Hearthstone New Card Revealed: Medivh the Guardian

Class: Neutral
Card type: Minion
Rarity: Legendary
Mana cost: 8
Card text: Battlecry: Equip Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Attack: 7
HP/Dura: 7
Other notes: Atiesh is a 3 mana 1 attack 3 durability weapon with the effect "After you cast a spell, summon a random minion of that cost. Loses one Durability.

His weapon



Dead in the water.
>Museum Curator, but for Dragons
OP's thing is gonna be annoying for sure.
>Neutral weapon

Have you seen the new warlock demon? The 1/3 for 2 one that lets you draw a card whenever you discard a card? With that and Succ plus this thing I can see a really fucking nasty deck starting to form.

why does blizz insist on making medivh out to be a bitchboy lately. i prefer the wiser grizzled mage type

>All Discards are Discard a Random card
Dead in the water. It's like Randomage, but you gotta give up shit at RANDOM.

Problem? If you are playing a discard deck, all your cards are shit, so you should have no problem discarding one :^)

Yeah by itself it doesn't seem good enough but it means blizz's current stance on warlock is "we're going to try forcing self discard as a viable mechanic" which means we might see something stupidly broken revolving around this. I'm betting on a mini cthun that costs 5 or something and gets buffed for every discard.

Neat. The discover mechanic is easily the best thing they've come up with

Discarding is shit in this game. I love discard decks in magic. In magic there is a graveyard and it makes a huge diffrence.

Yea, blizzard also invented first person shooters.

man the activision assimilation of the board must be complete to allow those putrid advertising spam as "legit threads".

If there's one thing I have faith in the Hearthstone team's ability to do, it's to force some gimmick they like in a terrible way until it's cancerously overpowered.

I don't think we'll ever see anything clever or fun like Rakdos, but I wouldn't be surprised if they make something retarded like a 6/6 for 3 with "you may only play this if you discard a card with "discard" in it's effect".

looks fucking stupid

goddamn this game is so fucking limited and stifled it's disgusting, you could fall asleep reading spoilers

>TFW being the OP and being called a shill

But for real though, I just like revealing new cards.

You the guy who has been doing it these past couple days?
Cause to be honest, you're fine.

>thread about a card reveal from a new videogame adventure

You're absolutely right, I can't wait for this thread to be deleted to make space for more waifu/porn/poltard bait threads :^)

Yea, I don't normally see much hearthstone content on Sup Forums and I do this for every expansion.

The IMP in question.

oops, here's the English version.

>Magic online never ever
I just want to make stupid shit with goblins or their equivalent. I love stupid little shits and decks that kill quick or die fast.

>Digital card game
>Can do a pile of insane stuff
>Stick to a myriad of generic, boring mechanics and actually use LESS mechanics than the physical version for no reason

Medivh in HotS is pretty cool. A lot of fun too.

so, characters can be both heroes and on cards confirmed.

Blizzard please stop trying to make Discard a thing

It's the worst possible mechanic, literally no one wants to just outright remove random cards from their deck for the entire match to gain an okay-ish effect

t: I don't understand anything about card games

i would love it to my old deck

1v1 me its not a really good deck but fun as fuck

Discard would be fine if it wasn't 100% random.
But Blizzard refuse to make an engine that can do anything but Random regarding your hand.
>Discard a card instead of Discard a random card
>This causes the cost of all cards in hand to drop to 0, play one to discard it and then the minion/spell finishes their activation.

No. Other card games have a thing called "graveyards" or whatever else with that "remove from game" Magic has which is a kinda graveyard but not really, then they have cards that interact with those spaces in some way

This discard mechanic is just worthless. If the effects were better, sure, but you just throw away a card into the abyss to never see it for the rest of the game

Fun fact, Discarded Minions aren't dead.
If you Discard a C'Thun, you don't shuffle it back into your deck with Doomcaller.

Have you read how some of the discard cards work? They either play themselves or generate an effect from discarding it. This is like madness in mtg, and if you know how it works you should know how busted playing cards for free or almost free is.

Not him, but
Unless you can guarantee that's the card you are discarding and not (card you never want to Discard and drew because 1 card a turn, no Tutor,) then it's pointless.
Randomage works because you lose nothing and get free shit that could have no good effect or a good effect.
Discardlock relies on Discard, which is exclusively Random.

If it weren't random, then sure.

If it wasn't random, yes, but it is.

>how busted playing cards for free or almost free is.

Yes, if it's a worthwhile minion/card. A fucking 3/3 which can only happen in these specific circumstances and the only reliable way to play it is to have a discard card in your hand and just that minion

I know the discard outlets are random, but you can manipulate so that only the cards with discard effects remain (like play a zoo strategy and play your other early game minions leaving only discard trigger cards). You have also the option to just risk it with some cards and hope for the best as it's easy to fill your hand as a warlock.

Is it better than normal zoo? Dunno, but atleast they got lots of good cards to work with.

Honestly, they need something major to make Discard worthwhile and card draw does not help. Losing a card from your hand only to continue to burn through your deck puts you on a clock, that and your hero power already draws you a card at the expense of your life, putting you on an even bigger clock.

Silverware golem is a good card for the discard paradigm because if it is discarded you only gain tempo. Of course not all cards can be like this otherwise it would be stupidly OP. They just need something other can drawing cards for discard decks to be viable.

so much this

What can they even do to make discard viable, aside from ditching the randomness?

Include a full range of cards that all either help Discard cards or have a Discard effect.
So basically, nothing.
Or add one single completely insanely overpowered Discard card that can't be played any other way, which will then become a mandatory add to all Warlock decks.
>Empty hand except a Discard and this card
>Use Discard to get rid of this card
>Win game instantly or massively turn tides
Basically, making Discard viable without getting rid of Random is impossible.

It's funny because they actually have something like this in the tablet/mobile versions. When you perform an action that would be like playing a minion with a targetted battlecry, you obviously can't point at shit in mobile devices because you have no mouse.

So they make every element you can't interact with (your hand, the table, etc) grey and the minions/heroes you can target clearly targettable. Pic related.

Why the FUCK can't they do that with the hand so you choose something just like they do in the mobile versions of the game with any targettable shit ever? I swear they are so incompetent when they want it's beyond me. Discard could be so good.

Or you could play without it with less effort and better effects.

Also, discard in this game is extra shit because there is only 30 cards in deck with no way of getting them back. In magic for example i think 60 card decks are the typical number ( did not play it that much, dont scream at me ) and there is a graveyard.

I know they're horribly afraid of making a UI, so they'll never let you pick, but imagine if Succubus read "Discard your highest mana cost card" or something.

>Discard your highest mana cost card
>Zoo Lock now runs Fist of Jaraxxus as one of their highest cost cards
It would be an improvement, for sure.

That would help greatly, at least SOME form of control over the discard

Yeah, it'd make it so there's actually some form of thought involved rather than "well if this discards my PO I'm fucked lol"

to be fair, i win most of the times without the PO in this deck