Reddit we salute you

>Reddit we salute you
>most of the images are from Sup Forums


That's a lot of numales

Wtf i hate numales now

really makes you think...

Might be because Sup Forums has such a shitty reputation due to all the harassment, racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, islamophobia, anti feminism, problems with pedos and childporn, gamer gate shit, death threats, threats of rape, threats of school shootings, bomb threats, doxxing, SWATing, white supremacy etc etc.

I mean, Reddit has all that shit in droves too, but at least it's usually downvoted. Mostly. Li,e, in 60-65 % of all cases, that shit is downvoted.

Thanks for reminding me why Reddit's still a shithole

>from Sup Forums

25% of Sup Forums browse Reddit so I'm pretty sure much of whatever Sup Forums does and talks about can be exclusively attributed to Reddit. Sup Forums is a Reddit subreddit without registration.

fuck you nickleback is good


This post is Reddit as fuck

Welp what

Who gives a shit

I don't understand why hating gays is called a phobia
people are scared of muslims sure but no one is fucking scared of gays

>muh forum reputation meter

Better hope Sup Forums didn't hear.

Most people think Reddit it´s the only place of internet where can make imagedits

i now honestly hope the game fails

I saw them on Reddit first. You have literally no proof they were here anyway since they get deleted, assuming what you say is true.

You forgot anti-degeneracy

>an actual redditor

you have to go back

Why are you still here , you retard?

Sup Forums is a board of peace!


You realize reddit is on Sup Forums all the time saving OCs and posting it on reddits for karma and upboats right? This shit goin on for years

Who gives a shit, you shiteasting redittor?

sage and report this dumb thread

Well, Reddit loves to steal from Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general

Can someone please explain to me the intense hate for Reddit on Sup Forums?
I've only been to Reddit once and couldn't figure out how to navigate it, so most of what I know about the site comes from things I've seen people post here. It seems that they make a lot of dumb jokes and misinterpret Sup Forums memes, but that doesn't seem to explain why the site and anything to do with it is so loathed here. It's gotten to the point where anyone who expresses a slightly liberal or atheist opinion here gets accused of being from Reddit, and even sometimes people who just make jokes.


archives man. the fuck you on about
I saw them on Sup Forums first. You have literally no proof they were here anyway since they get deleted, assuming what you say is true.

>this is what redditors actually believe

>implying there isn't a huge overlap in content and users between reddit and Sup Forums

Sup Forums isn't relevant

>I go to reddit
Fucking kill yourself

>only 25%
Think again my man


This was never a problem before and all these things have been here since the beginning.

>shitpost about their game nonstop for a week
>wtf why dont they like us??


I don't browse reddit

The nunmale is higher on the food chain than you, a beta. Just think, they'll all get pussy in their lifetime (except for that fag with the glasses, but you know he's getting all the monster cock he wants) and drive nice cars and be respected by their peers. But you won't. Literally the most amount of recognition you'll ever get is from your mom, and secretly even she thinks you are fucked up beyond all redemption.

>reddit taking the fault

>people are allowed to post what they want
>reddit thinks this is a bad thing

>25% of Sup Forums browse Reddit

Show me the stats.

my mom said im a goood boy and who needs cars and women i have tendies

Dropping in with my first and last post to say that the constant shilling has turned me off to this game and like Terraria and Borderlands I will not be buying it out of principle.

You are official on my shitlist and I will spread my sentiments wherever possible. In due time you will come to fear my autism. Hope it was worth it.

Because reddit, even though it has loli and bestiality "boards" (or whatever those are called there) is the "I'm such a nerd" place to visit/mention, whereas Sup Forums is the cesspool of hackers on steroids, mysoginistic neckbears and script kiddos raiding your fb profile that no one sane and with any sort of exposure to the outside world of surface Internet wishes to be associated.
tl;dr you said nigger one too many times faggot and that's why normals don't want to have anything to do with you


>Nice and constructive comments get pushed to the top
>Funposts get pushed down, hidden or outright removed
>Devs only see the nice and constructive comments
>Get what they want with minimal bullshit

It's not fucking hard. Reddit is just as backwards as Sup Forums, the difference being that Reddit has a community controlled filter. They also try to maintain the pretence that they are a legitimate, civilised place. Sup Forums, Sup Forums, don't give a fuck and are proud to be a degenerate cesspool.

>Sup Forums
>when there's boards like /d/ or Sup Forums

Sup Forums is literally the imageboard of peace. Educate yourself.

>Can someone please explain to me the intense hate for Reddit on Sup Forums?

Reddit is the absolute concentration of autism. any different opinion is downvoted and marked a troll, any OC from Sup Forums gets stolen by them and take the credit, and when the fappening happened Sup Forums was blamed and reddit was spared while reddit is the reason it spreaded

Sup Forums maybe a shithole but Reddit is a fucking sewage

Why do nu-males get so triggered by the term nu-male?

Yeah a lot of shit in laguages don't make any sense. Try not to worry about it too much, not much we can do about it.

I don't really care, but the general public isn't down with advocating violence against minorities or raping children, and as such it is in a company's best interest not to associate with that crap.

If you're having problems with that, I urge you to apply to your local communist party, and help us overthrow captitalism. Or write a letter to your senator.

t. nu male

Who the fuck in their right mind credits Reddit with anything?

The entire point of the site is to share things from somewhere else

Wait. Where's that woman with the glasses?

