Black Desert Online has officially gone pay to win









Basically means people can buy shit for IRL money, then sell on the in game market for shit tons of in game silver they can then use to buy stupidly good gear.

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shit game for fags
good riddance

You'd have to be an idiot not to have seen it coming.

Autoloot pet at 10$ each.
"""""COSMETIC""""" costume giving XP bonus + knowledge bonus ( affect drop rates of mobs )
Ghillie suit masking your name
Ridiculous inventory space for cheap, ridiculous weight limit space for cheap
1$ item to remove any malus from dying ( xp loss )
Items to increase your failstack chance ( improves your rng when upgrading your gear )

I mean I liked the game and played it a shitload for 40 days or so but it was obvious what kind of path it was taking

Korean MMOs are always p2w

I don't understand this at all. Were these items already payable with ingame currency? Why do they want real money now.

They should have put it on steam. They have only themselves to blame

Basicly when your playerbase isn't growing anymore and you've milked all your whales of items to sell them, they're now getting their whales to buy items they already own to sell them to freebie players for in-game currency.

No you could only get them by paying IRL money. But they offered no real advantage and were mostly cosmetic - you also couldn't trade or sell them for in game silver.

But now you can. They can sell them for a shit ton of in game silver and immediately buy the best gear in the game.

It is the definition of pay to win.

You can officially buy currency for pretty much every MMO these days.

>wah wah my character creator game is dead

>Korean MMO
>Surprised by P2W
This fucking shit is routine. This is why no one plays their fucking garbage. Why do you retards think MMOs will ever change?

>MFW charged back and got all my money back

I warned you faggots. This was never going to be the "second coming of the sandbox". It was never going to be Ultima Online 2.

Look into Age of Wushu 2/Dark & Light/Chronicles of Elyria/Shards Online/Shroud of the Avatar/Albion if you want a decent sandbox experience outside of EVE and RuneScape.

Thats pretty nice actually, this is the first MMO that had such a tiny blink of an existence that I did not even get to try it before it was a p2w shitfest.

Even into Archeage I put in like 2 hours.

Soon there'll be an MMO that comes out, gets hyped, flops, goes p2w and then offline - all without me ever hearing about it, despite being informed on this shit.

Like I always tell you Sandbox guys. There's like fucking 20 of you, there's not enough people who want something like that to keep a game going unless you all pay like 100 bucks a month.

>Korean MMO

Wait what

Age of Wushu 2? Will it be anything like the first one?

>there's only 20 of you
Bullshit, there's enough of us to fund Star Citizen to $110 million. There's enough of us to Kickstart Chronicles of Elyria up to a million. There's enough of us to make Gloria Victis a top seller on Steam. There's enough of us to make Albion Online a massive success. There's enough of us to give Shroud of the Avatar 10 million in crowdfunding.

The only successful subscription MMOs outside of FFXIV/WoW are sandbox titles.


Wouldn't you need to see what the min/max prices are for the market before it can be considered a 'shit ton of money'?

Also - having that shit ton of money is no guarantee of getting the gear. Not trying to be an apologist or anything but the reality of the situation is that if the high-end stuff goes up on the market it's either scooped up the instant it's registered or it's a piece that is so enhanced it get priced to something like hundreds of millions, or even up into the billions of silver.

People started whining over shit like this as soon as they made some dyes able to be sold on the market and it did nothing.

25 tops. and 20 of them are playing eve.

Yep. They're going even further with the sandbox mechanics. It's based on Unreal Engine 4 and it's going to be buy2play (so I wonder how much they can fuck it up)

Dark & Light is a medieval fantasy sandbox coming out by Snail and it releases later this year. We'll see how buy2play chinagame functions and that'll be a good indicator of how Age of Wushu 2 will play out.

Then why won't you pay money for it?

eve has been running for over 13 years now as well

Is everyone going to flock to Tree of Savior now? Despite all its flaws, it's absolutely not F2P.

top kek

Hopefully the cash shop (and of course there will be a cash shop) won't be shit like the first one

EVE was the last AAA sandbox to ever be released (Star Wars Galaxies released earlier that year, and George Lucas fucked it up with the NGE)

Ultima Online has been running under EA (the company notorious for shutting stuff down) for 19 years.

They're talking about doing the Elder Scrolls Online model. ESO has the best buy2play+cash shop model. Strictly cosmetics/XP boosts and selling expansion DLC.

>Black Desert Online is a F2P (P2W) game in Asia
>releases as B2P game in non Asian countries
>goes P2W anyway
I don't play any MMORPGs because they do all the same

You're posting this as if anyone plays or gives a shit about this game.

f2p when

it was pay 2 win since its inception and if you're still playing this genuinely awful game you probably have brain damage

Why do you want to play this piece of shit? Even for free? Go play Mortal Online or an Ultima freeshard something.

