If I CFW a Japanese 3DS, I can get it to play NA games?
Basically does current cfw bust nintendo's region lock fuckery.
If I CFW a Japanese 3DS, I can get it to play NA games?
Basically does current cfw bust nintendo's region lock fuckery.
Yes as long as it's running the latest Luma CFW it comes with region free right out of the box, and can also force the N3DS to use its full 804mhz when it usually only uses the old3DS clock at 264mhz, so you'll noticed a lot of games that don't use the new hardware load faster and be smoother in general.
Wow thats pretty fucking sweet
Yes, but you won't get to use the US eShop. You also have to pirate all patches and DLC. You also have to region emulate for every single game that's not of your region so you have to set up all the text files to do it for each game you own or want to play(Which is super easy, but some people are just real lazy so I have to mention it)
Really CFW has a lot of advantages that many overlook because it's overshadowed by privacy, you can also have a custom cheat plugin CFW that runs on top of Luma so you can have some pretty gnarly cheats. For example: I have a plugin for Monster Hunter Generations that has a ton of cheats like x5 for damage or monsters always marked to even paralyze monsters with a push of a button. Seriously convenient when going through the single player crap. Definitely suggest browsing through GBAtemp because that's where the majority of cool hacks and stuff you can find.
Thanks. How's Generations?
Not all games require the text plugin, I can play Monster Hunter X on my American 3DS without setting up a text file, I think it's for selected games that have to have that region spoof to work so it's not that big of a deal honestly. It's mostly for Nintendo games that have multiple languages
The thing is that it's better to spoof it anyway. The chance you run into a bug that causes crashes or text problems that don't go away without a brand new save are things that can happen, and it's better to avoid them completely than to just wing it.
I'm sure you probably heard of no G in this Monster Hunter soup. But that's very negligible because of the new Special Permit monsters and furious versions that is really what Apex should've been. The beginning is really easy, but the great thing about this game is that HR actually matters because it unlocks the later more difficult quests. I recently reached HR90 and unlocked Altreaon recently, and there's still more quests to unlock, so there's more of a reason to keep going, and last artifical difficulty bullshit that was present in 4U
I think a Homebrew Launcher is enough. Can someone confirm that?
No, the homebrew launcher is unstable, homebrew(Especially emulators) are less optimized compared to cia installs, and HANS is shit due to no patches or DLC.
Never had that happen to me actually, and I have about 30 nip games that have no caused any issue whatsoever, funny thing is the American version of Rythem Heaven Megamix does not work for me at all even with the text file. Yet the Japanese English patch version works flawlessly without region emulation.
>HANS is shit due to no patches or DLC.
Yeah, I realized that. I use it for the Jap VA for Fates but sadly, I can't buy any of the DLC or even get the free ones.
The two Zelda remakes cause crashes on startup if you don't emulate region, it was a huge problem when RegionFour was first being worked with. Labyrinth no Kanata loses teammate names completely without a complete save wipe if you don't emulate language and it messes with the translation patch as well due to not having the right characters to use. I know there's a couple other examples but they're not popping to mind. The point is that it's better to spend the five minutes to find all your Title IDs and emulate the language than it is to just go in blind since you don't know if it will work or not.
Also, consider that maybe you had region free .cia installs since I think those don't need the language patch.
>tfw bought a gateway
how do I set it up with luma so I can have an extra 32gb micro sd slot to play 3ds/emulator games?
Can I use the cfw to change the system language to English
I know some of them were not region free patched as I was using Luma when it was called Aureinand and noticed when some of the titles I installed finally started showing up, and they work without issue, I know for a fact the first party games have that issue due to how many languages packs it contains, detects the system language and uses language. I mean right now I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei IV Final and no issues have popped up over the 100 hours I've spent on it. But I get what you mean in terms of caution. I'm not the cautious type though if I was I would've never tried the first alliteration of the downgrade hack back in December when it was ridiculously unstable. Always going for big risks for big rewards.
Fucking don't ever put that piece of garbage anywhere NEAR your device or you'll pretty much guaranteed brick at this point. Just follow the plailect guide, you can do everything FO' FREE
Do Nintendo and Sony hire people to find exploits for each other's handheld? Is piracy a form of corporate warfare?
except the clockspeed mod in luma3ds will affect the sleep mode clockspeed disabling the sleep mode battery saving function
Not with CFW. There are ways to convert a system to another region, but it requires a specific file from a system from that region that's unique, meaning if you copy someone else's then online probably won't work. Also I think the eshop access is fucked either way, although that's probably meaningless now with all the title key methods of pirating directly from their servers.
It's really not worth the risks involved either.
Then you can just turn it off it one is bothered by that so much by just getting back to the Luma menu and set it back to 264mhz, not a big deal.
You can definitely do that with CFW, but I suggest have Arm9loaderhax installed and a proper backup in case you fuck up. You can experiment first using emunand, there are guides for this on GBAtemp so I suggest searching there for it.
Is the N3DS really better than the N3DS XL? I've heard graphics are more sharper and better battery life.
>battery life
most likely the same
>graphics are sharper
the pixel size is smaller, which in theory makes the image better but smaller, but you can just hold the XL further from your eyes and get the same effect
coming from someone who had an original 3DS and later saw a 3DS XL and bought one, the pixel size on the XL models is kinda weird at first, but the issue disappears very quickly, you'll get a better screen to look at, and the 3D effect looks way better on it too
I guess it is sharper because the screen isn't stretched out like on the XL models. Not sure on the battery life though.
The screen is smaller so the DPI is a little higher, but the 3DS has such a shitty screen that it barely makes a difference.
As for battery, the XL has a slightly better battery life than the smaller one. 20 minutes extra isn't really enough to make it a deciding factor though.
It really just comes down to which is more comfortable for you to hold.
It's better solely due to the faceplates.
theres a app called luma locale switcher that does this easily
Seems highly unlikely, but I can see it happening among other products, no necessarily nintedo's or sony's
What's the best thing i can play/emulate with a dual core i5 2.5 ghz?
(onboard gpu, 16gb ram)
If anything, I'd imagine it's the opposite. With the drop in first party title production, Sony would probably benefit more if the Vita gets hacked because of the increase in hardware sales. (which includes their proprietary memory cards).