Tell me about your favorite visual novels, Sup Forums

Tell me about your favorite visual novels, Sup Forums.

Pic related, it's HoshiMemo.


Saya no Uta. I like mature VNs, with mature stories and mature themes for mature people like me

Just finished Love at First Sight. Super cute, though a bit short and shallow. I've had Tokyo School Life in my inventory forever so I'll probably move onto that if I'm too lazy to look for a "real" one.

One of these days I'll give Fate/Stay night a shot, but ugh.

I've been looking for a GL VN. One that works on linux preferably but that's not a requirement.

Read Tsukihime before FSN

YU-NO easily.


I will probably read neither, honestly. I'm only interested to see what all the fuss is about, but I keep hearing that it's just so many hours of young adult mediocrity that I doubt I'll get around it since I'm well out of my 8th grade syndrome.

Hadaka Shitsuji. I like mature VNs, with mature stories and mature themes for mature people like me

Its fandisc is being translated too god bless.

Reo a cute, Mai a hilarious.

Press Switch, because I like body swapping, cloning, fusion, genderbending, possession and mind breaking. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a clone/twin of their younger sister and forget that you used to be her onii-chan?

I played Highway Blossoms recently. It was alright. I think my favorite is X-Change though. I liked X-Change 2 and 3 too, as well as the Yin Yang game which was also along the same vein.

I needed a feel good VN and tried Majikoi S recently after enjoying the first one. Unfortunately the routes suck and it's just h-scene after h-scene.

Anyone have some suggestions?

Will always have a soft spot for Grisaia.

>that text
>look it up
This isn't about cute girls having cute buttsecks.

I unironically believe that Ever17 is the greatest story ever told through any medium ever.
I'm not even baiting.

The one and only

Of course not. Why would I read boring hetero VNs? They all have the same sort of storyline. BL VNs are way more fun.

the one from Sup Forums, of course.

>tfw sekai project is done for

Hmm, I've had that on my list. You've convinced me to install.

I liked the first pair the best but the 3rd games pair is 2nd best.

Asuho > Komomo

I've ignored sekai out of hatred
Why they dead?

Symphonic Rain


Tsukihime/Fate and Ever17 will always be my favourites.

Waiting until I'm decent with moonrunes to pick VNs back up.


CEO keeps having meltdowns on twitter, shitting on his audience, and he deleted all his 2016 tweets recently.
It's speculated that co-founder is taking over. They're not going to die.

Muv Luv has got to be the most overrated thing in the fucking world.

sachi, of course

There's too many VNs that I liked, but one really stands out as the bet: Muv Luv.

I can't wait until the Alternative is released on Steam. Shit will be glorious.

Come on, there's still hope.



What's wrong? Does your favorite character die a brutal death?

That's just like your opinion man.

You can tell each route had a different writer, i would've loved Amane's route if it was handled like the anime did

Makina > Amane > Sachi > Yumiko > Mitcher

Yumiko > Mitcher > Amane > Sachi > Makina

>They're not going to die.
they will die if they continue to censor everything. there's a reason people are celebrating and not crying.

Any caps?

>curling waifus in english never ever

>feel good VN
try planetarian


Good choice but I like Nanami and Yuuna better

Majikoi S is a fucking abomination. Majikoi A has very decent routes that only need a little playing of S to understand.

No mention of Rance games?

Here's my current run. I'm doing the Isoroku Route while also vassaling everybody for Game Progress Report completion. It's a mess, I don't even know how I'm supposed to beat Takeda.

Ive read a few moege the past few days and jesus this shit is hard. First koi to senkyo to chocolate. Now Koiken Otome. After reading one route I feel so bad for abandoning the girl the next route I dont feel like reading another route.

In the end I read every route and just want to make every girl happy but know I cant. Crosschannel had a nice alterative to this but other harem ends are just terrible as they toss the story out completely.

That's the whole point, though. Everybody dies. It's all pointless. The main cast are half-assedly established before a bunch of red shirts nobody gives a fuck about are brought in, all for melodrama's sake.

It's a cool world with a lot of neat stuff, but it is nowhere near as good as ML fanboys make it out to be.

