Did they truly deserve to go bankrupt after trying to sell a $5 Bargain Bin title for $60 while a better GB game was...

Did they truly deserve to go bankrupt after trying to sell a $5 Bargain Bin title for $60 while a better GB game was selling for $10?

Grant Kirkhope did the music for this
RIP Grant

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>RIP Grant

He's still got Yooka Laylee.
I feel like those devs know what they're doing, or will at least pander to nostalgia fags instead of bull dyke SJW feminists who can't be bothered to consume any media beyond social.

>Implying Grant didn't shit out his songs while working on Yooka


>the third one

Well, developers don't price the game, publishers do.
Publisher don't give a shit they weren't bankrupt.

>debt of over 12 million

That's hilarious.

I'm surprised no one wanted porn of the girls

good. Fuck sony

Yes, if only because of


It doesn't matter whether it was imposed on them or it was on their own terms. Less than 30 fucking seconds in the game.

What? Grant got paid to make music, he already got his money and walks away hands clean.


Yeah probably. They should have released it on mobile or something. It's more the publisher's fault than anything but that bad of a decision = bankruptcy, yeah.


Never thought I'd see a game with worse stats than stillborn.

This game didn't do it, at least not alone. The company has lots of suits against it

>RIP Grant
He still got paid, didn't he? Not his fault.

I didn't even know there was a game until now. How does it fly so low under the rader when so many people are bashing the movie?

>Grant Kirkhope did the music for this


No marketing. Like, at all. I think I saw ONE trailer in the past 4 months.

How many people are playing the 2009 game?

it has nothing to do with the movie.

Takes place in the same universe.
Just learn your HERstory.

Would you fug the black chick or the white chick

65 and it got an all time peak of 494

The white chick, I lost all attraction to the black chick when she said "herstory" instead of history.

Jesus Christ, that game is a month old and they're already bankrupt?

I'm not.

That whole "you can't really judge it until you've tried it (by paying for it)" spin might work for a $10 movie ticket, but it really doesn't fly when you slap a $60 price tag on a shitty game that anybody can tell is just another Smash TV clone by going to youtube.

The white chick, because of my interracial fetish.

Where was this studio located? The taxpayers will have to bail them out 12 million now.

Grant's fine, this was probably a cheap job he took in his spare time for extra cash, I'm sure he didn't try that hard. Yooka-Laylee looks great so far, I'm sure this won't hurt his resume in the future with YL coming out.


I play Yooka Laylee Toyboy, and that shit was smooth as butter even on my crappy ass toaster.

Kirk will be fine.

Grant Kirkhope is a hack, David Wise is better.

Isn't this the second developer that's gone bankrupt after Kirkhope did music for them?

That shit happens, not every game will be successful and honestly their company took the gamble and lost. Dunno if the herstory thing was to antagonise goobers into giving the game publicity that failed tho

This game's kind of sad honestly

It's got a nice character to it based on the early presentation that's completely missing in the main game. Levels are eerily quiet and bland.

If they had given the game better sound design, added more banter between the team during missions instead of just outside of missions, and most importantly, had a variety of physics objects littered around the levels that made each room more visually fun and interesting to ghost bust in, the game would've been a solid $10-15 title.

never even heard of this company

I like both

Ugh, I'm shaking! I bet it's because they put MEN in the game.

>make a game that has a 100% female cast like Senran Kagura, where said cast is a bunch of strong independent women who kick ass and beat the forces of evil (which happens to be a man)
>people complain about it

You're frame is too tight. This company has been hemroging money for ever and has made bad decision after bad decision.

They even purposefully sold the game for 60 in hopes of raking in a few sales, when the smart decision would have been to sell it cheap and get lots of impulse buys from the bargain hunters.

it's also a creepy anime porn game with tits that are there to give creepy japs boners.

The women in those games are only as deep as the hole you make with your fist that you plunge your little penis into.

Grow up, weeb creep

How was the movie?

>Grant Kirkhope did the music for this
>RIP Grant
That's not how being hired and payed in advance to compose music works.

Pretty shitty jokes
Pretty nonsensical storyline
Characters were meh
It's a reboot too so the original ghostbuster guys don't exist.

Either way this game goes it literally doesn't affect Grant, he got paid for it either way, this was just more money for him.

The thing about being a freelance artist is you don't tend to get to be picky about your work.

You're half right, David Wise is a god.


the worst kind of bad

where its kinda bad that nothing notable happens, but not quite bad enough where you can make fun of it

>trying to sell a $5 Bargain Bin title for $60
blizzard does the same but activision dindunothing in Sup Forums's own words.


Please tell me this was just a result of poor accent and not intentional...

>Grant Kirkhope
Was the soundtrack nothing but fart and burp noises?

Trips, it retroactively should be

Thanks, grant kirkhope for making a game entirely out of burps and farts


Pretty much every line out of her in that intro seems to be cluttered with SJW buzzwords. Does that go on through the entire game?

Still a better game than Overmeme


They also constantly reference "The original ghostbuster girls" when talking to villains

Who do we solve the "bigoted manbabies killing perfectly fine films and video games" problem?

>Mr.Kirkhope we need music for this
>*grabs everything from the "reject" pile for Mad Monster Mansion and sends it over"
>You're a genius Mr.Kirkhope, here is $100 and a Feminist Frequency pin

Find the retards pushing this false narrative and gun them down. Problem solved!

>bigoted manbabies killing perfectly fine films
Well that's a bit of a rude thing to call Paul Feig.


>implying this wasn't a financial fraud/money laundering scheme

How do we solve the "Hollywood cashing in on rehashes instead of making new and original films" problem?

Gas the Jews

Yep. Make a good game or fuck off. This isn't a charity.

The big bearded dude

okay seriously what else has this company even done? They don't have a wikipedia page at all

>thinking 'gamers' want their progressive tumbler bullshit
>game flops hard just like the movie

I bet all those kikes are salty asf


by letting them make movies and continue to fail, really, nothing outside their own minds will make them think they are failing. So might as well let them make failure movies and watch them crash and burn over and over again.

Ideally the government would take over the movie industry and make only these progressive films and games. The new generation will accept these as there is no alternative.

New baseline established. Progressive ideals abound. Society prospers!