
Well Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>getting money from polygon for writing reviews
>getting money from publishers for giving out high grades to shitty AAA titles

Sounds smart to me.

But i'm not a beta male

Can you pretend to be one for money?

I'm not a limp dick feminist faggot and I know how to play video games. Can I still be hired?

I can pretend to be anything for money

Wanna fuck my boipussy? 50 bucks

>"Do my job for the fraction of the pay".

>diverse voice

Write a review, tell them you're a syran transgender and boom, you're in the money.

>50 bucks
Must be some shit boipussy

Well obviously, if you don't have a fetish for scat then anal's not for you.

I can't write, nor do I have money or consoles to buy new games

Why are they looking for new reviewers? the ones they have are already the best in the industry

This is honestly the only funny twitter screencap I've seen in Sup Forums.
>and Birdo
Always has me in tears.

>This is honestly the only funny twitter screencap I've seen in Sup Forums.
Really? what about this one?


Is this code for no white males?

Based Polygon.

It might as well be

Yeah pretty much.

That one is clearly trying to be funny. The Birdo one lacks so much self-awareness it always cracks me up, and her icon and stupid name amplify it further.

They're looking for diverse voices, I'm sure Sup Forums isn't represented yet in their team so in the name of diversity they need to accept a Sup Forumsirgin.

Polygon seems like the easiest job ever. I'll do it. Not like I have anything else better to do.

Didn't some user already did that? He used the name "Sandy beaches" or something and got some publications on some minor sites talking about misogyny or whatever while actively trying to make obvious to the readers that he doesn't know what the fuck he was talking about?

I hope someone could do something similar here with Polygon.

If you are a shit skin or female looking for a job now is your chance.

>Get money to shitpost clickbait while adding in a few progressive phases and overtones

Where do I sign?

>not working for Kotaku instead

Hold the fuck up. Where's your diversity cred?

Is there some sort of 'agenda" quota because I don't want to professionally shitpost, ahitposting at all is for cancers that need to kill themselves.
Though even if I write extremely well thought out, unbiased and well informed/informing reviews nobody would read them/care.

Duh. Controversy sells, not your rational and bland opinions

i'm going to forward them smegmaking reviews and see how they respond

>The Birdo one lacks so much self-awareness it always cracks me up
Ok, what about this one?

>trumpfags think they're not easily triggered fags just likes SJWs
the irony is dripping from my monitor

I'm Bl-, I mean I am an Afro-American.

>He doing reviews now

Holy shit the balls on this guy.


Are you a transgender MtF black indigenous lesbian? Then get fucked faggot you are oppressing me.

Buzzwors for "what I don't like" on the SJW side should be "problematic".