Patrolling the wastes almost makes you wish for a Fallout 3 thread

Patrolling the wastes almost makes you wish for a Fallout 3 thread

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That's not how that works.


Sup Forums double standards

I like saving Megaton, but I prefer the player home you get in Tenpenny Tower. What do?

If you like Fallout 3 why wouldn't you just play 4? It does everything better.

Nice tiddies

The story and atmosphere of 3 is superior. Plus Broken Steel.

It's not a double standard, shit games belong in /vg/ where I don't have to see them, good games belong here.

>my opinions rule over this board

You don't start a Fallout 3 thread with a Fallout New Vegas quote. fuck you

Fallout 3 fucking sucks ass

Holy shit that ass bleeding.

I wish there was some sort of F03 mod megapack

new vegas wouldn't even exist if not for fallout 3, so bow down to your master.

Fallout 3 wouldnt exists without....can you guess what comes before 3? 1 and 2

Fucing children! Get off my Sup Forums

Is it possible to get working well on modern systems? Last time I tried(modded, granted) I had glitches out the wazoo, which made me give up.

I kinda want to give it a second try, and break my yearly cycle of playing NV for once. But I don't want to bother if I'll just be disappointed again.

They do when they're objectively right you worthless scum.

>there are people who browse this board who unironically enjoy FOR

I tried to like it, I really did, but I had to stop because it was fucking boring, just like skyrim

>Last time I tried(modded, granted) I had glitches out the wazoo
That's just gamebryo.

New Vegas is just a Fallout 3 mod

I'm surprised you can even fit through the door with an ego that swollen.

Other way around, because fallout 3 is worse.

he´s hacking and whacking and smacking

chopping that meat

Fallout 3 is a New Vegas mod with TTW

>stop liking what I don't like.jpeg

>said nobody, ever

I don't care if you like it. I'm just saying it's worse.

>Trusting normie metacritic bullshit
Two things that go hand in hand to be the stupidest things to take guidance from

Question: if they made a game without
>Caps as currency

Would you be okay with it still being a Fallout game?

Also assume 1950's-70's era sci-fi tech and popculture, themes of the repeated cycles of human self-destruction, and strong RPG elements and story-choices are around.


also Fallout 3 had a better overall setting

The Washington Memorial Section blows away the empty streets of the Vegas City Strip

Welcome to Sup Forums where a games quality is inversely proportional to its popularity.

Well all fallouts before 3 were shit so it wouldn't bother me

*Leaves vault for the first time*
Haha wow! A city built around a bomb? That's pretty nuts! Hehe an old British hotel owner wants me to blow it up for the lulz~ XD.
What's this a cave full of children? Only in the post-apocalypse would you ever see that, am I right? *winks at camera*
Is... Is that a town that's being fought over by an Ant lady and robot man? That's really random (and I'm ALLLL about being random)!
The president of the United States is a ROBOT?! Oh Todd what will you think of next.
I have to kill myself with radiation even though I have a radiation-immune Orc? Hells to the yeah! I'm sacrificing myself for a greater cause :')

Anyone else wish they made 4 more like 3, and that NV never existed so the shitty settlement system wouldn't either?


Anybody else like F3? I know it goes against the faggot constitution of Sup Forums to like F3, but I enjoyed playing it. NV is definitely better, but F3 was still an enjoyable experience. I never played 2D fallout and I never really had any serious performance issues so I had no real bone to pick with lore or anything. Sure, it has tons of problems aside from that, but imo it was still an endearing game in totality. Don't think I could replay it after NV/4 though.

I'm surprised you can even suck my cock with a head that small but here we are you chubby little queer.

Contrarian faggots will pretend that New Vegas is the better game and that they prefer walking in empty desert for 6 hours is better than a city crammed with shit to do JUST to impress strangers on the internet.

I like both, but both are dated as fuck now.

>wanting another man to suck his penis

Its like your going for the world's biggest retard award

>90% of the complaints about New Vegas are bugs
>Bethesda was in charge of QA
>Bethesda had to pay a bonus if NV got 85 or higher on metacritic

>new veags
>fags and dykes everywhere

Get that SJW shit out of here, plz.

I actually like 3 more then NV, but I liked NV too.

3 is good and NV is boring

You should really play fallout 1 and 2 they're excellent rpg games, once you play them maybe you'll see why so many people on Sup Forums hate it since fallout 3 pretty much shits all over them.

>Fallout NV fans defend it with things that matter in a RPG like writing, setting, consistency and lore
>Fallout 3 and 4 fans defend with scores that could have been very well paid


Scores mean everything, user.

Like how Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series since it has the highest metacritic score.

>Last time I tried(modded, granted) I had glitches out the wazoo
>modded, granted

Fucking loser devs, can't even get a heavily third-party-modded game working an OS that doesn't even exist yet!

I dunno, I'm not too sure how much I really enjoy either since actual content and stuff still seems to be sparse regardless.

>Stumble on an abandoned buildings
>Oh, joy! I can enter it!
>Single, lone raider inside
>Nothing else
>No holotape story, no weird secret passages, no shit at all

The alternative is:
>Wander open, empty desert
>Think I see something interesting
>Detour to investigate-
>Nope, just a rock outcropping with a single raider camp

To be blunt though, I'm being more than a bit spoiled and entitled expecting every RPG to have content spewing out of every pore and orifice, so don't mind me.

