Does her parents regret introducing her to horse riding?

Does her parents regret introducing her to horse riding?

is the new game any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's shit.

Why exactly?

>It's shit.
KYS, shits way better than the first Tomb Raider

Rise>Definitive Edition>Dude Raider 4: A Thieves End

It's alright, but it's as forgettable as other games that came out this year.,

>Dude Raider 4: A Thieves End
>Not Womb Raider

Not enough ass shots.

did you like the first game? do you like action adventure in general? do you like uncharted?

if yes to any of those questions you will enjoy rise of the tomb raider.




I've only played Rise and I liked it. Game's fun with good variety between doing puzzles, fighting and collecting/crafting. Story's good enough and the game looks pretty as well.

Second looks good, plays awful. The image is literally the beginning and twist in one picture.

It still amazes me game story writers cant write a good twist.

Literally all Core games >>>>>>>>>> Tomb Raider and Fall of the """""Tomb Raider"""""

Absolute Madwoman

Fuck the new Lara is so fucking hot.

I want lewd pics and webm.

Right and I bet you're attracted to prepubescent girls as well.
>Literally being attracted to a girl that's small in size, has almost no curves, and no tits and ass

Does this game have yuri, yet?





*Rihanna Pratchet can't write a good twist
Fixed that for you. Wished they'd fire her SJW cuck ass and actually hire a competent writer.
Also daily reminder Tomb Raider uses a Tumbler page now.

>rihanna lives
>terry died

So if the NuRaiders are shit. What older ones are worth a play? PC preferably.

Anniversary, Legend and Underworld


at least she wanted lara to be into homosex. too bad the japs at square enix shut that idea down.

It ain't shadman who made it

Those are shit, Tomb Raider 2 is the best.

>Angel of Darkness is better than Rise

its the only site with best quality streamed one.

>streaming porn

>Australian detected
While they tried to make her less voluptious to avoid controversy with the SJW-crowd; they focused so much on body movements that it she looks delicious.
Her body type fits the activities she's doing better than the old Lara.Of course it's not realistic. She would have looked like a sinewy and bulky bitch if they did.
I'm looking forward to playing this on PS4 this fall.

>downloading beastiality to your computer

Nty. Easier to jackoff in bed with a pad too

anniversary is the best TR ever made you asshat.

You just described 90% of Sup Forums population (and male pop overall), they just like flat chested underage anime girls, pedos everywhere.
New Laras face is hot, but rest of her body is huge turn off.

How pleb can you get?

Anniversary is literally just reskinned Tomb Raider 1 and Legend is pretty forgettable - it also has pretty shitty character models and a poor weapon loadout. To be honest it feels more like Barbie Raider then it does Tomb Raider.
The only ones REALLY worth a play are the first four Tomb Raiders.

>M-Muh homosex
Haha maybe next game. ;^)
>An actual Tomb Raider game is better then a game that tries to pass itself off as one
Wow who'd have thunk.

Well tell me how you fap then? I lay down on my bed and cum all over my face like a proper slut

>Busty girls can't into being physically active
O-Okay user.

She had a good body for her weight. I bet you think Mei is the most attractive overwatch champion, heh

>Anniversary is literally just reskinned Tomb Raider 1

and that's why it's the best. oldschool tomb raider with functional controls.

Mei is not FAT!!!!!!

>I bet you think Mei is the most attractive overwatch champion, heh

Not that guy but she really is tbqh

>You just described 90% of Sup Forums population

>(and male pop overall)
Definitely not. What the fuck are you on about?

None of the over girls are that physically attractive.

Dva is the best of the lot, though

>implying she looks like that
In reality mei is one of those chubby girls with flat ass and smal tits. "Refrigerator body" if I recall correctly

consept art that the new summer sprays prove you wrong

>click next picture
>click next picture
This has to be the most retarded website design out there.

It doesn't matter if it's an """"actual Tonb Raider"""" when it's complete shit.

>with flat ass

In-game model directly and strongly contradicts this, don't really know about the rest.

>In reality mei is one of those chubby girls
end yourself
mei being fat has always been a shit meme forced by tumblr because they're obsessed with ~body acceptance~ for obese people

The site is shite. Just download the 720p or buy the HD one from here

>complete shit.

You people do realize that hyperbole basically renders your opinion worthless, right?

