Any information about this? [surfaced on imgur]
Any information about this? [surfaced on imgur]
imgur link:
Is this a huehue thread?
Why instead of looking for Pokemon you don't go looking for vagina?
Killing time before your mom gets here, faggot.
What is it? I don't even know what it's supposed to be about.
Even our dogs know how to shake it.
I think it is about Pokémon Go, since it was released yesterday.
>since it was released yesterday
It's been out for a month or so.
In Brazil.
in hueland, dingus
I don't know what to say to get them to bang me
that dog has fucking worms
Lucio dropped the beat on that poor dog.
Finally an amerifag who actually knows a brazilian name.
what an excellent idea that is
>go outside to play the game
>get murdered
Just say "I wanna fug you bae" and they'll be all over you, it might sound crazy but believe me it works.
>guy from brazil doesn't know characters from a $40 game
what an amazing trope
>rumo ao hexa
It's true.
Everybody in Brazil dances as though they're trying to shake an intestinal parasite loose.
Not that different from the US from what i've heard from this board.
where is the best location to use this?
>barely out
>Pokemon GO players already getting robbed in Brazil
How is that different from
>go to school
>get murdered
lol I just threw that in google translate
A whorehouse
bring money
I don't have money
Let's ignore the fact that the very own article you linked to has examples of theft and scam occurring in USA using Go.
i'm not that autistic
At least we made it well past 20 minutes from launch before our idiots robbed our other idiots.
>>rumo ao hexa
7x1 =(
Well, it takes an idiot to walk around in places like São Paulo or Rio with their cellphone out. That's like walking into some nigger settlement like Brooklyn and hoping you come out with your pants.
yeah, just like anitta
>it takes an idiot to walk around in places like São Paulo or Rio with their cellphone out
Like how else do you expect them to catch Pokemon? With their dicks?
In their house.
As a brazilian i will just say that playing this type of game in our streets is asking to be robbed.
We just need to pretend that it is a real life Team Rocket.
Go to public parks? Don't do this during nighttime in places with a lot of crowds in big cities? Things like this game are like a natural selection of sorts.
theres areas that are clean as fuck
then theres the poverty area
its like detroit and san francisco on one single area where you can clearly see the financial divide
Can any of the BRs in this thread educate me as to why, without fail that anytime there's a popular show or movie that the actors and actresses twitters and other social media is filled to the brim with BRs having to make it known they're from Brazil
>much love from Brazil
>Brazil loves you!
>what do you think of Brazil?
>Are you ever coming to Brazil?
I've never seen any other country do this to the extent that BRs do
I live in a good neighbourhood but even so my friends have been robbed 3-4 times.
Do not play this shit in the middle of the streets. Play on public parks, on universities, in restaurants, during the day.
Trying to get our superiors to notice us.
Because we love you, amerifats.
Even though you are arrogant sometimes.
It's a third world country that deluded itself into believing it's a second world country and all the second world countries desperately pine for the attention of the first world because they think we'll help them out
Instead of Pokemon GO in Brazil they should release a Job GO, that way maybe some people would go looking for a job.
maybe its just plain love for your nation (like most other countries do)
or a tourism thing to encourage money from the outside to flow in
Why is it whenever an international product is being released the only people I ever see screaming about getting the release are from Brazil? I never see "GERMANY PLZZZZZZZZZ GERMANY??????????? GERMAN?!?" Its always fucking "BBBBBBBBBRASIL??????? WHERE BRAZIL????????? NO BRAZIL???? BRAZIL PLIS!!!!!!!!!!1" Fuck you half brained mud apes
Because Brazilians love their country instinctively, they're not proud of it, they just like being from there.
There's also the thing where out of the many Third World Countries Brazil is probaly the closest to becoming First, I mean, if we tried or something, as for the other countries, why would any other pompous European country want to make themselves known? Why would any Asian country stand out when no one understands their bullshit? There is no internet in Africa, so that only leaves Brazil to go on twitter and shitpost endlessly.
No, taht's not it, the terms "first world", "second world" is extremely dated buddy. The correct would be in development, developed and undeveloped.
pls notice me senpai.
Because you already get your shitty games on your native language, day one, with full focus on the country it was made.
Brazil gets diddly squat when it comes to localizations, Movies literally just get an audio swap, no translated text or such outside of Disney movies, games are always in english, not only that but EVERYTHING comes 2 months after it was first released.
You're just a privileged prick annoyed about nothing
Is Brazil a tropical Russia?