The same Sekai that butch and ruin pretty much everything they touch?

We were discussing full-visual novels, rather than games with VN elements like Kamidori and Sengoku Rance.

Princess Evangile. It's super cute and has long buildup to the h-scenes

Yeah I managed FSN and it is a lot of poorly paced story and a lot of bullshit. The endings of each routes are really nice though. But I would recommend the VN just for those few moments. It is kind of reading a classic book. At the one hand the story is nice and youre glad you read it. But at the other hand the book is dense so reading it again is rough. But then there isnt good writing.

>The main cast are half-assedly established
>Skipping Extra and Unlimited

But muh Fault Milestone

>Good taste detected
Pretty spot on, though I'd throw Maki above Amane, but that's taste. Hard to say there's actually a 'bad' girl here. Also, Asako > everyone.

you can't make this shit up

I read karakara but the end was so sudden. Hope they will write a complete story someday.

>The main cast are half-assedly established before a bunch of red shirts nobody gives a fuck about are brought in

The entire purpose of Extra, and most of Unlimited, is to get the played attached to those characters. And are you calling the Valkyrie Squadron girls red shirts? Holy shit, you're a flaming faggot.

Every death counts and hits really hard.

Arcueid > Hisui >Akiha > Kohaku > Trash > Ciel

Well if you want to include extra characters from sequels, then the blonde boss girl (I think her name was Julia?) would be at the bottom of my list, Asako seems like an older Amane and the sister would be bottom tier too because i don't like that shit

Grisaia and Hoshimemo were cute but I am biased towards Key games. To me Rewrite was excellent, but Little Busters is definitely on top if not merely because of the plot twist. Thats like better than Shamylan.

>Ever a good idea

What the fuck are you doing user?

Oh man, going back to extra and seeing how the other takerus were actually part of the scenes was pretty cool.
Also when you realize the takemikazuchi in extras main menu

Yeah the writer difference was pretty obvious. In sachi's route yumiko browses the internet a lot and probably has seen her share of porn. But in her route there are no other things than just sex and a blowjob. Amane her route had a lot more.

Also why the hell was there no sex scene with both mitchuru her personalities awakened. I wanted the other girl take over and go for daring sex mitchuru secretly wanted only to have michuru come back and blush and say she doesnt want it but really wants it

Mokomoko best HoshiMemo.

I would stop browsing porn all day too if I actually got someone to sex with.

It's a character study/bildungsroman set in an absurdly detailed urban fantasy setting. If that sounds like your kind of thing, go for it. To be honest, the people pinning it as "young adult mediocrity" probably never read it; FSN is one of the most misrepresented things on the internet.

Holy shit, are you me? Is this real life?

Though the same thing and kept waiting for the end all scene with a basically 3 some of double Mitchers. MFW that never happened.

I don't think they knew what they were doing when writing Michiru's route especially since they can't seem to agree if Michiru's problem is that she is useless as a person or that her best friend killed herself , also the heart transplant shannenigans were total bullshit

I don't think the alternate personality cares that much about you either

Ahh, such artistic value. I have a feeling that if Roger Ebert where alive today, and witnessed this thread, he would eat his words.

You are my nigger
The atmosphere of little busters, the downright creepiness of it at times (a world where nothing happened was a fantastic moodsetter), how it all comes together, it's so good
Key is probably my favourite studio, despite the art

Akiha > Kohaku > Ciel > Hisui > Arcueid

I could probably understand the rabid Arcueid fanboys if her route was even remotely good, but it was the worst in the game. Why do so many people like Arcueid?

I want to 100% the Game Progress Report, which requires you to vassal houses.

What I mean is that that part of her staying up late browsing the internet was completely gone in her own route. Also why didnt she employ her porn knowledge.

delete that picture. No mindbroken mitchuru

Swap Arc and Ahika and your me.

Fandisc when?

That brings up a neat little argument. Is it better for a VN to remain consistent through all routes or is it okay to fudge things for a better experience? Like in Katawa Shoujo, how the date of the festivals and Lilly's trip change depending on whose route you're on.

Ciel is good for bullying, though.

Because we're rating girls, not routes.

