Has a video game ever made you cry?

Has a video game ever made you cry?

Other urls found in this thread:


>The Walking Dead Season 1
>The Walking Dead Season 2 (although it was technically barely tearing up)
>The ending of the prologue to The Last of Us

Sure, I'm a little bitch so I get attached to characters really easily, FFV spoiler in pic related


Tear up, sure. I don't think full-on crying is possible from a game.


Just played "Life is Strange" recently, and I been feeling pretty shitty lately

Story is somewhat mediocre, but the soundtrack sets the tone and the character are well perceived

Fuck off, furfags.

>Klonoa 3 never ever

Something about this game man. As a kid I thought it was shit initially, but ended up beating it in one sitting.

When Kenny made a return in season 2 I felt weird by it

Every fucking PMD game has done it

Why is he sad?

Once, when Sonic's arms were blue.

The end of red dead redemption

did layton get cucked

The closest I've ever cried was in tales of symphonia. It was a great game.

Type 0 would fucking wreck you.

gone home

Only two games ever, Ocarina of Time when I was like 10 and Mother 3 when I was like 20.

When? It's hard to get emotional with such bad voice actors. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but it's painful to play with voices on.

Just, everything about the ending sequence.

God I feel like such a faggot for tearing up at a cheesy japanese school rpg because I get attached to characters to easily.

>Bad voice acting

>Fucking robin from teen titans as Lloyd
>fucking liquid snake as kratos

Symphonia sucked as a GAME though.

I teared up at the end of FC and during estelle's dream in SC too

god I'm such a gay
The 3rd is going to emtionally wreck me

Burial at sea made me sniffle a bit but that was because i love bioshock 1 too much.

Legend of Dragoon and Lavitz' death

Nah. symphonia was the last great tales of game before everything turned to complete weebshit

Sudoku part in 999, also some of Undertale

Mostly the music's fault

That part in Gears of War 3 when Mad World plays. You know the one I'm talking about.

Silent Hill 2 and that one Layton game are only acceptable answers.

I was just about to post about this.


He liked a Sonic game and just realised he had autism.

Thingken of fast

I never thought I would actually care about one of those characters until that cutscene.


You saved her right user?

Could be better. That midget dude with the hammer was annoying and pink puffball should've died in the 2nd part of the game.


>Playing MHX
>Kill 6* urgent Dinovaldo/Glavenius
>Song starts playing
>It's cute
>Tears flowing from my eyes
I don't know why

Plenty. Usually noble sacrifices n shit make me choke up. Every single MGS game has made me shed tears too. Recently I can think of Spec Op: The Line. I knew the tweests several months before I even got the game but I played it as a friend always behind Walker's shoulder, seeing him go through his actions. I also did the decisions how I think I would act in that situation.

Constantly trying to fight his inner struggle. Half his psyche is telling him he's a monster, he's broken, he's making things worse but the other half is him always striving to think clearly and get better because that's what a fucking soldier does, goddamnit! You got this, ou're made of tougher stuff! You try to save both the civvie and the soldier being hanged! You fight every screaming voice in your head to fill that lynchmob that killed your friend full of fucking lead. You resisted.

So when you're faced with Konrad's vision telling you that everything you did turned to ash, no, that's not you. You shoot him, because you're not that guy. But in between that moment and when the ranger patrol comes to rescue you, you blank. You behave erratically and you're gunned down for everybody's safety. You bleed to death on the sands because of circumstance and you know deep down its for the best. There's no home for you anywhere now.

It's tragic and it kills me because Walker's a good person who goes down a dark road due to his undiagnosed or untreated psychological breakdown. Unfortunately this shit happens to thousands of people for real, which really gives it all a certain extra bite.

The ending of Solatorobo. Easily my favourite portable game of all time.
This song always makes me feel melancholic.

This one got close.

Fucking Christ, forgot to actually paste in the song.

The Banner Saga ending did, I admit.


Heroic sacrifices are the most manly tears shit out there
I absolutely love those moments

I posted PMD: Sky, and despite being 'just' a Pokemon game, the moment where Grovyle drags Dusknoir back to future after saying that both you and he have to disappear to save the world instantly got me

No, but Witcher 3 got me close when Geralt reunites with Ciri and during the Empress ending
And of course MGS3/4 endings

I have never played that, but yes. Exactly how you say. It's why I can't not tear up like a little bitch in war movies. I already choke up in the very first scene of Saving Private Ryan because it's an old guy in a cemetery begging a headstone if his life was his sacrifice. I just can't fucking control myself, man..