Every crazy shit i see on the internet is either from Russia or Brazil.
We just want to play said international product senpai.
Maybe your country should try and make their own fucking content. Why in the absolute fuck should BRAZIL of all places get special treatment just because the majority of people are fucking retarded?
Brazil is a giant country, there's not a single mindset in it. People from the Northeast region don't think, look nor act like those of the southern region. People from the central region aren't like the ones from the North. The thing you foreigners associate with Brazil is just how Cariocas act. Which is probably the worst identity one could have of our country, right after the north easterners.
Imagine if everyone else thought Americans were all rowdy steak loving cowboys from Texas. Or if all Americans were fried chicken loving niggers who sing those soul choir music in churches. You can't pick a huge country full of different states and regions and think they all act like the only stereotype you know.
delete this
>No one wants to go to Brazil because it's mostly a huge shithole with the most cancerous people you will ever meet
>Olympics taking place there this year
>Many athletes reluctantly going
>The places they're staying in are fucking awful and don't pass regulations and whatnot
>People like pic related bringing an arsenal of things to ward off diseases
>Brazilians mad as fuck and booing an athlete like the children they are for not wanting to be in their dirty ass country
You are forcing it now, NEET.
Every other country does too but you never see anyone but Brazil fucking screeching like a banshee.
>Imagine if everyone else thought Americans were all rowdy steak loving cowboys from Texas.
have you ever been on this website before?
they do
>play pokemon go in br
>get shot
We REALLY want to play said international product senpai.
>this thread is taking off and the discussion will suffer because of it
I don't see how someone could hate steaks (which hilariously is the only meat cut you americans know), but I doubt they're all parking their ten gallon hats while speaking like hill billies with their pardners.
Niantic should put Mewtwo in the middle of Favela da Maré, to see if someone was brave enough to capture it.
Why? You can't even walk around in Brazil with a fucking 500 dollar phone out. Why the fuck must your people grab and rub their shit covered hands over every good thing?
>hurr make your own
Again, you have no understanding of absolutely nothing
This will never not be hilarious.
>Brazil prides themselves for being great at soccer
>Get absolutely fucking destroyed
>They literally have nothing else other than a gay ass sport
You don't know your shit, do you?
Just check the numbers of game sales in Brazil, dumbass.
Translation: "Be careful do not get AIDs"
I believe they released it nyesterday or something.
A jap gymnast got a huge roaming bill. 5k or such
nah mang
third worlds have at least access to modern day needs like first worlds do
theres any room for "development"
everything is just politically unstable
because every dumb fucktard that gets seated on the throne tries to run it to the ground
> no understanding of absolutely nothing
Brazilian intelligence, everyone.
Bitch, out of all the people out there they're the least stuck-up pussies that this country is packed to the brim of
Let me allow you in on a secret
southerners aren't hillbillies, they're from a completely different region. The south is mostly flat and good for agriculture, they don't have "hills"
"rednecks" was a term started in the appalachian mountains when coal miners wore red handkerchiefs around their necks
I mean I know that you're stereotyping but please learn something about the stereotypes before you do. That being said, BRBRBBRBRBRBRBRBRRBR is true
That's what you get by having a leftist goverment, most brazilians didn't want the Olympic games to be held here in the first place.
But some of the people who organized the Olympic games are going to jail, including our ex-president.
>no understanding of absolutely nothing
>no understanding of absolutely nothing
>no understanding of absolutely nothing
Yeah, all the other states have culture, good manners and education!
To be fair m8, it's not like we're ruining pokemon go for you guys.
As far as i know(I don't play said international product) our only interaction will be with other BRs so its nothing to get mad at.
Because you touch yourself at night
euros do this all the time too, shit became a meme during SGDQ
>greetings from germany!
>greetings from iceland!
I'm fine with Brazilians playing. Its the incessant screaming they do online to get said stuff that pisses me off to no fucking end.
No one has good manners, that's the fucking point, it just happens that Cariocas are the least rude about it
>hope solo makes fun of zika in brazil
>BRs get triggered
>chant "ZIKA ZIKA ZIKA" every time she touches the ball
I don't get it.
>that picture
Is it true that you can fuck a 14 year old prostitute in Brazil for like 10 dollars?
Of course, because Cariocas are only divided into two: criminals or the mind washed populace who doesn't care jack at all about the world as long as they have their football, beer and barbecue. Your run to the mill Carioca is the poster boy of the expression "bread and circus". The ones who aren't like that are the ones who rob you blind.
BRs don't forget.