Rebel Galaxy

So I downloaded Rebel Galaxy because it's one of the free games on PSN this month, and so far it seems pretty damn cool. Ship customization, missions that seem to include fetch/delivery or bounties on outlaw groups, fun flying mechanics, commodity market for trading resources you gather from people you blow up/steal from or harvest from comets and the like.

Haven't seen any planet exploration yet so I think it's all space based but so far it's pretty fun. You might want to snatch it up if you've got PSN.

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The thumbnail makes it look like Reeel Galaxy

I didn't notice until you mentioned it and for some reason I found it hysterical.

Fishing, BUT IN SPACE!

Is it true that this game is basically AC4 ship combat in space?

Ship combat was amazing

>Rebel Galaxy
thanks OP i didnt know this game, torrenting PC version now

wasn't this an android game?

get ready for the some of the worst escort ai in recent history. and be sure to farm guild drops in charon or something when you get there.. i dont think you can go back and the missions never leave the system.

No idea, never played AC4. There's broadside guns that you fire from the sides of your ship and turrets that you can fire in any direction. Turrets also fire automatically when you're using broadsides.

It's pretty easy combat, you have to lead the broadside guns a bit but they tend to gravitate towards targets. Turrets auto-lock when they're close enough.


Yeah untill you get lasers I guess. Then there's no reason to go back. Beams outclass all other broadside options and mining turrets are a good choice too.

Fun however.

The game is literally just the Black Flag ship combat in space. I fucking loved it. I played this when it came out.

It's great, but ultimately it's very simple and bare-bones. It's all space based, indeed, and not what most people expect because there's no Z axis movement; everything happens on a flat plane because the combat is basically naval ship-of-the-line trading broadsides. Also fine with me, but if you're looking for a 3d space sim this ain't it.

It was fun, I got my 30-40 hours out of it, but eventually you come to the end and there's not much to do. It doesn't have the depth of, say, the X series. It's more akin to Freelancer, only I'd say smaller and even a little less complex than that.

Still, it was very enjoyable for what it was and the music is great, gives it a good Firefly feel.

It's a shame we aren't likely to see a follow-up or expansions. The devs basically said they are finished with it and don't intend to go back. Pretty impressive game for two guys, though.

>X series

What series?

I was also VERY disappointed to find there was no Z axis movement. What's the point of being in space if you can only move in two dimensions?

It definitely feels like a game with almost no replay value but one that's worth picking up for free or super cheap.

>Turrets auto-lock when they're close enough.

You can change that in the tactics menu. There's a like a three stage targeting system in place.

>any target
your weapons will fire at any enemy that is close enough to get hit. Weapon will fire all around you at anything that can be hit.

>primary target
at any one time there is a red reticule flying around that highlights a single enemy, usually the closest one in your field of view. You can change the tactics so your turrets will concentrate fire on one target.

>hard lock
turrets will only fire when you lock onto a single target. This is great for weapons that have ammo like shield busting missiles.

Right now I'm using the Tanhausen (ship in OP's image) with four long range lasers set to target anything within range, some long range broadside cannons, and the long lasting boosters with high top speed. I kite around skirmishes and let my lasers destroy all the fighters. I concentrate cannon fire to wipe out shields of bigger ships so my lasers can melt them down in seconds. I want to unlock the radovich because it looks like it suits my plastyle.

>there's no Z axis movement

welp, fucking dropped.

That would be galaxy on fire

I really don't understand the huge fucking issue with the now Z-axis thing. Its trying to a simulator, its just trying to be a fun space pirating experience. No z-axis allowed them to make a more polished experience with tighter controls.

I was disappointed too but the gameplay kind of excuses that. There are two types of ships, fighters, and capital ships. Fighters can fly on a z axis but capital ships are too huge and well fortified for that to be tactically advantageous. You only get to control capital sized ships and it's satisfying enough zapping all those tiny fucking shits while their pea shooters plink off of your three layers of shields.

This. There were benefits conferred by this design choice, it isn't just something that was stripped out to no gain.

It's free. Try it. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it.

REEEl Galaxy

God tier ost

i added it to my library
but how is the framerate?

i might rather just pirate it on PC...

Its probably at 30, idk. I don't ever remember it stuttering, even in the retarded big end game battles.

Best best thing about this game is the OST

Couldn't play it for more than about 15 hours. Quests and combat are bit too repetitive, weapon variation was really small and wouldn't give a fuck about the story. It was fun while it kept me interested though.

i uninstalled it after 20 minutes

that tetris game is pretty fun tho

Tricky Towers is fucking dope.

Definitely pick that up on PSN for free. Great multiplayer too.