Sandbox MMOs can be the most fun you'll ever have in gaming.

my favorite part is the section where the suits are baffled to why no one would buy their microtransaction shit

>means people can buy shit for IRL money, then sell on the in game market for shit tons of in game silver they can then use to buy stupidly good gear.

I think you can do the same thing in TERA but many get butthurt when that game is called p2w.

Anyway for a poorfag like me, this means I can farm in-game silver to buy the premium costume/pet I want from the marketplace without spending real money.

I expect it will cost a shit load of in game currency to actually buy anything at all.

whats going on that webm

Empire collapsing

fukkin saved

The most cancerous alliance in the game is gettig its shit pushed in. They had owned that part of space for years and lost it all within a month.

Poor little goon.

Age of wushu and dark & light no matter how good are gonna turn to shit immediately after release. Did you already forget what happened to the first wushu?.

Also albion is already pay to win.

Age of Wushu went to shit because they took the cash shop from China and made LITERALLY NO CHANGES to acceptable Western standards.

They've said they're going with the ESO model. buy2play+cosmetics+XP boosts+name changes and paid expansion DLC every 4-6 months.

Albion is pay2progressfaster which could be a problem on launch day but if you're within any decent community, the effects of that are mitigated.

Why do nu-MMO fags always freak out about buying subscription stuff with ingame currency? It's worked fine for EVE for years and years and years.

I'll believe it when i see it happen for AoW2 and D&L. I feel like they're gonna go for the good old bait and switch. I don't trust those chinese devs or publishers.

I do. They have 3 games, a medieval sandbox, a wushu sandbox and a pirate sandbox. Too much is at stake to ruin it with pay2win and they've seen their games die because they went pay2win.

If they could sell cosmetics and DLC to the incredibly dedicated community that these sandboxes retain, do they really need to go pay2win? I don't think so.

user, your statement is relying on the assumption that the Chinese are sensible.

I don't think you should make such an assumption.

EVE is a bit different from games that deal with 1v1/instanced territory control mechanics

The game is also built in a way to take care of just any idiot that spends $1000 on a freighter ship.

Meh i just want the character creator too bad it is no longer for free.

dark and light is still in development?

Those fuckers completely took over the entire federation side of the galaxy the absolute fucking madmen.

So does this mean you can finally trade items with other players?

Call me when they release Bless Online and turn it F2P.

These people exist and it's hard to tell if they're baiting or serious.

They revived it. Here's a trailer.

To anyone looking for a decent sandbox, look up Gloria Victis. EVE Online's territory control meets Mount&Blade's aesthetic/combat

>playing another "collect 10 boar assholes" content driven themepark
>playing a Korean content driven themepark

You deserve nothing but dogshit.

Honest to god I just want a good sub based MMO that isn't filled with extra cash shop garbage. Everyone who pays the sub is on equal potential footing.

Bonus points if it's not FFXIV. Bonus bonus points if it's not a WoW clone.

What MMO should I play instead?

Neverwinter. I just quit it though because it's filled to the brim with bugs on the PS4.

It took minutes for the shitstorm to begin and it's not stopping.

Chronicles of Elyria. Basically Ultima Online 2 but where your character ages. You live and die, and you pay for each life (between 8-16 months depending on your play style)

Your next of kin retains "soul memory" so if you want to become a blacksmith again, you'll have the upper hand since your father was a blacksmith.

>gender locked classes

>age of wushu 2
I just orgasmed

Q1 2017
Founder's packs with beta access, but there will be no character/world wipes so it'll basically be launched.

I can't wait to abduct female characters and sell them into sexual slavery again.

>Did you already forget what happened to the first wushu?
The only reason I never really got in AoW was because I was never there right from the start and trying to catch up in that game is fucking horror.

>not filled with cash shop garbage
>not p2w and filled with hackers
wew lad

That's the only thing that triggers you?

>this UI
>my fucking sides

>mfw I was a part of Goons

I remember being able to get whatever the premium currency is fairly easily.

It was still a shit game with unbalanced classes though.

>EVE Online's territory control meets Mount&Blade's aesthetic/combat
realistic medieval is too boring for me

Sword fights in video games are always unrealistic, so you might as well go all out and make it over the top on purpose.

It's the only thing I know about the game, because it was enough to make me instantly stop caring.

>muh collect 10 boar assholes content driven themepark is better than your collect 10 boar assholes content driven themepark!

Jesus Christ this entire thread suggesting themepark after themepark is EXACTLY why this genre is dead.