In terms of routes;
Hisui > Akiha > Kohaku > Ciel > Arcueid

All the girls in Tsukihime are lovely.

Man her new uniform colors suck ass

Roger Ebert was a fucking loser. He shat on Blue Velvet because the main female character was raped. He was worried about the actress being shown in a negative light and made it sound like Lynch forced her into that role or some shit. Fuck that faggot he completely missed the point of that movie and why that character was raped. He acts all pretentious but at the end of the day he doesn't know shit.

I'm just mad because Blue Velvet's one of my favorite movies, but fucking hell man.

well they combined those problems into one.

The heart was okay and is meshes really well with her tsundere act since it basically allows her dere dere to seep through early.

>I don't think the alternate personality cares that much about you either
She does care about you. And if nothing else she cares a lot about michuru and is devious enough to pop up and voice michuru's secret thoughts. A sex scene with her being there voicing michuru's lewd ideas wouldve been the bomb

Friendly reminder to not support Sekai project.

Ahhh, Fucki-Fucki Chan. So delicate, she panders to my weird fetish... Being-a-pedophile-but-only-when-it-involves-drawings-phelia...

Sadly, society have deemed my (numerous) paraphilias to be undesirable. Alas, I will always have lolicon poop doujins to jerk off to as I cry myself to sleep every night.

Eh shes still the only character i have seen which pulls the sailor uniform off amazingly. Only new design i really don't like is Arc's.

>Ciel is good for bullying, though.
That's true.

Umineko forever and always.

Pretty much. I love Type Moon, and even I have trouble recommending them to people without first providing a laundry list of digressions and things to look out for. The writing is the biggest drawback, because some of it is just bizarre. Maybe it's down to the English translations, but there's so much purple prose and pacing problems sometimes it just boggles the mind. The stories themselves range from mediocre to God-tier, but the way everything's written just defies good taste and common sense sometimes. You'll be coasting along, swept up in some crucial character development, only to have your immersion completely ruined thanks to one of Nasu's machinery analogies.

You get out what you put in when it comes to TM.


>Only new design i really don't like is Arc's.

I really don't like Shiki's new design desu.


So you like weird lolicon hentai games and movies with graphic rape scenes? That is... Not surprising at all.

I hate it when certain events dont happen in routes when there is no reason not to. Like there is a power failure in one girls route and in another there is no such thing. Even though no one ever did something to prevent it from happening. Its like a butterfly effect from not talking to a girl suddenly causes a power outrage>? A character trait change is even more retarded.

What I really liked about snow sakura (as much as I thought it was mediocre) was that in one of the other routes you find out what another girl does.
in her route the shrine girl wants to go to college while her school wants her just to do entry exams in another university and her parents want her to inherit the shrine. Because you support her she decides to chase her dream and she ends up happy studying together with you. Meanwhile in another route you hear of her troubles a bit and she later says she decides to inherit the shrine. At the one hand its nice to see how the route evolves if you didnt help her out. At the other hands its sad because you picked another girl she wont end up as happy

Planetarian was great. Saya no Uta would've been great without the h-scenes.

Source? Is there a doujin in which she eats or fucks poop? I must now for... science, lol.

Holy shit, Roger? You're alive?

I'd rather have half assed translations where I have to patch in lewd scenes than not having it at all.

There is nothing inherently less artistic about the medium itself. It just so happens that almost all popular visual novels are formulaic dating simulators in translation.

Personally, the VNs I read are like candy to me. I try to avoid the stuff that attempts to be very deep and emotional, as it's too poorly written to ever take seriously. Instead I read stuff that has a lot of fun with the medium, sometimes there's sex to make my naughty bits big, and there's some laughs here and there. No pretenses, just fun.

So what? I don't breath VNs for my art intake, although I wish there were some proper written ones that didn't have loli high school romance mind break rape fantasies in generic fantasy setting.

Yes, it is I! Daddy Ebert! I am here to tell you folks that the only known cure for pedophilia is castration.

PSA: DIY castrations are easy! All you need is some heavy duty rubberband, rubbing alchohol, and a bread knife ;-)


You won't regret it, user.

Reminds me of this.