
Trailer just popped up


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Gameplay trailer*

>you will never get the true sequel

Looks like Prey mixed with System Shock

>true sequel
I remember when the previews first showed up for Prey 2 people were complaining it looked nothing like the first game.


>I remember when the previews first showed up for Prey 2 people were complaining it looked nothing like the first game.

I know, I was one of those people. I wanted Tommy's story to continue

"Arkane reimagines this franchise from the ground up, with an added psychological twist"

Not Prey then.

Looks like Arkane is continuing their practice of making good games that stand on their own, but have nothing to do with the original series.

It's not Prey and it shouldn't be called Prey.

That said, I trust Arkane so far (Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, Dishonored were all great, plus a ton of ex System Shock/Thief/Deus Ex developers in the studio). This looks like Half Life 3: System Shock 3, which might be good.

Wait, this is being made by Arkane?

Yes. They have 2 studios. Harvey Smith (the guy that worked on System Shock and Thief, I think), is in France working on Dishonored 2, and the other guy who was designer of Dishonored 1 is in Austin (I think) working on this.

Looks like a dead space bioshock crossover.

>Prey: 1 of 2 videogames featuring native american protagonist, and the only one with any hint of spirituality
>All white people now

Thanks Bethesda

Tommy was in Prey 2 and was a big role

Made by Arkane, niggus

Prey was awesome. Had that '90s 3D Realms feel. That "we're a bunch of dudes in Texas making a game" feeling.

Now it's all gone.

>Sequel to Turok 3 never.

>you will never ever use the cerebral bore in a new HD Turok game

Well yeah why would you cater to Native Americans? Nobody gives a shit about them, not even SJWs.

don't worry the protag will either be changed to a black/chink or his love interest will be a sassy black / scientific chink so the cultural quota will be met. foreign slave descendants need more representation than native americans :^)

The protagonist of this game is Asian

What the fuck is Nightdive doing with that Turok 2 re-release? They dropped T1 then totally went silent.



I dunno, I keep hearing on the news about 'murdered indigenous women' every damn day so it's not like Native American issues are ignored.

I just thought it was something different to explore. I ain't gonna protest or write any angry letters or some shit... just a bit disappointing.

Asian is pretty much white.

>Video is pretty much all likes
>all the comments are talking about how it's not the game they wanted

>Flawless american english
>Doesn't look remotely asian
He's like 1/5th asian at best

Original prey 2 looked cool, but this may be okay too. Prey 1 was inredibly mediocre so I'm glad it's not a simple reboot with the same theme

Well it's Arkane so I trust them to not completely fuck it up.

Still, it's not really Prey, it's just something else entirely that's trying to cash in on whatever pull the Prey name still holds, if it ever held any.

I just hope that they made something good enough to rise above the name it holds as its own good game.

>Prey 1 was inredibly mediocre


Prey 1 was pretty great, why didn't you like it?

he's not wrong

be gone heathen i really liked it

Some impressions from the closed off demo at quake con
Prey 2 has a lot of RPG elements and deep talent trees. Was not expecting that.

Prey 2 has a glue gun. You shoot it at enemies and turn them into glue. Ok.

In Prey 2 you can turn into a coffee mug to get through tight spaces disguised as a coffee mug. Ok.

In Prey 2 you can also use your Gloo gun to make stairs and such. Out of glue. Ok

In Prey 2 you can throw grenades that suck things into black holes. Ok

Seeing Prey gameplay now. Dude is wielding a wrench, which lends this whole thing another level of Bioshock feel. But "weapons are rare."

The aliens in Prey can become objects like furniture. Could be a good way of messing with players.

One glance at the game's RPG elements and I'd say that this new Prey is clearly more like System Shock than the old Prey.

Oh snap, like the aliens, you can get the ability to turn into objects. They just showed turning into a cup to get through a small window.

They then used a glue gun to scale a wall. Looks like there could be some cool environmental puzzles in #Prey. #QuakeCon

You can also chain powers together. After using Mimic to become a small object, you can use Kinetic Blast to get yourself up high.

Now there's some antigravity stuff in space (complete with thrust ad O2 meters). This is the only thing that's even reminiscent of old Prey.

The space station where #Prey takes place is one big, open world. I wonder how guided the experience will be.

#Prey will ship sometime in 2017. Looks pretty cool so far. I'm interested in seeing more.

Gee I dunno probably working on it. They only hired the guy who has been working on T1 for quite a long time and they basically paid him for his work. I don't think he touched T2 before this at all.

>Oh snap, like the aliens, you can get the ability to turn into objects. They just showed turning into a cup to get through a small window.

What the fuck

I have tons of issues with it, spirituality included.
The AI is shit, the enemy placement is too predictable which makes an already shitty AI even an easier target, the enemy teleportation mechanic is broken because of the animation speed (which is about half of the enemies in the game), almost every weapon is incredibly unispired in mechanics and design, the game is too easy, the game has a stupid tendency to repeat every fucking sequence 2 times, vehicle sections are atrocious, portals mechanic uses are mostly unimaginative except for the one where you are on a small planet/rock (also repeated 2 times), enemy variety is shit (almost every enemy is a grunt that either already is already present or will tp through the portal mid-fight). And, of course, it has those stupid puzzles every game after HL2 tried to have.