These games are all "you are the hero, so go collect me some boar assholes" rinse and repeat until max level where it opens up slightly

You want to know the games that consistently survive? Games where you're dropped into a living, breathing world/universe and you can do literally whatever you want. Why would you want to play a questing simulator with gameplay limited by the netcode when you hardly take advantage of the netcode anyways? What good is there being a thousand people doing the same thing as you if you have no reason to interact? Sandbox games take advantage of those numbers through player economics/politics/territory control and various other meaningful player interactions.

EVE? Star Wars Galaxies? Ultima Online? All have players, despite being 12-19 years old. We haven't had a proper sandbox since 2003. Maybe that has something to do with the state of the genre.

Gloria Victis
Shards Online
Chronicles of Elyria
The Repopulation
Star Citizen
Haven and Hearth 2

Those are my recommendations. Some are out, some are not, some are in early access, but at least it's better than playing World of Warcraft Legion or FFXIV

>free to play themepark with a cash shop
Are you retarded or was this just a joke?

Please stick to games that actually exist and aren't "gonna be real great, coming soon!"

Come on over to EQMS/Shards Online my friend. We'll be in Wushu 2 and Star Citizen when that comes out.

>Are you retarded or was this just a joke?
I was joking. I literally played it for about an 3 hours and dropped it.

Let's do it. I want my fucking revenge.

>gender locked
>age locked
>body-type locked
>everyone playing the same class looks more or less the same
The character creation screen alone killed half of my enthusiasm to keep playing this turd.

>The game's Producer Xu Zhenhua confirms Age of Wushu 2 isn't meant to replace the original Age of Wushu MMO. The two games will be available in the market and each of them aims at different audiences. Xu mentions that the team is even considering the possibility of character data share between the 2 games.

>Unlike the original title, Age of Wushu 2 isn't set in any era in ancient China, and it has no quests and character stats.

I am not sure what to think of this

Shroud of the Avatar then. In alpha access but no more wipes so you'll have your stuff 10 years from now. Also Project Gorgon.

i want to die

Well ok
It's really not that big a deal for us. Seems fine to the people that are playing.

holy fuck user my sides I lost the link to his channel


Project Gorgon is pretty much the shining jewel of the MMO scene right now. Creative and fresh, but retains the actually good qualities of old MMOs.

I'll check out Shroud of the Avatar, though I thought I remembered people getting really mad at the developers a while back.


>Unlike the original title, Age of Wushu 2 isn't set in any era in ancient China
wait what?
The more I read about Age of Wushu 2 the more I feel like it's all a hoax


i miss SWG so much....

Korean MMOS: Not even once!!!

NEET2WIN is worse than PAY2WIN.
Korean grind MMOs are shit anyways (speaking as a fag who has 600 hours played in BDO).

What exactly happened did they finally self-destruct after all these years?

Isn't this actually good for non-paying players, since they can now spend in-game currency to get cash shop items they couldn't otherwise?

I know some guys that worked on The Repopulation (Star Wars Galaxies successor)

The engine they were using went bankrupt so they decided to port it over to Unreal Engine 4. Should release next year.

Our time is coming user.

but they had already stripped it of any of its unique features before it was even released

what did you expect?

i dont see the problem

it means if you are too lazy to craft or do something worth money, instead of buying gold you can buy a dog from the cash shop and sell it on the auction house.

That is it...

Ive seen many games allow you to buy cash shop shit to sell to players in the past, it wasn't game breaking. I didn't see this kind of screaming in GW2 and I don't see you guys screaming about being able to gift others a cash shop item from many other games.

Also the pay2win shit is hilariously, because you guys scream that a person has a pet and you don't. That someone has a dresser or bookshelf and you don't.

Now you can, but suddenly its this screeching that when this game does something its unacceptable. It's ok with every other fucking game you probably love does something similar.

This is as bad as that artificial difficulty boom.

It has reached that phase, but voluntarily by the dev, rest in peace.


I mean, I'm not invested to BDO that much, the fact that I can possiblly get Cavaro Armor with ingame silver is pretty neat

I only see this as an issue for really really dedicated endgame players

ive had SotA sitting in my steam list forever and each time i boot it up the game just seems like a cluster fuck of shit that does nothing

You can't fight nature. If nothing is to gain by the cash 99% of everyone won't buy anything. The only viable options for MMORPGs are pay to win or simply pay to play.

Don't fuck with Space Jews, even if you're the strongest in the universe

did they ever explain why they had two successful kickstarters that never acknowledged the other one existed?

Try it now. It's actually decent. I convinced a ton of people to give it a chance and they fucking love it.

Kickstarter allows it and the game was progressing. What's the problem? Different Kickstarters got different rewards. People who backed earlier got rewarded better.