Who cares? Bethesda bought the rights so they can do precisely what the hell they like with it. Don't like it? Buy the rights off Bethesda and make your own game.

>New Vegas quote
>Fallout 3 thread

>needing 1.5 hours to make your point
The autism.

Not much a man can do to repel someone who wants the cock as bad as you do you stupid shit.

You're on Sup Forums are you any better?

>worse dialogue
>worse RPG elements
>no weapon degradation
>voiced protagonist
>beyond fucked sense of progression (getting Power Armour in 1 hour)

Fallout 3 is superior to 4 in every way except shooting.

War. War never changes.

And power armor. Really, FO4 got the PA system just too right. Too bad it's attached to a shit game.

>he hurt my feelings over a video game

This is some weapons grade autism right here

I've played them both and still like 3

F:NV fans routineley fail to mention the heavy SJW infestation that plagues their favourite game. You might not have noticed it, but we are in a fucking war here. A war against feminism and faggotry. And F:NV was one of the first battlements to fall into enemy hands.

>FO4 got the PA system just too right
The fact that every single power armor is the same frame with different plates pisses me off. You can even see the gaps sometimes too. Not to mention the fuel source breaking the lore.

>You will never play fallout 3 or NV with the Fallout 4 engine

Excluding Felicia Day it hardly has any SJW shit in it

>You might not have noticed it, but we are in a fucking war here. A war against feminism and faggotry.

Grow the fuck up, kid.

>SJW infestation
>literally TWO gay characters in a game with over 200 characters

Coming from a guy who's played every game in the series, I think the hate for 3 is really overblown.

It's a downgrade from 2 in some areas to be sure (no reputation, no gambling, shitty writing etc.), but those who point out these shortcomings also fail to point out some of the improvements that 3 made to the series (better dungeon design, making previously useless skills useful, longer and more branching quests etc.).

I see why some people might see it as a step backwards, but calling it one of the worst video games of all time is fucking ridiculous.

And this a prime example why you shouldn't do drugs kids.

everyone keeps saying this but i doubt they would give an incentive of pay then pay people to write bad reviews for a game they still profited off of. you think bethesda wanted to lose potential customers with a 84?

and then fallout 4 got an 84, you think if they could influence the polls enough to bring new vegas down couldnt make their game look even fucking better? you are paranoid and stupid

From a lore POV it's not really good.

But otherwise they succeeded to make you feel like a walking tank as you should. The overall design of PA in 3/NV is terrible because you wear them like a shirt - compare the Enclave PA from 2 and NV, the NV rendition looks like a bodysuit, whereas the X01 in 4 is actually bulky.

>>worse RPG elements
Do you actually believe this? FO3 is just as bad as 4 in that department.

Tenpenny towers

Arcade is a fag, Victoria is a dyke, Legion are "the bad guys" just because they like slavery and rape. But keep eating your establishment-approved propaganda, forced down your throat by the intellectual elite.

there's way too many female rangers to be realistic. not only are there female rangers but most of their squads are led by females. doesn't make sense, women are not as combat effective as men.

The game have you running errands for a bunch of sexual degenerates. But yeah, nothing to worry about here. Just swallow the cool aide.

Yeah! Fuck the system!!!

>slavery and rape are good

It really is
>tfw Van Buren never ever


>Legion are "the bad guys" just because they like slavery and rape.
But user, slavery and rape is preeeeetty bad

>there's way too many female rangers to be realistic.
I agree, but you could make the same argument about raiders in FO3 and Gunners in FO4

Grow up? Maybe it's time to WAKE up, fucking cucks.

Oh, you mean that ONE quest in that ONE casino that you don't even need to do?
Yeah, what a horrible and SJW game.

>I haven't played the game
Once again Obsidiots prove to be retarded. Sucking the dick of a game they haven't played.

Corporal Betsy


Hahaha, I know what you mean fellow Aryan brother! When will these sheeple wake up?!?

t. someone who has never played fallout 1 or 2
they're more in line with mad max

You could actually make different builds in 3 and pacifist runs were actually possible.

I can't say the same for 4.


Shit, would you care to, as you say, red pill me?

Share with me your sage wisdom.

That's right, kids. Never do anything the establishment don't want you to do. The important lesson here is to obey and be submissive. Play this game in wich you have to fetch clothes for a sexual degenerate, that'll teach you how to act in the NWO.

What tells you that women couldn't evolve with their environment? I mean, the post-war society is essentially "kill or be killed" so it wouldn't surprise me that women changed over 200 years to adapt. The majority of rangers are males anyway.

Then don't use them?
You can stick with Boone, Cass, Raul or Lilly.

>The story
lolno Fallout 4 is better than fo3 in terms of story but I still prefer Fo3

The weak should fear the strong. You'd know this if your entire generation wasn't pussified. Check the news, cuck. Even Clint Eastwood agrees with me.

Hahaha, you tell it to these stupid sheeple!

>Sup Forumstard invading other boaards to sperg about muh sjw redpill and muh cuck

>Being a disgusting SJW weeb shit-head

Wow kill yourself my dude.

I wonder what you look like irl