Wh haven't you hacked your 3ds yet, Sup Forums?

Wh haven't you hacked your 3ds yet, Sup Forums?

>4-6 hours to do this nonsense
>implying I don't have other games and things to do

Call me when I can do it in 4 mins.

lol, typo.
good job sperging OP

Because first I would have to buy that garbage.

Call me when the emulator runs stable enough for Ace Attorney.

I don't give a fuck.

>been trying since yesterday
>got an error when downgrading to 9.2, so I got a partial downgrade
>menuhax doesn't work on partial downgrades
>have to get to browserhax, initiate the sysupdater from there and hope it works
>tried this like 40 times now


As a fan of the AA series, Dual Destinies is straight trash.

They have literally removed features from the game as the series has progressed, to the point where it has essentially become a hand-holding simulator.

I have, took one try and 3 hours. Thank god for SDXC transfer rates.

I don't know what to do with all these games though.

I just got a "New 3ds". Do the R4 cards work on them

Just download the Ace Attorney trilogy for 3ds

cause im on 11.0.0-33 :|

Too lazy

Too used to New XL screen and I'd like to have a legit system

Did you try Attorney Online?

People with New XL can't downgrade?

Oh and your system will be legit unless you A9LH

softmodded 2ds for all games
n3ds for playing pokeymans with friends

B-but I already did user! once the news came out that 11.0 could downgrade It wasn't even that what stopped me before, I just hadn't touched my 3DS in months and didn't know it had been cracked until I saw the announcement , original firmware was 10.7

How do? Will I get arrested if caught? I got a new 3ds nice and black.

1) It is more risky on N3DS
2) I dont want to lose my saves, friends list and such by formatting at the beginning of Part 2 (no, I dont have ambassador status or DSiWare, but guide clearly says that chance exist for everyone) - I have system on 10.3-28e, it would be a shame to lose it, dont you think?
3) Im scared

Is that enough?

No I meant I wanted to have two separate systems, one legit and one cracked.

Though I haven't looked into it at all, it's possible it's not even "cracking" and just some other workaround.

already own all the games i want to play, no point risking to break my system

Already did. Tired of Awakening, taking it slow in VLR and Ocarina is boring.

Dumping most of my time on Monster Hunter.

But I have.

Make sure to never save in a puzzle room in VLR. The 3ds version has a glitch that corrupts your save.

Pretty much every time I save is at the start of a new puzzle.

Downgrading is hassle, takes too long and rxtools still works mighty fine.


enjoy the stone age caveman

>just hacked o3ds
>waiting on games to finish downloading

I'll probably finish none of em but it was easier than I thought.


here pham
if the 3ds has shit games then turn your 3ds into a GBC/GBA machine instead

>tfw freeshop makes piracy even easier than ever

I did hack it.

I'm overwhelmed with how many games I have to play now. Getting a flashcart to add a few hundred more to the backlog

I just got a 2DS and R4 flashcart to play pokemon games and a bunch of DS games I've never heard of.

I dont knowhow ;_;

What a coincidence this thread popped up, i've been reading into this since a few days but i only want it for pokemon hg/ss anyways. Ok, maybe some other titles too. However, i got told local trading would not work? Pfffah, and hg/ss just raised in prize sky high...

I'm doing it just now, installing a9hl.
I'm currently updating rednand.

Because, Reasons.

>What a coincidence this thread popped up
Is this a joke?

I did it last night on a 2DS I bought just to hack. It's nice. Been playing Rhythm Heaven and Ace Attorney.

There's an easy guide in /hbg/ on /vg/

Too much trouble and I don't want to accidentally break it.

What why

Because this thread is around every single hour of every single day.

>hours to do the hack
>undermined by near-weekly 3DS updates
>other, better handhelds with more established emulators and homebrew, including the much cheaper DSi and PSP
>limited number of good 3DS titles makes hacking barely worth the trouble
>NNID and software bans

Barely visit Sup Forums so didnt notice

I think I installed some form of homebrew channel maybe? I honestly can't remember and now I'm afraid to do anything with it.

no thanks it's such a bother

I believe in piracy and also that all games should be free, but I get a good feeling when I buy nintendo games, even third party shovelware.

yeah, i also like anal sex

It took me awhile but it's very worth it. Even with a stable job, I save a lot of money. I even feel more open to play all kinds of games because my bank account won't suffer a loss to a game I have no interest in.

Because I can't figure out how to remove the screen protector so I can clean off the lint under it. I don't think I can be trusted to hack it.