>He plays League of Legends when superior Dota 2 exists

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Are you a masochist? Do you like being shit on for playing terrible games and pretend one is superior to the other? You keep making these threads.

>he plays mobas at all
also dota 2 might be better, but if I was gonna pick between the two terrible games I'd do LoL because it's more popular with normalfags and nerd girls.

>DotA 2
Literally never even heard of it tier

>playing ASSFAGGOTS at all

Best dota 2 player in the world here

who cares

>not playing a genre that actually takes skill

You referenced Dota 2 and LoL, were you meaning to talk about another game?

HoN a best desu

Assfaggots are a casual version of the rts genre anyways.

>4 abilities, 1 unit
>B-but muh cooldowns
>Muh last hitting

>He plays Mobas

Kill yourself.

>he played one match
>got absolutely destroyed
>posts on Sup Forums that the game takes no skill
LITERALLY what happened

>not playing a genre that actually takes skill
Oh I play chess all the time.

Not sure what that has to do with mobas.

The only thing DotA has over League is that the characters are free.
The graphics are shit, it looks like some edgy Diablo wannabe game.
Its slow as fuck, the abilities have no impact. UI is shit, gameplay is bullshit.
Literally only contrarian fags with no friends play DotA

>this is shit
>that is shit
>that is bullshit

Okay I'll bite, I was playing dota on wc3 for years and i put 2000 hours in dota 2 before quitting.


nobody respond to this post
fuck i just did it

>He plays [game that I don't like] when superior [game that I do like] exists

>values high skill ceiling
>spends time play moba

I play Quake and Melee, both of which takes actual skill unlike your favorite dumbed-down casualized meme genre.

>He plays the genre equivalent of AIDS


fucking casuals

>not jerking off to fem kotl


Was it autism?



>values high skill ceilling
>doesn't play moba

>He's mad that nintendo made a deeper competitive game than his casual fest 15 years ago without even trying

League is pretty fun desu I really like it :3

>Playing MOBAs.

What did he mean by this?

>twitch fps and babbies first party brawler

>he cant even play proper fighting games because they take to much skill and has to resort to playing melee

I hate when a joke becomes unironically true.

>He plays mobas
LITERALLY kill yourself

One of the worst things to ever happen to video games

>He actually believes this

>street fighter
i bet you're going to play tekken for 30 minutes then go back to your piss easy sleep fighter trash

Dota 2 is literally a shitty HD remake of a minigame for Warcraft 3.

Also, Dota was a low tier AoS map. The only reason it caught on was because it was one of the only decent maps with hacked in custom spells in Reign of Chaos. Plenty of better maps came out after TFT came along.

Melee is way more technical than sf sorry. I don't even play that game.

>he projects because he lost the argument

Same. I alwas have a great time playing with friends or people from /lolg/ :3

>Melee is way more technical than sf


I went back to cs and realized how little impact a player has most of the time in mobas.

Requires way more input at a faster pace and you have more directions/angles to worry about.

>Requires way more input at a faster pace


You are delusional.

Look at any pro melee player's hands flying on their controller. Even moving your character around "properly" requires several inputs over and over again.

Why does DotA 2 run like shit?

>he ever played a MOBA

Is that like that LoL game I keep hearing about becuase I never heard about it and I hear how how popular LoL is?

I'm aware that a person can carry in mobas, but the whole snowball process is really boring compared to kill 3 people from a strategic position outplaying them and not being reliant on stats on your unit

Because your pc is shit.

Did you see a Tekken player use a pad?
Also hand movements on controller and arcadestick are different, I didn't see a pro players hands using one of those arcadesticks for smash but it looks pretty much the same to me (again, judging from some random using those things)

>he still plays isometric MOBAs with 0 skill

Competitive RTS has been shit though, it's why I switched over from SC2. Their balance and design decisions in that game fucked with my head, and the only other decent looking game that was coming out, Command and Conquer, got cancelled for fucking no reason.

I'd agree with you that it's more casual, in that it's a team focused game and subdividing strategic responsibilities makes them easier overall, but holy shit it's not like RTS has anything better to offer right now.

"Hey let's sell the same game, but three times instead of one!"

"Hey let's SORT of add skins, but totally not really!"

"Hey, let's make players manually change their gateways into warp gates, and give them the ability to change BACK into gateways when there's no strategic reason to EVER fucking do that!"

Fuck Blizzard. Dota 2 is fucking free and makes WAY more sense in their design than Starcraft ever did.

but its not though

It's not, melee even has inputs for "tilting" which requires not fully moving the joystick in one direction. It's actually hard as fuck and I gave up.

>Have intel hd 4000 shittop
>Game runs at 60 fps high with no shadows
Nice try Riotdrone

Bloodline Champions was isometric and it'd shit all over Smite

I'm just glad people play any games as long as its fun for them.

Played Dota for 2.5k hours+

Started getting irritated at it, so I quit.

Now I play League and it's so laughably easier in comparison that it's almost relaxing. Also a lot more fun to play with buddies desu

mobas are a shit genre

heh, nothing personnel kid
*deflects your blow, teleports behind u*
nice try though
*cuts you in half with his spear*

>bloodline champions
fuck that game was so fun. I mained the qt with the arm cannon. the warden, maybe?

I miss BLC


Battlerite is coming brother
Stay strong

I prefer dota 2 over league of legends but all my pals play league.

Is this a fucking joke

My favourite Dota hero is Broodmother and I'd consider her to not be micro. By their standards I guess it's like fucking Starcraft

serious question, how? did you change some settings?

I wonder what it is about MOBAs that triggers people so hard.
>It takes no skill!
Why do you lie to justify yourself hating something? If it is not for you, you do not like it, whatever, that is okay. Why blatantly lie? Anybody who has ever given these games even a small chance is not stupid enough to claim they take no skill. Who are you trying to fool? Are you just trying to fit in? Please explain it to me, honestly. I genuinely do not understand and want to know why you do it.

Same thing with how people hate Smash so much. What did it do to you? I mean I do not care for the game either but I am not stupid enough to make baseless claims about it.
>Well it isn't a fighting game!
You know subgenres are a thing, right? Do you comprehend the concept? Is Counter Strike not a shooter because Quake exists? What is wrong with you?
Why do you insist on having a baseless, ignorant opinion and shoving it on everyone as though it were a fact. Please explain this.

fucking this

/lolg/ is full of trips and homos.


I like to think of MOBA games like the evolution of online games in the last 20-25 years. There are MMORPGS, but what makes a MOBA and MMORPG so different is whats required to play them at a higher level. The same thing could be said when you compare MMORPG's to Fighting games, FPS's,

MMORPG's base what you can take / how good you are based on your gear and stats from your character; MOBA's do the same thing except its "you" in real life thats the character. Your own personal growth is how good you are at the game. When your good at a MOBA you don't need to grind or play on a specific account.

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who are not watching the international.

>every single attack and ability in his MOBA isn't a skillshot that requires precise aim and target leading while being cross-platform and free to play

>Smite has insane amount of skillshots
>Still more casual than LoL or Dota

That is an interesting take on it.

I wonder if it can be applied to explain what drives people away so hard. Maybe they go in with this concept of, "Well I'm great at video games, so this should be easy."
Except then it is not. MOBAs require an incredibly different mindset compared to most games. They come into this genre with an entirely wrong way of thinking, feed viciously over and over without adapting, and quit out of frustration because their preconceived notions fail them. Then hate it intensely. Maybe. I can only guess because none of these people ever step forth and admit why they act this way.

That or the trying to fit in thing. That works too.

>1 - every fucking year after 1
>he plays mobas

>Not SC2

>playing video games