Is this game consistently fun and interesting?

Is this game consistently fun and interesting?
It is like 80+ hours from what i hear.
And i usually get tired of games after 30 hours.
Unless it constantly keeps adding new elements and scenarios or has an interesting story.

Depends what you enjoy in this genre. In my opinion, it's decent overall but is not without dull moments and repetition.

It gets dull and grindy at times. The game forces you to use certain characters you don't like to progress the story sometimes as well. Overall I had more fun but there were times I wanted to drop it.

Constantly gives you new tools and things to try, but the story itself and the grindy elements put a huge damper on the fun.

Receiving the ability to fly just made it more common for you to get one-shotted.

The music is so uneven and at times is legitimately awful, and Nintendo of America removed the audio slider from the menu, meaning that music can completely drown out dialogue in an important story moment, and you can't do anything about it.
Some issues however are inherent from the games creation: NoA didn't write the stupid "Tatsu is a potato puns", they simply were there from the start.
It feels amateurish in some regards, but the world itself is amazing.

7/10, get it on sale if you have to but you're WAY better off playing the first game which has perhaps the best pacing of any JRPG.

Story is shit, and the exploration/combat get kinda shitty once you get your big robit.

Sidequests and atmosphere are great, and exploring on foot is fun.

>Nintendo of America removed the audio slider
Why the fuck would they do that? I was looking everywhere for a music or voice slider.

It gets tiring 30-40 hours in, but then you get a fucking party of flying robots and it's fun again

Its structured like a WRPG, the main story is very light but there's lots of sidequests that add to the lore and world building, and each of your party members has 2-3 affinity missions where you learn more about them

The world by itself was enough to keep me hooked for a good 140+ hours. Only reason I stopped is because I have so many other games in my backlog. Beat the main game at around 90 hours and have been working on endgame stuff ever sense.

Before Skells:
Exploration takes hours, experimenting with classes is super fun, fighting fuckhuge enemies is fun, game's fun
After Skells:
Getting from one area to the next one takes like a minute, little to no weapon diversity for Skells, combat gets stale quick, enemies latch onto you from literally everywhere, game's shit
Never use Skells.

If you find Witcher 3 to be consistently fun and interesting because of the story, then no.

If you find Witcher 3 to be consistently fun and interesting because of the exploration, then this is that x100 minus the "find footprints, follow, kill monster, collect reward" formula..

I generally recommend getting out of your skell every once in a while, many make the mistake of never leaving theirs, eventually becoming totally dependant on it.

>It is like 80+ hours from what i hear.
I'm already over 80 and I expect like 10 to 15 hours more until I finish the main story. There's lots of postgame content.

Depends, I kind of played it on and off, but had a consitently good time the whole way through. I still need to beat the final boss, just I'm a bit underlevelled at the moment so need to find the time to do more side missions and affinity missions to be able to buy the best Skells and gear for the fight. That's probably another 5 hours of game time or so and my current work schedule means I need to just find a weekend I'm free on to power through and finish it.

I'm getting the urge to replay this. There's no good jrpg in consoles anymore.

Personally, I dropped it like 15 hours in or something. The world's big and pretty, but everything to do in it is boring. Traveling around to place nodes, pick up blue "random loot orbs" or whatever the fuck, sidequests to kill 7 X and find 10 Y, finding some biological/archealogical/mechanical treasure box... it's all very tedious with little payoff. Exploration doesn't feel fun because of it. Combat feels really limp, mostly because none of the big enemies have a real physical presence, you can walk right through them and they just target what they're attacking. Normally I like it when you can run into areas with higher-level enemies, but when they just stand 50 feet away, target a teammate and insta-kill them it doesn't really feel like a fight. Characters are obnoxious, plot seemed all over the place, and from what I heard it leads up to a shitty/incomplete ending.

If your concern is that you'll get tired of it too quickly, that's definitely the problem I had with it.

Is buying a Wii U for this and Bayo2 worth it? I love Sawano's work in this, and the NLA song makes me imagine a cool ass city.

Most would recommend only buying a system if it has at least 5 games you want, although since both of those can supply many hours of play it's really up to you.

Okay, just one thing, and this might sound pretty autistic, but how comfy and pretty is NLA? The exploration, Skells and soundtrack are the only things that I care about in XCX.

NLA is one of the worst places in the game. It has a generally decent aesthetic, but the music is awful and the xenos (that accumulate as you progress) are annoying. The actual world is GOAT-tier, though.

NLA looks alright and is fine for what it has. Outside though is where the game and the soundtrack shines. Exploration is the best part about this. The landscapes and draw distance have yet to be topped from any other game. And there's no fall damage so feel free to run around and do whatever without being punished. Monsters of all levels scatter the landscapes and makes it feel organic. Skells can take a while to get (about 30 hours) but they are fun and add another layer to the gameplay.

Quints confirm

I actually love NLA's theme, the only annoying thing about it is the shitty second half of the song.Or nightime theme, I think.

I might look for a cheap Wii U then; I'm a massive /m/fag and this sounds comfy. I'll off myself if the NX has backward compatibility, though. Thanks, anons.

>I'll off myself if the NX has backward compatibility
Just Loadiine your Wii U for basically every Nintendo game to date

>not playing the fan-made fixed version

How easy is this compared to Wii hacking?

It's not. It's pretty shit in fact, mediocre at best. Play the first Xenoblade on Dolphin instead, it's a much better and much more enjoyable game.

I have not been following the Wii U hacking scene. I might buy a Wii U for TMS if I can uncensor that shit, instead of only buying it for Bayo2 and XCX.

>makes me imagine a cool ass city
Then you will be disappointed.

>Want to replay XCX
>Can't be arsed to make a new Wii U profile
>Don't want to erase my first file
Why the fuck don't they allow at least two save files?
On one hand, the game's fucking great.
On the other, it's filled with countless little annoyances that I feel could have been easily ironed out with a month or two of additional dev time, like the lack of sound options and audio balancing, the lack of save files, not mapping flight to double jumping/jumping in mid, having to walk to anyone to recruit them, shoehorning Elma and Lin in every quests, etc.

I hope we get a direct sequel or remake on NX that fixes most of its low points, because the base game was amazing and the exploration was the most fun I had in a Jrpg in a long while.

>but how comfy and pretty is NLA?
It's the worst place in the game. The outside world is where you'll find comfy and pretty.

Its a fucking autism simulator to be honest. Tons of shitty side quests and "fill up the map" shit.

Still liked it a lot, but would have preferred another game like Xenoblade Chronicles

Take a look at /hbg/ to see for yourself

It takes like three minutes to make a new profile. I agree that there should be more than one save file but you're ridiculously lazy.