"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are...

>"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more [spoilers] New Vegas treads [/spoiler] they make

Epic fail

Ya dun goofed, OP.

epic meme

>fucking up some simple spoilers
Profligates these days baka

ctrl + s you retard

I wonder who's behind this thread

>get NCR rep
>ranger is about to give stuff
>enter prison
>free ranger cosplay

That guy is the personification of everything that's wrong with the NCR.

Those 2 scientists doesn't seem to care about NCR. See Ignacio.

Doesn't matter. The NCR still picked him for whatever reason.

theres a /vg/ general now user

Yet ANOTHER cancerous New Vegas thread. Fuck off. Also:


Kill yourself

>Spouts quote putting himself above the masses by claiming they're all too ignorant
>Fucks up spoilers somehow
>One big greentext quote for the thread starter
>Makes a general in Sup Forums
I think that quote's about you, OP.

did you this character is based on some developer of Bethesda? This irony


you messed up bro

this board is shit

Quick claim your gunfu

What said, a mod moved yesterday's thread to /vg/, giving us our own general, but it's dying on its arse because no one's aware of it, go there if you want to talk NV.

Agreed. Every single fucking day there is a thread for this old ass meme game. Everyone has played it and ran through every outcome, what else could possibly be worth making a thread for daily? Pure autism.

>meme game
Spotted the newfag

People who have to use keyboard shortcuts will be the ones left behind with normies once true gamers transcend from the internet and towards a more advance communication network

>A clan dressed like the Romans
>Muh secret Elvis fanclub
>"lol that guy from Friends shoots you in the head and you survive, muh revenge tiem"
>a cowboy robot

Have you played any fallout games beside 3 and 4?

Everything I pointed out is a meme whether you like it or not

Wew for a second I thought mods banned New Vegas threads. There wasn't one up earlier today and I was getting a little worried.


>i dont know what memes are because i got my first taste of the internet last thursday

I'm just saying that the previous games had wacky shit in them too, it's not like new vegas is an outlier for including things like that.
Oh wait...
You're just a shithead. I'm leaving this thread.

Is this DOOM 3

>Move New Vegas threads over to /vg/
>Leave up all the Overwatch, Samus, etc. threads on Sup Forums that people constantly spam even more then New Vegas posters do
Why though? Is it because shills are paying money to make sure their games are getting all the attention? They're getting jealous some "old" game is starting to take away some of it?

because clearly anything older than a year and without massive tits is garbage and they dun wanna see it

also newfags dont know how to filter

I missed you guys.


Because New Vegas is not the fucking gold standard that the few vocal faggots on Sup Forums think it is, and it's those same autistic retards that make the same thread every day. It's spam and against the rules.

Don't get me wrong, I love NV, but isn't about time these threads moved over to /vg/?



>Wanted to try new things in different runs
>Indeed tried new things, but went with Mr.Yes every single time

Choosing any other faction makes me feel like a cuck.

You spam the same autistic shit everyday too. Even when it got moved to /vg/ you were crying about how it wasn't in /fog/



They were yesterday, but it's just been circling page 10 and has only had like 100 posts in the time and entire NV thread on Sup Forums would go to bump limit.

What are you taking about you dumb cunt?

I love some lines in NV

I agree. We can't have all the NV shills around,right? In fact we're going to need a lot of Fallout 4 and elder scrolls threads to clear the taint that NV threads have left on this board.

>"I don't agree with you, so its bait!"



/vg/ has some way of murdering any spontaneity a thread may have.
A /vg/ general is condemning a thread to have the same 20-50 posters, where a Sup Forums thread could have a ton of different people every day of the week.

I have like 70 hours of New Vegas on console. Should I get New Vegas + mods for PC or FO4 for PC?

Pretty obviously old for all of them



Because you're new. I hate when people artistically make threads over and over again in the same format, even if I like the game it's about.

Except it isn't a ton of different posters, its always the same few autists making the same shit thread.

did you enjoy your 70 hours with the game so far?

I'd get NV, you're better off waiting til the GOTY edition to get 4, Nuka World is said to be its last dlc and that's out this month, so such a version will probably be out soon.

Easiest quiz I've ever taken

>Laser rifle
>Stop talking about video games
Where are you for the overwatch thread autist?

The only one I kept from fallout 3 is the sniper rifle and maybe the plasma pistol
nothing else

holy fuck

Sup Forums threads would be autists+people happening through on Sup Forums
/vg/ is autists only.

way worse.




Y'know what I'd really like to see? A new fallout game like NV, based on the FO4 engine, but written by a different team, one who aren't total morons.

Or even better, a new Fallout on an entirely new engine, free from the unbelievable laziness and incompetence of Bethesda, as written by a different team who aren't morons.


New laser and plasma rifles are objectively shit



Obsidiots get more retarded with each passing day.

I mean, I beat it twice. It was fun. Was wondering if mods added anything new, also the DLC I haven't tried yet.

Good call. I'll prob wait.

Bless you, user.

When did I say stop talking about games. Same thread same format every fucking hour. That's what generals are for
>but the fallout general is waifu fagging and fallout 4
So get in there and change it

I almost wish this was some sort of shilling, to test the waters for new vegas 2.

Then buy the rights and do it

Bethesda's laser rifle is ugly as fuck. Especially that stamped metal "raygun gothic" looking stock

Is like that too. Maybe it'll happen one day.
>Laser rifle
Can't tell the difference between it and a sniper rifle from a glance
>Plasma rifle
You can just use the plasma caster.


why would i want to save this page?



I fucking love how the plasma pistol looks like some kind of old flintlock pistol

I don't get it, it's the same image

>They fight for an Old World system that has no real place in the Wasteland
>Not the Legion

The guy who made this sure liked to eat Caesar's ass, and I'm not talking about the salad.

The joke is that user though that he had to put them in the correct order like some kind of puzzle or something

So go to the overwatch threads and tell them that. There are multiple at a time sometimes and I never see
You can't argue with shitposters.

No, you're just special in your own kind of way. ;^)

Oh my fuck

I don't like overwatch so I don't care if the fan base is perceived as a whole bunch of retards. I want new vegas to be remembered in a good light, not "that one game spammed endlessly"

Overwatch is a current multiplayer game and is actively being played and tweaked so there is a hell of a lot more to discuss than some dried up old corpse of a single player game that everyone has already completed several times over and chosen every path.



That's not how you use that word
Does a modern political system sound good in a dangerous, desolate wasteland?

there are a lot of creative mods to fuck around with, and the DLCs are great.
I'd say get NV and wait for a complete edition of FO4 like

As much as i like this pic, it's still biased.

A game being newer than another doesn't excuse your pathetic attempt at shitposting, friend

I get that, about the mods. I'm currently playing through right now with a bunch, mainly focusing on the new vegas bounties right now. I just don't want to see this shit spammed, as it lessens it.

Just like the rare Ito thread.

These are some of the rare good threads on Sup Forums. Besides what do you care than some other autist will think badly of the game on a Chinese cereal forum?
>This is what overfags actually believe

Oh my god, based fucking mod.