Fucking Arkane i swear

>chris avellone
>prey reimagining


>doesn't like chris avellone

>You will never play Bounty hunter prey set in a futuristic Alien city

>Instead you will play as furniture to hide from aliens on a space ship

Whilst you typed this shit out, Chris Avellone started another Kickstarter.

I was never impressed with Prey 2. I'll take a System Shock clone over that.

What's wrong with AA and transparency here?


Why not idtech 6?

I'm fine with this

>you can turn into a coffee mug to get through tight spaces disguised as a coffee mug. Ok.

As if a System Shock style game being developed by Arkane with Chris Avellone handling the story wasn't good enough, they decided to go completely bananas with it

Meh. I'm kind of bored of Dead Space run around shooting aliens shit.

I wanted to be a bounty hunter... and run around and shoot aliens. But, you know, for creditz.

Looks like SOMA with generic combat. So much for the cool bounty hunter game

>chest high walls everywhere
>autoaim snapping

gimmick shit, and dishonored was mediocre. Don't know where all the praise for it comes from.

>generic combat

There is not nearly enough bounty hunter games in the world to quench my thirst.

I can't really think of any other than Mace Griffin and Star Wars Bounty Hunter.

People have different opinions user

Well I love me some wacky novelty gimmicks and thought Dishonored was pretty great, despite its flaws

utter shit siquel for a good game

Tommy was gonna be in P2

What the fuck are you talking about retard.

but it was
started great, introduced some great ideas/gimmicks, and fell off really quickly

What the fuck have they done? That looks like dogshit.


i get why dishonored isnt liked by everyone
still its the last released game to my all time fav list

Underwhelmed. They said it'd have nothing to do with the original Prey and they're right. Doesn't capture the feel at all. Maybe if this "Morgan Yu" fellow harnessed his inner samurai or something but Shadow Warrior has the sword shtick.

god i fucking love arkane
one of the very last true developers

>“Prey is not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it has no tie with the original,”


It was an alright game, I think the best part of it was the atmosphere and how gross it was.

im surprised they choosed cryengine

The monster design is the most bland and uninspired shit I've ever seen.

>you can turn into a coffee mug to get through tight spaces disguised as a coffee mug

If only you could turn yourself into a PC to turn on a different game

I'm gonna donate the shit outta that

It's CryEngine

No it's not CryEngine, they're using ID Tech 5 and you can tell.

It's not fucking CryEngine, why would you post nonsense like that?

It's CryEngine

Yes it is

>everything is a mimic
My erection is INFINITE!

Looks like System Shock mixed with that cancelled XCOM FPS rather than Prey.

Did you guys ever see a CryEngine 3 game?
That's the Id Tech 5 Engine.

Lay off the sausage, Wilhelm

fuck off allready

why does this even have the name Prey?

Beth has to use Prey trademark or they lose it

Ok, then why can't they make it look good?
Why does it look like it's from 2011?

It's a fucking youtube video, spergstein

looks more like system shock so i'm certainly interested
should've been an original ip though

>Normal guns


>It's a fucking youtube video

Is this the worst excuse ever used?

This sounds so fucking hilarious, will certainly play in this.

>What is compression

>There's an alien/parasite/disease outbreak, contained entirely within this spaceship
>you are the sole survivor
>you must prevent the alien/parasite/disease outbreak from reaching earth with your pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, etc
>find the hidden meaning behind it all

holy god damn fucking hell this looks so boring, I can't understand why someone would bother putting out such a generic title. Just do anything interesting for once. Fuck.

>this isn't a dream... it's a nightmare
>talos 1
>breaking containment

Yeah this game absolutely lost my interest.

>muh compression meme

Second worst excuse of all time.

I can tell from a youtube video which games look good, and which ones don't.

Prey looks old and outdated.

>I can tell from a youtube video which games look good, and which ones don't.
Because you can't actually run them yourself?

The most boring trailer ever.
If they had shown something unique or imaginative or some cool gameplay mechanic I'd be up for it
This is the most mediocre trailer and will probably result in a mediocre game.

I guess since the Bioshock series is done someones got to take their place

So you think that looks good? Like a game that could come out in one year?

Ebin, m8

That looks just as good as pic related doesnt it

>staring into the black between the stars

The fuck is that supposed to mean? Do they even read this shit before they dub it? I mean have they ever looked at the night sky outside the city?

And where the fuck is my chiefo and my metal?

Why even call this Prey?

This looks nothing like the first game.

It does look cool though.

Half Life Xeno Spin Off

It was Doom 3 with portals. Had some neat ideas but the gameplay was painfully average for the time. Too many hitscan enemies, vehicle sections were repetitive, the whole thing with the keepers went WAY too long.