If he said it was literally shit it would be hyperbole
"Complete shit" could very accurately describe something.

>m-muh Tumblr

Very few people here thought she was fat though, people who actually play the game and have seen concept art know that she is somewhat pudgy, with thighs that are significantly thicker than those of the other girls in the cast.

>Very few people here thought she was fat though
People here, you'd be right to an extent, but all of the THICCCCCCCCC fags and other assorted hambeast chasers wouldn't shut up about it.

She has a big butt but that's about it

I didn't say she was fat, I said she is chubby with a small ass and tits, and your sticker proves me right. Not chubby but bigger than the attractive overwatch girls

Complete shit would be a game that has zero redeeming qualities.
99% of the time when someone claims that and they can't even be assed to explain why, it's just flat out wrong.

>She had a good body for her weight
>M-Muh small tits and ass
You might want to get your T levels checked out by a doctor you nu-male cuck.

A game that was buggy and unfinished manages to be more fun and enjoyable - and get this, actually has elements of a Tomb Raider game in it - then a game that's supposed to be both a Tomb Raider game and a finished product. Smh desu.

>your sticker proves me right

Why does a sticker carry more weight as evidence than her original concept art and in-game model?

What kind of fucked up logic is that? The game is borderline bad.
>Stealth is atrocious
>the story and writing are poor
>has mediocre graphics
>is filled to the brim with bugs and glitches
>has bad game design
>opening doors, lockers etc. take fucking seconds

Who's T-levels are low? The guy who doesn't want to fuck an attractive bitch because she's too skinny, or the guy who would fuck them both regardless?

Effeminate ladyboys and closet fags are always the ones bragging the most about their masculinity.

Her butt looks big in-game because of the puffy jacket but if you look up her skirt you can see she has a tiny waist and no ass

Angel of Darkness isn't a pretentious twat that pretends it's a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE™, and actually tries to be a Tomb Raider game. Unlike a certain other one that throws a bone to fans by placing one (1) mandatory tomb in the beginning and middle, then giving them a middle finger by making the rest optional filler side content the rest of the game.

I need less!

>This is Tomb Raider's prime audience now
No wonder Tomb Raider has a fucking Tumbler page now.

Is she the prettiest girl?

So they really can't just stop oversexualizing Lara? At first i thought this would be step to the right direction but from what i've seen thus far... just no. This is starting to bum me out.

when getting horse semen enema, yes

Why are people so afraid to admit that they like this game?


>comparing her cute model with a shit model that this guy uses

Just saying that she is a slut

He gets more money out of the vids in a month that Enix sells the shitty games

>a lot of people have shit taste
Who would have thought.

Take the makeup off, and she'd look as plain jane and generic as every other heroine in western game's now.

I just finished it and it was far better than I expected.

Guarantee at least 80% of people who diss it haven't played it.

Holy shit, the detail on those fucking teeth!

Devs you retard

Don't forget the detailed uvula

Who specifically?

Or are you gonna blanket accuse everyone on the dev team because a few people's creative decisions triggered your soft little mancunt into agony?

They haven't played it.

When it comes to godess tier women, I prefer watching them getting hard fucked by a sex machine, to be honest.

It's not that I'm a bad lover, but I'm average (like most people), and I feel like it would be a waste if I fucked her myself.

I rather watch so I can appreciate every detail of her body... every moan, every lip bite, every time her toes curl...

It's not being a "cuck", it's being humble enough to know your place and get the most out of it.

She's not wearing make up, user.

You literally ask for people calling you cuck.

>people will fall for this bait

I found the first tomb raider lara to be way cuter than this one.

I haven't actually played the new tomb raider games but from what I've seen I can't think of a redeeming quality.

>appreciating a woman getting fucked is now the same as being a cuck
o-ok sir

You have pretty shit taste.

>I haven't actually played the new tomb raider games

You're everything wrong with this board, and most of the internet.

You were doing okay up until that last line.

I love you too user.

My turn tonight.

Wow that's amazing, seriously what's the point if you can't even see that unless you go frame by frame? Then model guy must be in love with her with how much love and care he put into that model, so much that her insides are as detailed with as much attention as her outsides

I'm a few hours in and I'm enjoying it a lot.

I'm not the one randomly bitching about a game I haven't played, so no, I'm not.

I was commenting on how you were saying something couldn't be "complete garbage".