Ending of Minerva's Den got me a little choked up but that's about it.

What a great dlc though, and dlc done right.

if his life was worth his sacrifice*

>ever not weeb

what is this from.

It's from a TV show where a guy has been in jail for like 20 years.

yes, when I realized what kinda game I was playing after paying $60 for pic related

Lufia II.


Not crying, but gettin something in my eye.

The writing in videogames is usually so incredibly shit that i just cant care about the characters.
Bastion would be the only exception.

Ah fuck don't remind me. I followed the storyline quite well but when the significance of the origami rabbit and the childhood scene was fully realized in my head I went "Ahhh fuck..", voice cracking halfway through. And I just bit my lip and shed a fucking stream (or river, as it were).

The ECG flatline fadeout hit me so hard that years later I incorporated it into a short film script.

Fucking normalfag dudebro

I could not give a fuck about the storyline in bastion.

When Celes tried to an hero

I'm a grown ass man and this game made me bawl like a baby

Not really. I just don't play weeb games that are totally saaaadd :'(


finally understanding what big boss and his betrayal were about

then have it ruined with 5 extra games with him in it

>Crying at garbage like TWD and "Totally Not a Ripoff of TWD"
I can understand if you cried because of how terrible those """"""games""""" are but that's about it

Fucking to the moon, only game that ever actually shook me


I felt for Dom in Gears 2 when he finally sees his wife and she looks like she's alright but it was just Dom seeing what he wanted to see and realized that she was tortured beyond recognition and he had to "let her go"
Then when he sacrifices himself in Gears 3, I realized that after the scene in Gears 2 up to his suicide in Gears 3 he literally had nothing to live for between those two time periods.
He was real trooper that man

I gotta say i enjoyed it.
Carrying Zulf back to the Bastion was perfectly executed.


Terranigma still makes me cry like a bitch.

> There are people who unironically didn't cry to this


I respect Quintet so much

FF7. I was seven and Tifa and Aeris were my two party members.

Bioshock Infinite and some others I forgot about. Probably Walking dead season 2 I think?

Oh, and Life is Strange.

Whole ending of Deadly Premonition (not including Directors Cut) gave me some pretty massive feels. It was good closure.

these two games were the only ones that have made me tear up

The Last of Us


Fucking when

>>The Walking Dead Season 2
Unless you killed Kenny. No reason to cry,

Ugh, seeing Kenny stab buzzcut while Clementine and looking away, that was hard

>That hair
Fucking Sup Forums. All I can think of is JUST.

Yes, the tears of joy were hard to hold back.


I'm not really sure why. I think personally because it's the first legitimately fun game I've played in a really long time and I grew an emotional attachment to it. I'm also a sucker for games with really good soundtracks.


My eyes well up every time I hear both of these songs.

I've never cried from a video game but Terranigma's ending was bitersweet as fuck

I hate zombie drama so much, I don't understand why people eating this shit up


Because when people cry with games, it's because of the revolutionary gameplay or amazing controls, not because of the story.

Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a child? And then did you father molest you?

there was a screenshot going around awhile ago, from Uncharted 4 i think, that seemed to allude to a sequel, but it was just a comic :/

Beat me to it

I cried like a little faggot.

It wasn't about the zombies. It was about the characters.

I don't think I've directly cried over a game, but I certainly have over the feelings around a game

Ocarina of time takes me back to childhood memories, a good old friend of mine who I played my first ever playthrough with. Being a kid and having your mom translate english video games for you. Those endless summers, not having to worry about anything. The world was at your feet, you could become anything.

Also the actual story of OoT has themes of transitioning from childhood to adulthood.


Don't worry, I did too.

I don't know why but the opening scene in LISA The Painful got me pretty good. Guess it's because I can relate to abusive parents.

>Because when people cry with games, it's because of the revolutionary gameplay or amazing controls
I never said that you autist

I said that people also cry when they spent 60 bucks on a piece of shit(which The Last of Us is deal with it)

Fuck dude, this game is underappreciated as fuck.
The writing, characters, story, everything blew me away.
>tfw you can never go back, and play it again for the first time


It's all fucking same shit over and over

katawa shoujo, lilys good ending.

I shed a few tears when Nanako died and how everyone reacted to it

who the fuck plays Sonic with a joy stick?