>he fell for the false flag

what is a numale


Keep circlejerking. Doesn't make your opinion any less valid.

Reddit even had a special on Mythbusters, I think people still believe the "Sup Forums is le evil and full of hackers" which is good
keeps the normalfags away

I can't wait for the world to burn. The Great crusade to cleanse the ashes will be glorious.

Your tears of failure will salt our tendies.

Why do Sup Forumstards get triggered by the empirical fact that strict gun control works in reducing crime?

Not to mention welfare educate.

Obviously cut out of the pic along with the other guy who was to the far right you dumb fucking mouthbreather.

+0.2 reddit gold has been added to your account

There was a strawpoll to pick between if you watch anime, browse reddit or both. Anime got about 40%, with reddit at 25%.

Neo Americans

>Sup Forums
>keeps the normalfags away

I wish that could be true

>not beta

You are only forgetting the fact that they can, and most of the time are both.

But really, if you either one or another, I don't know if being single is worse or better than having a wife that only needs you for money and cucks you periodically.

Just kill yourself already.

I wish normals didn't want anything to do with that place.

redditors act like fags
thats it really

Please don't insult me :(

It's not a meme, Reddit is literal cancer, and I think we all can agree that you should leave and never come back.

Your opinion is disregarded since you are a reddit numale, anything you say will never ever be taken seriously.
If you intend on shitting this site up with your reddit shit even more, atleast keep the reddit part to yourself, and stop shilling that cancerous fucking shite on here while you defend your retarded opinion.

Kill yourself, numale.

Well they can't say Sup Forums or they'd be accused of being trump supporters who love lolicon.

>these are the people that scream "go back to Sup Forums"

u u
u u

I wonder if somebody has made an oneechanbara edit.
Anyways, Im sick of seeing this guy's face all over Sup Forums

Like most forums popular views can muscle out unpopular ones, even when those unpopular ones are the truth.

pityfucks don't count

So it's just an "on average" meme stat where not even half of Sup Forums actually did partake in this poll?


I wish web2.0 never happened.

sounds like you need more educate to make it to education
get off your phone already wagecuck, you got burgers to serve

top bants

t. Anthony Burch

Betas don't work for successful game development companies.

how is reddit bad, there are subs where they hail trump just like Sup Forums and alt right subs

you can even find drug distrubution on plebbit. saying reddit is bad because of x means Sup Forums is just as bad because we have /mlp/ and /lgbt/

The people who scream "go back to Sup Forums" are mostly Sup Forums falseflaggers trying to start an argument because they prefer autistic off-topic shitflinging to actual discussion (granted, they mostly come from reddit themselves, but that's not the point).

>drive nice cars and be respected by their peers.

Sup Forums secretly likes kroeger dick but pretend not to so they can appear cool to their fellow closeted nickelback fans.

>my edit is there

Thanks OP, now im mad

Not to mention the fact that people ACTUALLY think Sup Forums is some special place where only l33t hackers and complete sub-humans interact, and that Sup Forums (as an entity) actually commits acts. It's individual people ddosing and spreading private info, and that has happened since the dawn of the net, just because Sup Forums is viewed as the pit doesn't mean anything, just that there is a lot of venom being spewed around the board because fuck iy, you're anonymous.

My first reaction as someone who frequented Sup Forums meeting someone who goes on reddit, they were talking about rage comics and described them as "f7u13" comics or something. Even though we were both underaged at the time I knew I would never go on reddit, and in fact never saw those faggots again. Now, when my friends bring up reddit, I internally cringe and move on, in hopes they will realize everthing on reddit is reposted from Sup Forums.

I find it funny that Sup Forums thinks thats the case.

I've played with and been part of game communities of people from both reddit and Sup Forums and 4channers are by far the worse of the two. The stereotype is that redditors are a bunch of meme spamming fucks but the opposite is true.

Not saying there aren't some insufferable fucks that are redditors but in my experience there are far more of them in the Sup Forums group.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>how is reddit bad
The upvoting system.

if he is rich he can drive a nice car. dunno about the respect part though, but I wouldn't exclude it in america

I'm just saying that a company, who relies on normies paying for their products, might not want to associate with this stuff.

You're right. There are plenty of things to hate about reddit, but if you're just going to blindly hate it for no reason you're an idiot. Either ignore it, or hang out there for a while and inform your opinion like a rational adult.

Because it reminds them that they have no testosterone in their bloodstream.

>gun related deaths lower in high civilian gun ownership areas


How do you know they're from here? I believe it, just curious

>Being this new
Everyone fucking knows to never play on a Sup Forums server unless they want to deal with memespouting kids.

>Le ebin reddit is also racist hehehe
That's not even close to what makes Sup Forums good. Also, the only subreddit which seemingly was racist sarcastically got banned, while hardcore NatSoc subreddits seem to exist.

/MLP/ and /LGBT/ are literal containment boards, put up only so they spread their cancer only among themselves. Ask any mod and they can confirm.

What makes Sup Forums good (for me) is that if you share a controversial opinion you actually start a real discussion, instead of just accept the oncoming barrage of le epic downvotes where people can avoid real conflict and argument by just pressing a button to show that they are too stupid to prove the other poster wrong.

wow dude its almost as if retard redditors have infested the userbase of Sup Forums and people complain about it all the time whoa..............................................................