve Symmetra. Problem is that Symmetra isn't picked outside of certain situations because she provides no healing and very little utility. Best way to give her purpose is to buff her turret health and damage somewhat. Then you can make her a defense character alongside Torbjorn. The real problem after that is that Torb's single turret would always have to be better than Sym's turrets, since she has her teleporter and torb just has his turret.

Either that, or give her utility by boosting her shield gains, or maybe an overcharged shield boost on some kind of cooldown. Another idea I suppose, is that once her shield regenerates, the shield also starts regenerating health by a small amount. She won't top healing charts, but she'll have some use.

Symmetra is the #1 hero and is apparently top tier because her Win Rate is the highest of all the heroes (and this is only the case because of her frequent use in the first half of Hollywood often leads to a strong defensive victory).

Win Rate means nothing. It's an endgame variable that only factors in the one character with the most playtime in that map, even though each map is dramatically different from one another. If an abundance of matches were played on King's Row, then Reaper would be much higher on the list. If instead it were a lot of Gibraltar, then Reaper would be much lower.

Win Rate does not give you any useful information as to the effectiveness and prevalence of a particular hero versus all of the others.

Tracer is a lot easier to counter than mr.Right-click.

Exactly. I'd do it like this.
>Right Click: Healing Stream AND Damage Boost in one beam
>Left Click: Blaster
Bam, now she's just as useful as Zenyatta since she too can do everything at once.

In the heat of the moment it's much easier for me to just push one button to cycle between the two weapons.

The scroll wheel is clumsy because you can waste time by scrolling through all your stuff twice if you scroll too hard by accident.

For me it's all about precision, and while pressing 2 is great, you then have to press 1 to switch back which means you have to have to move your fingers further and use different ones to hit each key.

It sounds stupid but it changed my mercy play a lot for the better when I changed my bindings to have E be a toggle between both weapons.

Mercy really needs something, she's dead in the water. She's a dedicated healer yet her healing is the most rigid and least useful in the game.

Give her an E ability. Give her healing beam a buff. Give her pistol a buff. Buff her move speed. Buff her ult. Any or all of the above, just do something to make muh waifu playable again.

From my own experience in Comp, there is a lot wrong with this. Genji being in C tier is one of them.

>d >junkrat
Yeah, no.

You know for a second I thought this might be a little bit overpowered but when I thought about it again I realized it would actually make her useful.

She offers the least amount of healing utility so you might as well mix in the damage boost as well, fucking lower it to 20% if you have to but it's a good fix.

plz don't nerf Zenny until I get Rapid Discord

Cannot fucking wait until the genji nerf comes. Like holy shit I will fucking love the salt of genji mains who has done nothing but play genji.

Defense heroes are useless in high level play. They are fragile and clunky, compared to the potent and deadly offense. However, Junkrat is probably the best Defense hero. I like him.

It's not actually based on Competitive.
It's based on "Pro," specifically week 2 of the Eleague Qualifiers.

>it's a ana doesn't do shit but she says that she does something but you guys just don't notice it episode

Blizzard realized that having a team res every 40 seconds was cancerous.

Junkrat really should be C though, he's all around well balanced and is pretty good on all maps.

Junkrat and Widowmaker are the only defense characters that are usable on defending or on attack in some cases. Everyone else is a dumpster-fire.

His usage rate isn't high enough to be there, sadly.

Why is Ana bad?

That's because people who don't use him are SCRUBS.

isn't that the opposite tho m8

She isn't?

On paper she's actually way better then Mercy, she just has a way higher skill floor so bad players are completely useless using her. I'd give it a fair bit to see if she goes up in the rankings.

I only play competitive to shit on people who autopick Genji and McCree, because they will always be the first to blame their team for any failure.

It's weird, I've found that I shit talk my own team far, far more than I shit talk the enemy team.

I'm also looking forward to it. Mostly so it's easier to make fun of people who play Genji.

No, none may escape the Allahu Ackbar plays.

Now that competitive has a one hero per team limit, should they un-nerf Widowmaker.

id argue to wait some more time.

Her numbers blow mercy out of the water healing wise with both burst and sustained healing. She has some tools to prevent flankers and a very powerful support ult




How should they nerf him? Longer ult charge? Less health? Higher cool down on dash and reflect?

Reduce the range of his ult swings.

The thing about Ana is she's basically the new Genji. A good Ana is a game changer in a way that no other healer is. But people see good Anas and go "I CAN DO THAT!" and then try to just DPS snipe the enemy team.

Ana herself will get very few kills, but she can do so much more to keep her team alive. That and an Ana/Lucio combo will basically make a team immortal from anything other than massive explosions every 5 out of 20 seconds.

Normal Genji is fine. Ulting Genji is all that needs a nerf.

One simple thing to make him perfect, he can no longer reflect while ulting. He's all-powerful, but also completely exposed.

>Agree or disagree
>With statistics

> [insert harder to use character name here] is trash outside of a 6-stack and you can't do that in competitive any more.
There yah go buddy fixed it for you

>Defense Heroes