Whats your excuse for not Emulating, Sup Forums?


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How would one improve the graphics like that through emulation?

Well what, OP?


i still prefer left desu


increased resolution and AA


I like consoles better.

>Intel Pentium G860 @ 3.00GHz
>1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series (ASUStek Computer Inc)
OpenGL or Direct3D?
OpenGL seems to fuck up graphics and constantly freezes up on me on Dolphin.

But I do.

Though I wouldn't if I still had my older consoles ;_;

i thought PS1 emulation was terrible?

copyright law is such a crock of shit, there's no reason why a copyright should last longer than 20 years

this is my setup for crisp emulated graphics

Thats just a meme. As you can see from pic related the jump in graphics is very real and very worth the time.

It works well for me on my mediocre PC.

The only real issue I've ever had was that sometimes during cutscenes the FPS would drop heavily at random intervals (in particular with MGS2 and 3), but maybe that was a problem with my setup.

>Nintendo will forever be this butthurt
>they have to hold that shit permanently because emulators aren't illegal

better than mario kart

Only better than half of them.

Sonic Racing Transformed is still the best overall, but sadly is a deadgame.

Is the Nvidia Shield better to emulate on the a Raspberry PI 3?

>One weird trick to make your Nintendo games not look like shit!

>Reggie hates it!

If Nintendo doesn't promote ROMs and emulators, then why the aniversary version of Mario All-Stars was just a SNES ROM in a disc?

Are there any other fun games I could emulate through PCSX2, that don't already have a PC version?

Already played the fuck out of BT3 and MGS3.

>MGS2 and 3

Yeah, I dun goofed.
Even though the thread is about emulation in general.


Fuck man.
What settings is this on?

mednafen emulates ps1 pretty much perfectly, but only at original resolution

epsxe and pcsxr don't run games as well but they let you do HD shit

I love how they say you could only make a backup after your copy breaks. Even the whole if you legally own the game argument doesn't hold up to Nintendo if that's your justification.

It's a fact that Sony and Nintendo hate the used game market.

Why would i spend time replaying games i already played to death in my youth, i have barely enough time for vidya as it is.

>epsxe and pcsxr don't run games as well but they let you do HD shit

ePSX runs my PS1 games perfectly in HD. Ive played through Crash and the Spyro games perfectly with no lag spikes at all with 4x Resolution + Shaders like in OP's Pic.

>using filters
also i like the games to be playable and not constantly crashing/buggy
why cant you afford to buy old systems and like 200 games for like 150 bucks?


Left is better. Right has a huge clash in quality between textures and models, which breaks immersion.

of course you're not gonna run into problems if you're playing normie shit like crash and spyro

but try playing some obscure ps1 games in epsxe and you're gonna have more trouble


Play only good games then

Damn, those are some fresh and clean pixels.

Found the pretentious retard.

this desu senpai

...... i'm not a thieving nu male?

you can emulate using the original discs you fucking moronic namefag

Weren't you banned

Dark Cloud 2 has a japanese VO patched english version on the web, definitely worth a play if you haven't.

Same for Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.

it's a fork of desmume, the original one doesn't allow for resolution increases for some reason but this one does


high resolution 3D renderer set to X4

AA enabled

I tried emulating Summoner 2 for PS2 on my PC a couple years ago, got through about 40 minutes but then when more than 3 enemies were doing shit it'd just go to 2fps.

Is it worth trying again, has it got better or still hardware limited as fuck? (i7-4770k + 780ti).


Good god. Nintendo are such butthurt faggots.

I don't wanna play on a tiny ass monitor

probably because it causes problems in a shit ton of games

>substantial damages are caused to Nintendo and its licensees

God I fucking hate capitalism, nobody is any worse off if I play a copy of excitebike that isn't available to purchase anywhere else

ok, but there's lots of settings in emulators that cause problems for games but work well for others

it's nice to have options

Nintendo is a bunch of retards, that's why they're going back to cartridges.

An awful amount of input lag

at least for older consoles.


>3D images super enhanced
>2D text still jaggy and lowres as hell

I know there's not much to do apart from custom textures but this is why I hate ps1/n64 emulation

Good thing I don't give a fuck

because unless it can make it look better than a PS1 game, ie i want it too look like a remaster and have online AND have new features, i don't care.

that is what i want and EMULATION can't give me that like Sony and Naughty Dog COULD, but WON'T

But it is available to purchase! Only the fair price of $4.99 in any one of Nintendo's Virtual Consoleā„¢ stores

carts > discs
Faster R/W times, smaller form factor, lighter, they're even getting cheaper these days

Been doing this, Just got past the absolute garbage wolf fight. What were the thinking?

Sound never matches up or wildly in accurate. Overclocking skips frame rates or breaks native framerates. I have a pvm

higher resolution, dummy.

>they're even getting cheaper these days
And still tens of times more than a typical disk

Whens your next development update, Ulillillia?


Too good to be true.
It's running half the speed.

PS1 and 2 emulation is a pain in the ass.

N64 and GC is just grab and go.


>It's running half the speed.
I'm sorry user, but that's a problem with your shitty CPU.

I know.

Higher resolution despite the fact its impossible to upscale if the information was never there to begin with so its a stretched out mess

>N64 emulation
>not a disaster just like the console

Because getting your PSX emulator to look like that requires a severe case of autism and fucking about with numbers.

No pain no gain.

Star trek world is essentially communism.

N64 emulation is a way bigger pain in the ass than PS1

Pretty sure the 24 hour law still applies.

You do realize that it's the exact same, just with increased resolution and anti-aliasing, right?

>God I fucking hate capitalism
You're either talking out of your ass, under 14 years old, or a massive degenerate.
I won't tolerate any of the above on my board.

Does this look bad?

Death to all those who use oil painting filters!

Fucking destroys the artwork. A disgrace to the developers.

N64 is probably the worst thing to emulate ever.

thats Cerberus you fucking neophyte.

No, it's post scarcity so there's no reason for capitalism or communism as a means of managing scarce resources.

We essentially are already living in a post-scarcity world when it comes to digital information. It just has to be artificially restricted because media creators and software developers still gotta have some way to profit from it.

The games I play run fine. Except Banjo Kazooie.
Mario Party Netplay runs almost flawlessly


Truth. People that apply oil painting filters probably think the Predator DNR bluray looks fantastic.

This can't be real.

Does look like a stretched out mess to you, faggot?

Emulation ruins the vision of the developers.

Not a graphics whore and I only play retro games how they were originally intended to be played, on a CRT TV using the original hardware. Kill yourself PCuck thief.

Fully automated luxury communism

Too bad the text still looks like shit, it'll take years before they figure out simple texture filtering, plebs.

filters actually work pretty well on Yoshi's Island due to the artstyle

I am

Doesn't look that bad till you look close.

But why would they need to profit when everybody already has access to everything? Start trek world runs on ideals, not money, because resources are already too abundant to compete for them.

cry more, you literal cuck :^)


But of course filters can't magically make up detail that's not already there.
Only actually remove detail

Doesn't the Retroarch port of Mednafen allow for increased resolution (albeit with a software renderer or a buggy, prototype hardware renderer).